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The massive proffession reworks?


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So far they have done:

- Chronomancer

- Scrapper

- Daredevil

- Berserker

- Scourge


Specializations they feel already have a tradeoff:

- Reaper

- Druid

- Tempest

- Dragonhunter


Specializations that will most likely be next:

- Herald (as facets aren't the profession mechanic)

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> So far they have done:

> - Chronomancer

> - Scrapper

> - Daredevil

> - Berserker

> - Scourge


> Specializations they feel already have a tradeoff:

> - Reaper

> - Druid

> - Tempest

> - Dragonhunter


> Specializations that will most likely be next:

> - Herald (as facets aren't the profession mechanic)

Correct, with 2 exceptions:


- they already did (more or less) rework herald

- you forgot deadeye which got a mechanical rework


If any profession at all will get a rework in the near future, it's renegade and its summon mechanic.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> So far they have done:

> - Chronomancer

> - Scrapper

> - Daredevil

> - Berserker

> - Scourge


Did they really "reworked" scourge? From my point of view they just added hurriedly a single minor change to how shade work without really looking at the traitline or the skills.


since PoF release, Herald had it's rework, deadeyes had it as well (at least they changed a lot more things on how DE work than scourge), scrapper had 2-3 reworks maybe it will get another, reaper, and even core necromancer, had quite a bit of work put into them, Mesmer changed a lot, core elementalist's traitlines had a bit of work put into them... etc.


ANet not being good at targeting the issues of it's spec don't mean that they didn't already put quite some work into them. If I just look at your list up there, it's like for you only spec whose QoL have been litteraly killed got a "rework". Chrono change was poorly thought, Scrapper have gone from "is this really an e-spec? there is no special mechanism..." to "What a cheap mechanism" then "WoW! awesome combo" and now "Clunckier? Is this even possible?". Berserker got a one trick pony effect that's been nerfed to the ground as soon as it was discovered and scourge whose issue was "too much area denial" kept it's area denial and lost what he had that was already lacking...


How do you want other spec to be "reworked" to fulfill your criteria of a "rework"?

- Deadeye having it's initiative replaced by malice maybe? So that there is no longer any initiative at the begining of a fight...

- Removing shatter from mirage? Afterall, why not?

- Remove 2nd health bar from reaper shroud? Simple an effective.

- ... etc.

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If they're still looking to enforce "tradeoffs" (ideally remembering that one less core traitline is already a tradeoff), it will probably be Mirage and Soulbeast in their proverbial sights.


For Mirage, I could see a potential for a fairly deep rework. If shatters were replaced by skills that got their clones to do something that was less impactful than a traditional shatter but which, in most cases, did not consume the clone, than that might allow mirages to maintain their theme without being so dependent on IH... while also reducing their spike potential in PvP.


For Soulbeast... I'm not sure. Easiest approach would probably be to give their pets a stats reduction, a la Druid, so instead of the lower stats being a druid thing, the higher stats could be specifically a core ranger thing. Soulbeast already has an easier time keeping their pet alive (since exiting beastmode revives the pet) so a soulbeast might still have advantages in being a beastmaster even with such a tradeoff.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:


> > Specializations that will most likely be next:

> > - Herald (as facets aren't the profession mechanic)


> No, herald has already had his rework and his "tradeoff" was not a nerf, but buffing core spec with it's own F2 functionality.


Facets are herald mechanics....

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> Kalla needs A MASSIV rework


So true... ._. I think Anet wanted to make it aoe based on RT and wards from gw1... gw2 is all about aoe but killable spirits as aoe.... it’s mindblow wrong.



Kala utilities could be ammo based... calling alies similar to Diablo3 guardian ghost allies...but with ghost charrs that could take 20% more damage from non phisical damage and damage reduced against phisical... well they are ghosts...


Other workaround would be transform utilities to be pure wards to support or take advantage...

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> For Soulbeast... I'm not sure. Easiest approach would probably be to give their pets a stats reduction, a la Druid, so instead of the lower stats being a druid thing, the higher stats could be specifically a core ranger thing. Soulbeast already has an easier time keeping their pet alive (since exiting beastmode revives the pet) so a soulbeast might still have advantages in being a beastmaster even with such a tradeoff.


I always thought the druid having less tanky pets was wrong tbh, surely it would make more sense if soulbeast had the less tanky pets (so they can keep the higher damage damage, but if you focus the pets you can stop them merging) and druid has less personal damage than core but better pet skills? I dunno, might just be me.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> If they're still looking to enforce "tradeoffs" (ideally remembering that one less core traitline is already a tradeoff), it will probably be Mirage and Soulbeast in their proverbial sights.


> For Mirage, I could see a potential for a fairly deep rework. If shatters were replaced by skills that got their clones to do something that was less impactful than a traditional shatter but which, in most cases, did not consume the clone, than that might allow mirages to maintain their theme without being so dependent on IH... while also reducing their spike potential in PvP.


> For Soulbeast... I'm not sure. Easiest approach would probably be to give their pets a stats reduction, a la Druid, so instead of the lower stats being a druid thing, the higher stats could be specifically a core ranger thing. Soulbeast already has an easier time keeping their pet alive (since exiting beastmode revives the pet) so a soulbeast might still have advantages in being a beastmaster even with such a tradeoff.


I always fancied the idea of soulbeast, having such a close bond to their pet to allow merging, could only have one pet.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> Isn’t the trade off that you “lose” your pet doing beast mode?


But then you get increased stats, higher damage F key skills, and the traits, skills, and utilities that affected you pet affect you all without having a bad AI animal borking things up for you. Not really a tradeoff IMHO, seems more like a better ranger than core ranger to me.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> So far they have done:

> - Chronomancer

> - Scrapper

> - Daredevil

> - Berserker

> - Scourge


> Specializations they feel already have a tradeoff:

> - Reaper

> - Druid

> - Tempest

> - Dragonhunter


> Specializations that will most likely be next:

> - Herald (as facets aren't the profession mechanic)


I also believe Weaver has its tradeoff with a global CD on attunements

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > Isn’t the trade off that you “lose” your pet doing beast mode?


> But then you get increased stats, higher damage F key skills, and the traits, skills, and utilities that affected you pet affect you all without having a bad AI animal borking things up for you. Not really a tradeoff IMHO, seems more like a better ranger than core ranger to me.


Regardless, you still lose your pet and it using its skills separately from your own. Also, those benefits that affect your pet are halved when the pet is not out.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > Isn’t the trade off that you “lose” your pet doing beast mode?

> >

> > But then you get increased stats, higher damage F key skills, and the traits, skills, and utilities that affected you pet affect you all without having a bad AI animal borking things up for you. Not really a tradeoff IMHO, seems more like a better ranger than core ranger to me.


> Regardless, you still lose your pet and it using its skills separately from your own. Also, those benefits that affect your pet are halved when the pet is not out.


Not a tradeoff. How would you like to have -180 Vitality or -300 Toughness? Berserker lost all core F1's AND takes a toughness hit in Berserk Mode. Would you like -300 Vitality while in Beast Mode then? You know what, that's sounds right, -300 vitality while in Beast Mode.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > > Isn’t the trade off that you “lose” your pet doing beast mode?

> > >

> > > But then you get increased stats, higher damage F key skills, and the traits, skills, and utilities that affected you pet affect you all without having a bad AI animal borking things up for you. Not really a tradeoff IMHO, seems more like a better ranger than core ranger to me.

> >

> > Regardless, you still lose your pet and it using its skills separately from your own. Also, those benefits that affect your pet are halved when the pet is not out.


> Not a tradeoff. How would you like to have -180 Vitality or -300 Toughness? Berserker lost all core F1's AND takes a toughness hit in Berserk Mode. Would you like -300 Vitality while in Beast Mode then? You know what, that's sounds right, -300 vitality while in Beast Mode.


Lol, you’re funny. Honestly those trade offs are more nerfs than anything and I think most would agree were unnecessary and stiffling to the espec. Also, just a side note for you since you keep saying “you” to me as an inclusion to a group, I don’t play ranger and haven’t for quite a long time now. It’s a boring class and very easy to counter.

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> @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > > > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

> > > > > Isn’t the trade off that you “lose” your pet doing beast mode?

> > > >

> > > > But then you get increased stats, higher damage F key skills, and the traits, skills, and utilities that affected you pet affect you all without having a bad AI animal borking things up for you. Not really a tradeoff IMHO, seems more like a better ranger than core ranger to me.

> > >

> > > Regardless, you still lose your pet and it using its skills separately from your own. Also, those benefits that affect your pet are halved when the pet is not out.

> >

> > Not a tradeoff. How would you like to have -180 Vitality or -300 Toughness? Berserker lost all core F1's AND takes a toughness hit in Berserk Mode. Would you like -300 Vitality while in Beast Mode then? You know what, that's sounds right, -300 vitality while in Beast Mode.


> Lol, you’re funny. Honestly those trade offs are more nerfs than anything and I think most would agree were unnecessary and stiffling to the espec. Also, just a side note for you since you keep saying “you” to me as an inclusion to a group, I don’t play ranger and haven’t for quite a long time now. It’s a boring class and very easy to counter.


I do that "you" thing a lot lol. I have my own ranger for full disclosure and yes I do enjoy Soulbeast, and yes I do feel it needs an actual tradeoff.


Seeing what Anet considers tradeoffs for one espec compared to another is laughably unbalanced. Considering the Berserker trade offs, a Soulbeast losing a pet and taking a stat penalty while in Beast Mode isn't out of left field, and seeing how much people hate Soulbeasts in WvW, I think most of the non Ranger community would love for something like that to happen. SB's would still 1-shot people from 1500 away though.


I have a Reaper myself, and I do not consider the differences between Reaper Shroud and Death Shroud to be a tradeoff. I have a Guardian, and I don't consider the virtues no longer being instant cast on DH a tradeoff either. Especially when Scrappers take -180 vitality just to be a scrapper and Berserkers lose complete access to core bursts in addition to a toughness penalty while in Berserk Mode.


If the Berserker/Scrapper tradeoffs where a standard to go by (Dwayna have mercy on us if that is the case) then SB only having 1 pet, and taking a stat penalty based on the pet archetype merged with would be on par. DH and FBs would take -180 toughness for choosing an espec, Renegades and Heralds would take a stat hit (take your pick), etc. Maybe more core mechanics need boosting, perhaps Death Shroud should not lock weapon skills and utility skills while Reaper Shroud still locks them.


OR maybe tradeoffs were a bad idea completely and utterly and they should undo them. Because that gets my vote.

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