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Instruments are not working correctly (Problem known since 11 November 2018) (New hope for players)

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I open this thread for a new hope for musicians. (old Thread: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61706/musical-instrument-issues-since-nov-26-patch-merged/p1](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61706/musical-instrument-issues-since-nov-26-patch-merged/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61706/musical-instrument-issues-since-nov-26-patch-merged/p1")) I hope it's not against the rules. Sorry for that, if it is.


I want to chill out for a time without farming items but ArenaNet hinder this.


The harp is a **very common** played instrument. Where are the musician players ??? Right! ArenaNet **bugged** the instruments.


When do you think will music, played via macro gonna be fixed? We are waiting since the patch from **11 November 2018.**


The harp is broken like hell and players are paying for it!

There are many problems with the chords while you are pressing the button twice. Why did Arenanet implement a **cooldown**?


**Gaile Gray, Communications Manager**, discussed the issue with us and "sent" the problem to the audio team. But we have no solutions and answers and it wasn't listed in the tracker!


I hope many people are missing the musician and wants to fix that bug. It's very sad.

These problems are so small but have great effects on the community.


We need the community from the past!

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Same here... I've heard some players playing music and having the same issue. At first I thought it was just lag, but nope. Some high octaves sound like low octaves and that is freaking me out! I can't play by myself because my PC is not good enough and there is a little delay, it's literally impossible to play even if you are skilled with music instruments, but at least with my macros it was possible. Do you think Anet did this on purpose? I know this doesn't make sense because macros are the main reason to buy an instrument, but who knows.

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Umm, instruments have worked just fine after they got fixed the last time about a year ago or so... except for the occasional soundless notes on the lute if you try to play just as the animation is finishing, and flute repeated notes not working, but you can work around it by changing the song a little bit. I don't use macros tho, so don't know if there is an issue that prevents actions done at inhuman speeds, I've heard some of these botters sounding just fine when strolling around town tho.

Imo the main reason to buy em should be to learn how to play em instead of letting software have all the fun, it's quite challenging and now I can play a melodica irl quite well after picking it up for the first time a couple days ago. Definitely a skill that transfers between two worlds xP you can even use the tabs people generally use in gw for playing any keyboard instrument irl.

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