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How would you all feel about a playable Orc Race?

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> @"Terra.9506" said:

> At moment I just realize... a new race I really want to play for real would be Centaur! imagine them in shiny heavy armor that would look so cool and very unique.


And how horribly everything would look, stretched across the lower body.

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GW2 used a different approach than other MMO who have either the classic races (orcs, dwarves, elves) or renamed versons of them (different race name but looking the same). I like it. I know there are other games that also use this approach. But because of the personal story there probably aren't many games where you get to know that much about races. (Only if you care a lot and read lore on websites maybe.)


So I don't want orcs here.


In fact we already have stuff similar to dwarves, elves, orcs, gnomes and humans:

Humans -> Humans

Orcs -> Charr

Gnomes -> Asura

Elves -> Sylvari

Dwarves -> The old dwarves in GW1 existed and in GW2 we have Norn as a vikin-like race that are drinking alcohol and stuff (like dwarves are shown usually)


I only miss som "classic" Dwarves like with the jokes about beards and females. (Do females exist? Do they also have beards?)

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Terra.9506" said:

> > At moment I just realize... a new race I really want to play for real would be Centaur! imagine them in shiny heavy armor that would look so cool and very unique.


> And how horribly everything would look, stretched across the lower body.


Or sitting on a mount. Egad!

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > > @"Terra.9506" said:

> > > At moment I just realize... a new race I really want to play for real would be Centaur! imagine them in shiny heavy armor that would look so cool and very unique.

> >

> > And how horribly everything would look, stretched across the lower body.


> Or sitting on a mount. Egad!


HAHAHA that would be hysterical.

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Id rather have something unique to Guild Wars if another playable race was added. Tengu/Kodan for starters. But if not those something -UNIQUE- that hasnt been seen before.


and i dont mean appearance wise alone, i mean culture, nature, how they act and look. That role for Orcs has been filled by multiple races already.

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I'm pretty sure Anet's already settled on the next playable race. Doesn't anyone notice the two cuddly quaggans currently decorating the border of the wiki? There ya go! Solves the problem of underwater mounts, too. ;)


Wuzzat? _Orcs?_ Who needs orcs when you have Thundercats from Hell...um, charr?

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> @"Tanith.5264" said:

> I'm pretty sure Anet's already settled on the next playable race. Doesn't anyone notice the two cuddly quaggans currently decorating the border of the wiki? There ya go! Solves the problem of underwater mounts, too. ;)


> Wuzzat? _Orcs?_ Who needs orcs when you have Thundercats from Hell...um, charr?


I wouldn't bet money on getting a new playable race in the next Xpack, much less _quaggans_ being playable.

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I honestly dislike the very thought of Orcs as playable races. To be honest, I would be angry if they introduced them as a playable race. I wouldn't mind much if they made them a side note, as are the other lesser races, in the game. While I can see no use for that, the lore of the game would allow it, as for instance a relation to Ogers.

But introducing them as a playable race, before introducing them as a lesser race, I find absolutely appalling.

Before Orcs, I would like to see: Largos, Tengu, Skritt, Kodan, Quagan, and many other races, as playable.


> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > I always liked & respected Guild Wars lore because it wasn't so Tolkien based..


> Shouldn't you say "Germanic-based"?

> Because that's where elves and dwarves come from.

> And the word may Orc derive from the Ork in the Austran folklore.

> The behaviour of classic (non-WoW derived) Orcs as brutish uncivilized races also resemble the Japanese Oni and the Norse Jötun (which as a GW2 race also have a spiritual aspect like WoW-Orcs have).


Emm, not really? The word "elf" may come from Norse and Germanic Mythology, but the elves you see there are NOTHING like what you see in the fantasy genre. The fantasy elves are much more like the Norse Vanir, the celtic druids. The elves in Mythology is deadly monsters that will take your soul away. They are more comparable with what the fantasy genre know as Fay Folk. The idea about a "good" elf? that belongs to Tolkien.

Your idea about the Jötunn is so completely off that I would almost say that you've seen too much Marvel. Jötunn is basically anything that lives in Jötunnheim, with any amount of intelligence. They come in all different shapes, forms and characteristics, from giants, to pixies. They might be as grotesque as we imagine trolls or enchantingly beautiful. I must also note that the concept "troll" is just another word for Jötunn.

It is so with most mythology, that there is no "Fixed" truths about any races or creatures in them. The majority of monsters in mythology are unique, until they're adopted by fantasy and altered to become a specific race.

I would dare the claim that there are no fantasy creatures that aren't inspired by some kind of mythology, be it Germanic folklore, Norse Mythology, Greek mythology, Jewish folklore, Islamic folklore or one of the many other sources. I would also dare the claim, that there are no fantasy races, which are playable, that aren't significantly altered from it's mythological counterpart. There are exceptions, but they're not mainstream.


> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > You do realize orcs are anthropomorphic, right? What would they add for which working on another feature would not be a better use of resources?

> >

> > How so?


> ??? How are orcs anthropomorphic?


> The definition of the word is having human characteristics. The definition I pulled up was bears so if we take dictionaries to be true we are talking the basics: 4 appendages, a head, a body, stuff like that. Orcs MORE than meet those qualifications!


"Anthropomorphic", is anything with *any* amount of human traits. A "talking stone", a "bloodthirsty sword", a "mushroom so burdened by sorrow that it cries", or a spider with a human face, the personification of death (The grim reaper) - these are anthropomorphic.

The word you're describing here, is "Humanoid" - "Resembling a Human".

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My boyfriend and I have often looked at the Ogres in the game and thought it might be nice if they were playable - particularly because like the charr, their sexual dimorphism is interesting to us. Why Orcs when we have Ogres, Op?

I think if Arenanet had the resources to exponentially expand the playable races and stories, Ogres surely would be among them. They are a people being pushed from their lands, killed almost to the brink of extinction, regarded with derision. There are a few that live peacefully, or travel and learn about the other races. They are scattered and diverse with rich stories to tell and the potential to be customized as thoroughly as any existing playable race.

Resources wise, with the exception of a few cultural pieces, I imagine they wouldn't have to make too many tweaks to existing armor. They could potentially wear norn-sized things.


If we could grow the game, I feel Ogres would definitely have a place; along with playable Tengu, Kodan, Skritt and Largos.

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as someone who loves traditional fantasy stereotypes like orcs and elves, they don't have a place in guild wars 2 and the game would be much better off going with existing playable races like tengu, kodan and largos.


Also, i'd argue that charr don't fill most orc stereotypes, true there are some basic similarities but there are also enough differences that the charr feel unique, both culturally and visually. Ogres fill the orc void pretty much in every category except the skin colour.


I also really don't get OP's suggestion that just because charr are similar to dnd races means there's room for orcs. I'm attracted to games that provide unique races and cultures and guild wars 2 provides uniqueness to most other mmos that i'd ever take interest in. (Also warborn aren't anywhere near orcs from a visual standpoint, nor from a lore standpoint either if my limited knowledge of them is correct).


Face it OP, orcs don't have the popularity to make it to guild wars 2.

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