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QoL Suggestions

X T D.6458

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Here are some that I came up with. There are definitely more, please add yours.


-Increase the number of bank tabs allowed for an account.


-Option to keep mouse cursor on the screen when holding down the mouse button.


-Option to disable opening of hero panel when left-clicking popups.


-Remove Story requirement for opening dungeon explorable modes.


-Show craft levels for toons on select screen.


-Change Mursaat Brogans to account bound to be in line with other living story 3 reward items.


-Create new uses for Tomes of Knowledge and Obsidian Shards. Or make a consumable item for them similar to the ones that consume ascended materials and unbound magic.


-Add noxious pod and Buried Locked chests to vendors for purchase to add to home instances. Change icon of Orrian Pearl node in Home Instance.


-Change it so Bounties in the Crystal Desert are triggered on engage and not when coming into range.


-Change Barrier animation. Maybe a simple plus sign and number, ex: +1000 inside the health globe instead of the yellow animation that makes it look like your health just dropped.


-Remove unidentified items from salvage all option.


-Add an option to dismount Griffon in midair.


-Add a way to safely remove sigils/runes from ascended gear.


-Fix dismount issues for Revenant's using Glint Facet's, and Rangers using Soulbeast meld.


-Revamp the Daily system. Create Bronze/Silver/Gold tiers. Easy stuff like gathering, vista viewers can go into Bronze. This would make it easier to put dailies like dungeons, jumping puzzles, world events etc more often. Here is an example for PvE...


Bronze-Ascalon Gatherer, Orr Vista Viewer

Silver-Auric Basin Events, Karka Queen

Gold-Citadel of Flame path, Forsaken Fortune Minidungeon



Just an idea, but I would personally like to see more dailies for each game mode.


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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Here are some that I came up with. There are definitely more, please add yours.



> -Option to keep mouse cursor on the screen when holding down the mouse button.



Bumping for this one option. It's very annoying to use ground-targeted skills in wvw when you're constantly moving/turning and you have to stop everything, wiggle the mouse to get the cursor back, then place it and click the skill. Meanwhile you're being destroyed by the aoe's that dropped on you while you stopped to do this (or being targeted because you suddenly stand out from the group). This one change would literally be the difference between life and death sometimes.


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