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Home Instance [SUGGESTION]


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I) Well, in all these years of GW2 we had a lot of opportunities to extend our home nodes. We've got the basic nodes, then we've got nodes for cloth and leather, then a garden and then a lot of map specific nodes. I enjoy the idea of map currency even if I am not a big supporter of 1 node for each map currency. My home instance is crowded of special nodes, placed on different locations and I lose a lot of time gathering all of them. That's why I would like to make some suggestions about a faster gathering method.


a. Home Servant

Purchased for 1000 gems (like the boards), this servant will gather all your nodes, daily, and place the content in a chest, near the entrance. The gathering will take place only if the player logged in (like the boards). All the player has to do is entering his home instance and loot the chest. This will allow him to gather all the nodes at once. The chest will work only for the instance owner, the others will have to gather all nodes by themselves.


b. One special node for each LS season, that will contain all the unlocked nodes for that season


II) Another thing I would personally like is a new collections category for Home Instance. Me and some people I know spend a lot of time and work to unlock and develop our home instance, so it would be nice if we could get someAP/titles out of it. We have a lot of things to collect for our home instance.


III) Home renting. This might sound a little strange, but I think we could have NPC at the entrance in a home instance where players can register their home as free to gather. How does it work? Well, let's say I have a pretty good home instance and I want to share it without waiting in the main city and form a party every time. I register my home at the renter, I set a price between 1 silver and 50 silver max. Other players can speak to the renter and a window with all home instances ,available nodes and gathering price will pop up. When another player select an instance, he will pay that amount of silver and will be teleported inside for gathering. Once paid, the player will have free access for 1 hour or 30 mins to that home instance (in case of disconnects etc)


What do you say about these ideas?



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**- Home Servant**

I'd be fine with this. It'd give some revenue to the company and be an optional QOL if people didn't want to use it.


**- LS Season Node**

I'd also be fine with this. Consolidation makes me happy, and it's already kind of what the nodes in guild halls are like.


**- Home Instance Collection/AP/Title**

There might be some resistance to this because of the thought that it would be 'locked' behind the gem store, but if it could be reasonably achieved with gold or in-game currency, it'd probably be fine. One concern, however, is that as they added more nodes, they'd have to go back in and update the collection to include the new ones. Maybe they could do that once a year or something as not to create too large of a workload.


**- Home Renting**

This seems a little complicated. I don't have much of an opinion on it.

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The home servant.

I still like to gather my home instance. But not always. I like the idea. But add an option to let the npc gather it for you or you do it yourself this day. So a yes from me. Also 1000 gems. A good price for it. Yes.


I dont like the all in 1 node.. my home instance is something i worked for. So i like how it fills everything up. If we going to remove stuff to replace 6 for 1. That for me is kinda meh. So no


The collections yes absolutely yes.


Make 7 seperate collections

1 for rhe gemstone ones (this is debatable for obvious reasons)

1 for each living story currencies (including icebrood saga 3 atm)

1 for festivals (bauble, candy corn, winterstree. Where is my dragon bash pinata!)

1 for the basic nodes.

And yes also 1 for the hungry cats.. (if gathering junk is worth a collection and ap. Why not this one????)

For the icebrood saga collection they could do the same as they did with the legend raid ring and legendary armor collection which did grow over time.


The rental.

Seems to me this is too much work which i dont think is worth the time of devs. Sorry

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For rentals? Seems like there would be an awfully long list of Display Names associated with accounts to choose from, and the list would be even longer if they listed all possible Nodes offered; and they would likely be ordered from least expensive to most, which everyone would eventually choose the lowest possible cost to offer so they would be at the top of the list. Then, if would likely be alphabetical, so only a few (dozen? out of hundreds? thousands?) would be chosen each day.



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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Regarding the Home Servant, what about gathering tool modifications ? It'd be difficult for ArenaNet to account for..


Yes...this would be a problem, but it being a QOL upgrade, I think the gathering bonuses will not apply if you choose the servant to gtaher. Of course, the servant would have like a turn on/turn off option in case you want to gather it the next day.

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