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If Instanced housing gets added, would you all be ok with them selling bigger instances for gems?

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> No matter how many people say they’d be okay with this, we’ll still see the same response that build templates saw despite people saying they’d be willing to pay for them.

First, it's almost as if these were not the same people. Second, depending on how the monetization is done, and quality of the feature, you might easily see even people that asked for it being disappointed.


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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Yes, that's how it works in ESO. I spend too much real money on housing over there, it would be nice to give that money to my main MMO (GW2) instead. :wink:


I spent lots of money in Rift's Dimensions as well. Would like to spend that in my main MMO as well. Don't play Rift anymore, and wonder if those dimensions are still there.

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It's a completely pointless poll to be honest since we have no idea what a base size would be. I wouldn't pay for something the size of a Guild Hall, but if we got something small than the home instance and we could pay to get home instance size then yes.


Then again if they just converted HoM, then I;d say no since you can't really expand that.


Too may ifs, buts and unknowns


I am undecided how much I want the feature at all. it used to be a really cool thing in an MMO (my Lotro house is awesome), but nowadays I'm not so sure. Given they poor way the handled Guild Halls, I'm not sure they could make housing work very well.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It's a completely pointless poll to be honest since we have no idea what a base size would be. I wouldn't pay for something the size of a Guild Hall, but if we got something small than the home instance and we could pay to get home instance size then yes.


> Then again if they just converted HoM, then I;d say no since you can't really expand that.


> Too may ifs, buts and unknowns


> I am undecided how much I want the feature at all. it used to be a really cool thing in an MMO (my Lotro house is awesome), but nowadays I'm not so sure. Given they poor way the handled Guild Halls, I'm not sure they could make housing work very well.


That wasn't the question though. The question is would you be OK with Anet having larger housing instances in the Gem Store?


Guild Halls are guild specific. Not everybody has ever experienced building in a guild hall in GW2 since its usually limited to a few people in the guild.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > It's a completely pointless poll to be honest since we have no idea what a base size would be. I wouldn't pay for something the size of a Guild Hall, but if we got something small than the home instance and we could pay to get home instance size then yes.

> >

> > Then again if they just converted HoM, then I;d say no since you can't really expand that.

> >

> > Too may ifs, buts and unknowns

> >

> > I am undecided how much I want the feature at all. it used to be a really cool thing in an MMO (my Lotro house is awesome), but nowadays I'm not so sure. Given they poor way the handled Guild Halls, I'm not sure they could make housing work very well.


> That wasn't the question though. The question is would you be OK with Anet having larger housing instances in the Gem Store?


> Guild Halls are guild specific. Not everybody has ever experienced building in a guild hall in GW2 since its usually limited to a few people in the guild.


I addressed the question right at the start. As I said, larger than what though? What's the standard base size we are starting with here to be able to even answer this?


I can't say I;d be willing to pay for larger - even theoretically - unless I know what I am starting with

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I believe it's not something the majority of players would care about, much like the home instances at the moment. A lot of people decided to buy nodes since anet made them purchaseable with black lion statuettes, but still.. people come in, they get what they need and leave. The same thing happens with guild halls, no one really cares about the amount of things that are there to see / build. It's cool, believe me, i really like these kind of things but people wanna have more pewpew or earn gold, rather than play house.

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> @"leila.7962" said:

> I believe it's not something the majority of players would care about, much like the home instances at the moment. A lot of people decided to buy nodes since anet made them purchaseable with black lion statuettes, but still.. people come in, they get what they need and leave. The same thing happens with guild halls, no one really cares about the amount of things that are there to see / build. It's cool, believe me, i really like these kind of things but people wanna have more pewpew or earn gold, rather than play house.


Home instances are far different from Player housing. Since there is little to no customization for most players unless you buy plots. Everything is prebuilt. In housing you can decorate or even build your own housing. Rift Dimensions is a good example of this done instanced. Now compare to Home Districts in GW2, they not even the same feature for you to make that kind of comparison.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Id like E-spec over this. This could be a good feature in ADDITION to everything we get in an expansion, but not as a core feature... guild halls would be much better.


> Yup, proper real content should always have the first dibs for dev resources.


If they decided to do something like this, it should be for guild halls. As they could fill this niche; And guild halls showcase they couldn't and wouldn't do it then and probably wouldn't and won't do it now.

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Bigger instances? No, I don't think that would fit in the gem store. But cosmetic changes? Totally.

Like changing the look of the instance to be all charr metalwork or something, that would fit right into the gemstore's way of doing things.

Maybe some gemstore items that are specific furniture or pets that run around your home instance.


But making it bigger sounds more like something that would be done via collection quests or an upgrade for mats system like guild halls.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> If this feature were to be introduced - which I personally believe is a waste of time, but some people can only express themselves through decorating a fake space in a fantasy adventure game, I guess - this seems like a reasonably fair way to monetize it.


Many designs are created in "fake space" before hitting the "real world".


Ofcourse, a fantasy game is not a 3d design program, but at the very least, putting ANY idea out in any kind of virtual space is 10 times easier than designing in real time.



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It shouldn't be only instanced. While the inside of the house should be instanced. The outside entrance of the house should in a be a open world neighborhood with the ability to decorate the outside with stuff too. I really hope housing is in the next expansion. Perhaps even allow guild hall entrances(also with the option to be decorated) in neighborhoods and perhaps allow players to decide to buy houses next to the guild hall entrances of their choice.

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As long as ArenaNet make it better and less expensive than Elder Scrolls Online's Hearthfire, I'd totally support this.


I don't know as of today, but back when I stopped playing, we couldn't add custom mannequins (it's a TES fetish, don't judge XD), no additional storage containers, every craftable piece was an RNG-locked recipe, houses had a max-limit for placeable objects and so on.


It was pretty much a very limited Sim City you could build and show to your friends.

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I think it would be interesting, but as I know cost or crafting of guild decorations, I really wouldn't touch such a thing. I tried to decorate a Guild Hall, but... these recipes including amount of items are like legendary weapons, seriously. It's not super expensive, but if you want to craft a piece of stone, you have to craft it from 70 different items.

Housing would be nice if these instanced "rooms" had access to needful things, not only to decorate and look pretty. Pretty and useful places are public instances like Mistlock Sanctuary.

Honestly, before Cooking 500, I was visiting home instance only for story. Today I have to plant seeds and gather plants for ascended food.

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I would be okay with it as long as there is always some form of free version available. Well, not free, but available for gold or some other earnable currency. The same should apply to other similar "upgrades" like mont/glider skins. There should be SOMETHING you can unlock via regular gameplay or festivals just for the sake of variety. Make me WANT to upgrade and I'll do it; make me frustrated that it's behind a paywall, to begin with, and I'll be more standoffish.

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