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I am looking for a raid team.


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Apologies if this is not the correct section, but I am seeking a static raid team. I have some experience with wings (in particular W4) but it would be nice to go through each wing with a team that know what they're doing. I currently have a druid (full harriers) and dragohunter/firebrand if required.


I have about 5LI at the moment. I know that is incredibly low, but I have a huge willingness to get involved and I have done various CM's on T4 - so I know the environment to some extent. The most suitable time for me is saturday/sunday, but I can also look to schedule days in the week as well. My timezone is GMT.


My discord is Presentism#4571

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Maybe check the Looking For Group subsection forum at the top.


> Better yet, google one of the training discord servers and look there.


I had no luck with training discords. Joined 2 EU ones from snowcrows site and there was never any trainings actually advertised for weeks. I ended up leaving.


Syther, your best bet is to look for a guild that runs training raids.

I know Inglorious Scrubs [DPS] is recruiting, if you can find their post. They run trainings on Sunday at 6ST.

OATH also runs trainings on Thursday, 8ST, but i do not know if they're recruiting at this time... they do have a post on this forum somewhere, you can enquire on.


You can also keep an eye on lfg..check it regurlarly..Alot of training groups are a few players short from their guild and will advertise on lfg. You can then ask, if you can join their guild or join their raid team.


If possible, its helpful to be able to play more than one class.

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