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[Survey]: MMO in-game event research

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Hi all,


I’m currently writing my bachelor’s thesis at the Cologne Game Lab of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, and I’m researching the impact seasonal in-game events have on player engagement and retention.


I’m looking to collect player opinions on these events, especially on four of the largest active western MMOs (WoW, ESO, GW2, RuneScape), although responses and experiences from any MMO are very helpful and appreciated.


The survey is conducted via google forms and takes around 5 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous and will only be used in my thesis.


Every participation is tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated! If you have friends or guildmates that might be interested in taking the survey as well, feel free to share it. [Here is the survey!](https://forms.gle/X6Tyom3TmUHxpfAy5 "Here is the survey!")


If you have any questions, you can drop me an email at ks_cgl-research@outlook.com


Thank you in advance!


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