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We really need an official answer about this matchmaking


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I've never even once blame the matchmaking for my losses in any competitive game I've ever played. This game however is a complete disaster, by far the worst matchmaking in 5 years. One should not be around top 100 with a 60% win rate for a week and the next day not be able to win a single game. I went from top 100, 60% win rate to GOLD THREE in a few nights worth of games. Now I'm sure if I keep playing I'll hit a really long win streak and go back to plat 3, but the sheer amount of inconsistency is inexcusable and absolutely requires an official response from ANet. I don't care about my rank or if my team is bad, just don't give me a team that's completely outclassed by the enemy team. Again, my point isn't to complain about my loss streak, but about the inconsistency that is the current matchmaking. I've played through every meta in the game and this is the least motivated I've been to click the queue button. Why is ANet silent about this? The entire community knows your matchmaking isn't working, why not come out and tell us what's going on? Why keep bleeding out loyal hardcore PvP players even more?

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> @shippage.1983 said:

> Biggest issue is lack of PvP population, that can't really be fixed (except by making pvp not trash lol). That's why good players only queue at certain times, and always duo queue. Being top 100, I figured you should know this better than most? Matchmaking has always been bad.


I understand that, but it doesn't excuse the inconsistency. At what point does valuing the lowest possible queue time over everything else sacrifices match quality too much?

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I'll happily wait for better matches. Sadly, I'm guessing pvp population is too low for *any* matchmaking system to be effective.


**So, here's my suggestion, ANET;**

Make a "sanctioned" 1v1 mode. *Perhaps even bring back Polymock. That's a 1v1 mode that is inherently balanced, ( assuming that there aren't pay-to-win tokens added to the game. ) The balance team could handle Polymock, I think.* That game is a legacy of GW1 and is still played there. 'Sides.. you could sell gem store pretty tokens.


We get an even match and you get to sell gem store items for pvp. Win-win.

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> @paShadoWn.5723 said:

> Every gambler knows that if you see the start of losing streak, just quit. You play to win and not to play, correct?


I already do that. Also, why should we settle for matchmaking being such a role of the dice? Some is fine, this much isn't.

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Just play unranked like me. Anet has allowed ranked to become so toxic with the cheater club on the cheaterboard, afks, and pve reward hunters, It's just unplayable especially when you put heart into a game with ranked just to get 2-4 pugs that have a negative IQ score.


Just not worth it. I know going into unranked i should expect to carry. In ranked you expect not to but have to do it more then unranked.

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> I think the release of PoF new specializations can have quite a bit impact on the inconsistent matchmaking.


> Some players don't understand the new meta. Some players might remain on old effective specs that are no longer effective any more.


Might not even be the matchmaking, the strong builds atm (scourge and spellbreaker), make the outcome of games extremely volatile:


- Insanely strong burst

- Huge AoE

- Rezzing almost impossible


This means if the team balls up once, the fight is lost.... 1 wrong move by 1 player (mostly bad positioning, trying to rez etc.) and it's over.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> i can’t decide if i prefer to call it a ‘solo queue clown fiesta’ or ‘queue roulette’, but it definitely sucks dude. low population, bad matchmaking, and a very salty playerbase don’t make for a ton of fun


> can’t say i would be sad to see a 5 man queue pop up


Its queue roulette with a dash of clowns for me. I'm only here for the armor anyways. Not the greatest but know enough NOT to rush in a 1v4 if I'm the 1.

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Well, yeah. Their balance and their matchmaking sucks.


I'm by no means too great at the game. Maybe a 45-50% winrate, scourge being my new main for PvP. Yet in multiple matches in a row I can get stuck with 5-signet warriors and rangers camping longbow. Enemy team usually has at least 1 or 2 with the legendary backpack. I just log out and play out the dishonor in PvE. ANet doesn't care about PvP, so why should I?

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