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*spoiler* I'm a little confused

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > > @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > >

> > > > And why would it/he/she even bother trying to bond with us, when the simpler solution would be to throw several armies of Svanir and Icebrood and fallen Kodan and boneskinners and whatever at us? I think there's a legitimate reason for Jormag contacting us outside of just trying to bait us into an easy target.

> > >

> > >

> > > Well Kralk and the two others tried throwing force at the problem, and that didn't turn out so well for them.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > True, but the way I see it, Jormag is the smartest of the bunch. I think she (I'm just going to settle on that for simplicity) knows very well someone like the Commander isn't going to fall into her traps and will see right through her trickery and lies, so trying to lure us that way would be pointless. I think she has a legitimate concern, maybe the Deep Sea dragon, maybe Bangar, maybe something else entirely, that she wants to discuss with us.

> >

> > And writing-wise, that would be *so* predictable, lazy and an outright cliche. "Come to the dark side, we have cookies... that's right, you can trust me... Ha! Gotcha!" I seriously doubt that's the way Anet is going with this. Their writing has gotten better and better since LS3, and I'm expecting some legitimate surprises and twists here.


> But I mean, if there was something, why not just discuss it? She has her minion alone in a room with us giving this nice little speech and she's getting her beauty sleep beneath the ice somewhere, so why not just tell us what the supposed threat is then and there? Why drag it out? Because she wants us to witness it first hand and be more convinced? But as you say, we're smart enough to resist. So, what difference does dragging it out make?


> I guess there's always the possibility that this isn't even Jormag, or that something is controlling Jormag somehow. Seems highly unlikely, but that could be an interesting twist. This entire time we think we're communicating with an elder dragon and then find out that there's something out there that's capable of controlling/twisting an elder dragon to their will for a change. Maybe whatever was possessing things in the Dwarven fractal, or some other ancient entity that's mortal or at least not on the same scale as one of The Six or an Elder Dragon, but something from the mists or something older from Tyria. Would sort of fit the Lovecraftian theme and make the current trajectory seem a little more obscure.


> I don't know. I just don't think it will be Primordus, whatever this threat is. And I don't think it will be some random mob from the mists. I'm also not inclined to believe it's some "Mother" super elder dragon, though I'm not ruling it out. Would be interesting to at least learn more from Jormag, about how elder dragons came to be and such.


because maybe she knows full well we wouldn't believe her EVEN IF SHE DID tell us? I mean Im pretty sure its the six gods coming back to purge us. Or something like that from the mists (Demons or some such ) and her telling us that its going to happen? Telling us her and the other three including Aurene feel it, but jormag has seen it before and knows full well what is coming. Im pretty sure we would scoff it off...


However if say something were to happen and our cities burned and our people get slaughtered... and we see we aren't strong enough EVEN WITH AURENE perhaps we would be more willing to listen. Either way jormag spared the norn if you read asgeir's journal and let him leave, And even said the norn needed to be preserved because they are "Special". Jormag even went as far as to not move south, I don't believe the sons of Svanir represent jormag or its intentions but like all religions are the extremists who take things too far. Notice they are icebrood but this can happen without jormags direct influence... Svanir was corrupted by drakkar. What if Drakkar has turned on jormag, and is doing its own thing? If jormag wanted Im sure it could of moved south and finished what it started, kill the norn and move on to the other races... it stated it would kill to survive but it had not desire to kill for the sake of it. It seems madness hasn't taken this one... perhaps there is more than we know to this? Even kralk when he was liberated from his insanity seemed to be more benevolent and kind. He even stated he loved his children, and seemed to genuinely care for tyira and its well-being.


They are beyond our comprehension in their motivations, but I believe they do indeed have the greater good at heart when it comes to the world. I just don't believe mortal races have been a part of that... until now.

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> @"Tanith.5264" said:

> I personally do not give a skritt's patootie about the "gender identity" nonsense where a video game character is concerned.


1. It isn't nonsense, and it is plain ignorant to call it such.

2. All media has an influence on people's subconscience, so it isn't irrelevant for our real world society, even if it's "just a game".


> That said, Jormag's Svanir worshipers definitely have a "dominant male" vibe so calling him a "him" isn't a stretch.


Because of that, it would be even funnier for Jormag to be female. The best cure against misogyny. In any case, in this episode, all non-player characters noticeably avoided using a gender when talking about Jormag. I guess we will know eventually. ;)

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(I can't really address the first part of your reply without dragging the thread further off track and annoying the mods.)


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Because of that, it would be even funnier for Jormag to be female. The best cure against misogyny. In any case, in this episode, all non-player characters noticeably avoided using a gender when talking about Jormag. I guess we will know eventually. ;)


Now, _that_ I can get behind. There are a great many unanswered questions, and my charr necro really wants to catch up to Bangar and ask him what he thinks he's doing.


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