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The new whisper mastery


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Hey folks,


I'm quite confused about that new mastery. I leveled all the things and what I got with the mastery was being able to open some chests (all these essence chests), and have a light beam that makes less damage than my auto attack (and I am a condi reaper as main). And I still got no clue when this light beam is available. I can collect 30 bubbles of one color, the little icon shows me it's complete, but I have no special action key. Sometimes I have it while on my mount, but when I run a few steps, it vanishes.

During the meta I can fire it sometimes, but as mentioned it does almost nothing. So what's the secret behind that???


Kind regards,


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I've had my Spirit Essence Ability hit for over 75,000 damage. So that's certainly more than any auto-attack I know of. Consistently it hits for around 50-60% of that value. Additionally they apply might x10 (8 s), Quickness (8 s) or Fury (16 s), for a significant period of time. They also either Launch, Float or Pull up to five enemies, and break _a lot_ of defiance bar (this is probably their greatest asset).


So it's certainly not under performing to knowledge, you may just be missing seeing the damage number pop up on your screen (in all the battle clutter that's very easy to do, even when looking for it)? I'm not sure exactly. Try on veteran enemies I guess to test, it does a lot of damage to their health (~40-50% usually for myself) so the visual effect on their health bar is quite clear. The availability of it varies as best I can tell. Often when there is a defiance bar to break, but sometimes in other situations too. I'm not entirely sure behind it, basically if I see the action light up I use it.


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Concerning the damage, looks like it scales from power but not condition damage. As a condi FB I get hits for 4-7k. My mate with a power reaper gets 30k+. That's it.


Also would like to know when it is available. Looks like a random thing for now. Sometimes no single proc during the boss fight, then you mount up and run away and get your skill when no enemies are nearby :-)

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