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Fed up with unhealthy mechanics - taking a break until fixed.


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> @"Serenity.6304" said:

> Can only talk for me and some core nec friends, I am not a pro and only in p1 and p2 every season but even if I dodge the DE, if I have no way to use LoS I am getting ganked like immediately. Power Mes is easier to fight, burst easier to dodge and afterwards vulnerable.


Staff, shroud.. Los, keep moving.. Run while spectral walking and port back.



Core counter is a good s/d.. Maaaybe spam staff

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You all found his video worthy to speak about but couldn't make a single comment on what he points out. My guess is that people reading these posts might expect some more intelligent comments from those thinking themselves 'PvP experts' but then again it could be they have set their expectations too high. ;)

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> You all found his video worthy to speak about but couldn't make a single comment on what he points out. My guess is that people reading these posts might expect some more intelligent comments from those thinking themselves 'PvP experts' but then again it could be they have set their expectations too high. ;)


or maybe having 5 good players on coms playing against 5 randoms in unranked was doomed to end this way?

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