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[Suggestion] Add Pangolins to GW2

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First thought: yes please! One of my favourite animals and one rarely seen in games so it would be great to include them. Second thought: They missed one opportunity to introduce them with Elona, but since areas in Tyria don't match up exactly to real-world locations they could add them somewhere else later on. Maybe if we ever get to go east of Ascalon, since we know almost nothing about what's over there?


BTW have you seen the ["armadillo" mount skin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tremor_Armadillo_Roller_Beetle_Skin ""armadillo" mount skin")? That's actually a pangolin but apparently Anet thought they were too obscure and an armadillo would be more familiar. I remain convinced that what they wanted to do was a hedgehog (and if players dyed it blue that's just a funny coincidence and Sega can't say anything) but a pangolins scales are easier to animate than thousands of individual spines, then someone started calling it an armadillo because they didn't know about pangolins.

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It would be neat if they added that as a mini or a toy/pet like the Basenji, though I think I'd prefer mini so it would follow around. I find it a little irksome that they call that mount armadillo not just because it's bad science (bothers me when I see the weird prairie dog models sometimes labeled "meerkat" and I'm like, those big buck teeth make it an obvious rodent, a meerkat it is NOT a rodent!) but making people aware of pangolins could probably help, considering they are critically endangered.

Being obscure is a really bizarre excuse not to call it what it is-- not a lot of people know what a Tengu is and that didn't stop them from using it! We don't have "Knuckles the Porcupine" just because kids thought an "Echidna" was a made-up animal at the time, they got to have that moment of "OH it's a real thing? And it looks a little like a hedgehog, Wow I get it!"


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