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Please. PLEASE. Give us some Boonstrip.


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This is just getting Silly

I currently play a Condi ranger, 100% of the Dps/Survivability depends on being able to Kite/CC/SoftCC a target to win a fight.

It has become ridiculously hard recently with the amount of Stability and Resistance that has been added to the game.

~~Spellbreaker has to be by far the worst offender for it. Even if you dodge the Fullcounter shenanigans they still gain Stability (+Resistance if traited)~~

Nothing is more defeating than seeing your target stack 20+ seconds of Resistance knowing there isn't anything you can do about it besides try and survive, only to see their Cooldowns refresh just in time for the fresh hell to begin once more.

This wasn't intended as a Spellbreaker hate post but hey.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - I honestly don't care if it stays the way it is, just give us something to fight with.

I don't care what it is, or where it is, put it on the Soulbeast elite or on the Pig Beastmode skills if you must. I will make it work.


Please Anet, Please don't make me rely on that dreaded Sigil of Nullification.


A Very, very tired Ranger.


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Reason why I keep suggesting that - at the very least - Vulture Stance be changed to introduce some boon removal to the profession.


* Health threshold removed

* Interval increased from 0.5s to 1s.

* Effect can activate only once within the interval to Effect can activate only once per target within the interval.

* Might removed

* Strikes inflict poison (6s) and convert a boon into poison (6s)


If Vulture Stance can be altered to that, we can have at least 1 option available. It'd be limited to condi setups, but the utility will extend a bit more in other scenarios where even if the build isn't condi, just having a utility as a counter to boons would suffice.

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Boon removal would be nice, but it doesn't fit Ranger (Which I don't really care if it doesn't fit or not, but for some people and the dev, it probably does). They could have gave the Cheetah a boon hate skill, but better slap a wanna be teleport skill that has 35 sec cooldown and doesn't work with Beastly Warden.


> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> If you are tired, what am I suppose to be with my Mirage...


Mesmer has many access to boon swap and boon removal (iDisenchanter, Arcane Thievery, Null Field, Mind Spike, Mind Stab, Shattered Concentration). I agree that Mirage is one of the worst professions of PoF, so clunky and ineffective. Boon removal should have been the Mesmer work, but it has been given to Necro with a much better version : Boon CORRUPT.

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> @Krispera.5087 said:

> Boon removal would be nice, but it doesn't fit Ranger (Which I don't really care if it doesn't fit or not, but for some people and the dev, it probably does). They could have gave the Cheetah a boon hate skill, but better slap a wanna be teleport skill that has 35 sec cooldown and doesn't work with Beastly Warden.


> > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > If you are tired, what am I suppose to be with my Mirage...


> Mesmer has many access to boon swap and boon removal (iDisenchanter, Arcane Thievery, Null Field, Mind Spike, Mind Stab, Shattered Concentration). I agree that Mirage is one of the worst professions of PoF, so clunky and ineffective. Boon removal should have been the Mesmer work, but it has been given to Necro with a much better version : Boon CORRUPT.


The sad part is tha we got an answer for Scourge situation, for spellbreaker, for condi in general. Even for rangers gazelle bug. But for Mirage, zero. Kitten 0. So many threads and nothing. Not even a "we're looking into this"

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> If you are tired, what am I suppose to be with my Mirage...


Could you stop? In every single ranger thread I've seen lately I see this exact post. Completely unrelated to ranger and soulbeast.

Go play chrono. It's good. There is your answer until Anet figure out what they wanna do with mirage.

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> @Lazze.9870 said:

> > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > If you are tired, what am I suppose to be with my Mirage...


> Could you stop? In every single ranger thread I've seen lately I see this exact post. Completely unrelated to ranger and soulbeast.

> Go play chrono. It's good. There is your answer until Anet figure out what they wanna do with mirage.


Yeah this guy seems to be trying to derail thread completely by whining about another class. In regards to the actual topic: I'd rather see the amount of massive condition spam reigned in so that resistance doesn't need to be so plentiful and therefor could also be toned way down. Also burning nerfs because it ramps up too fast. If you just keep asking for counters to counters the power creep is going to get crazy.

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The solution is not to give rangers boon strip. Otherwise just let everyone do everything. The solution is to somehow contain the condi dmg so and the boon generation, so you dont have ppl spamming neither conditions nor boons. Also I think full counter is one of the most broken things in game and I'd like to see it chopped down.

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I agree that condi application needs to be nerfed, imo condi shouldn't be nearly as bursty as it is. But at the same time, ranger is the ONLY class with absolutely no way to deal with boons, and it sucks, we can at least get one, just one way to deal with them in base ranger, or at LEAST something like destruction of the empowered that lets us punish people for boon stacking.


Imo the easiest way would be to put a damage bonus for each enemy boon on the nature magic minor that gives us 1% damage per boon, just tack it on, or to give us a wind rider pet that has a boonstrip.

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> The solution is not to give rangers boon strip. Otherwise just let everyone do everything. The solution is to somehow contain the condi dmg so and the boon generation, so you dont have ppl spamming neither conditions nor boons. Also I think full counter is one of the most broken things in game and I'd like to see it chopped down.


I agree with this, Boon mindless boon spam builds and Mindless condi spam builds are in need of nerfs. The amount of bunker builds i have seen that get kills and/or live simply for the sheer amount of boons they are constantly applying is just as bad as the bunker condi builds that just rely on mindlessly applying conditions. Both are over powered. Both need to be nerfed. This goes for ALL classes. Boon duration and application needs to be looked at and reduced and the same for condition application.

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No. If there is too much boon spam nerf the boons., don't make every class spam boon corruption. Look at spellbreaker and scourge ruining wvw and spvp. The entire forum (expect necros and warriors) are saying they are broken and must be nerfed.


The amount of stability is quite ok. Resistance is too abundant. A boon as strong as it should have very few duration and very few sources.

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