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[Suggestions] Hard Coded Keybinds


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There are a few keybinds that seem to be hard coded and baked into the game regardless of the players preferences. I'll mention two now. One we can control somewhat and the other we have no control over. Lets start with the one we can control.


Call Target - So for call target the player is given an option to set a keybind for this which is great. Mine is Ctrl + T. The problem is that hard coded into the game for the same function is ctrl + left click. Which cant be unbound and functions regardless of the keybind the player has set. This is redundant. Annoying for me at times and I'm not sure why it is is necessary. I'd suggest removing this functionality as the player can set the keybind to that if they wish.


Ping/Writing on the Map - This one really annoys me. Its bound to shift by default. Im a shift to dodge person. I'm sure I'm not the only one. It is rather annoying that to write or ping on the map I have to either burn a dodge or jump before doing it so that the dodge does not get used. I am not sure why we do not have the option to change the button used to interact with the map but I would like to suggest a new keybind option added to support this.


Does anyone know of any other keybinds you'd like to see altered or changed? Perhaps keybind options added?

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