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How far do we have to go for anet to change?

The Ace.9105

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I have a bad English! (I apologize for this! I love this game and PvP, although I don’t know English, it has become worse and more unbalanced in recent years! I like to heal in raids playing druids and it’s very cool! I have 2 favorite classes in the game in PVP is a ranger with a long bow and a two-handed sword and a condie scorge! I understand there is a meta, but each time they get worse and worse they kill the game with their balance! For example: they didn’t take the skorzha into raids (almost) now and even more so, pvp as they could not shoot with a bow (although this is a ranger!) and all the builds can not for some miles, axes, swords and so on ... (I’m basting a long bow and a great sword!) you can forget about scorje! the game makes you play your favorite modes in 2-3 meta classes and no more! I don’t know how people look at it? and how they put up with it! and IT IS GENTLY SAID! I hope the games come and a LIGHT FUTURE and at the same time I wish them that all players do not tolerate this and go to other projects! maybe this will encourage the game to strain and work on it to the BEST PARTY! I personally come to the game in the first place is to relax after a hard day and enjoy the game! but she and her nerfs are even harder than work if you want to play pvp and raids again! ATP for nerfs! But they translate the store into ALL LANGUAGES! Instead of giving the game more audiences speaking different languages! Good luck!


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...When will they change? We've had GW2 for seven years now.


To make a comparison, you don't stay with someone and then seven years into the relationship wonder "when are they going to change?!" --cause they are not. Nothing anyone on this forum or reddit or anywhere else will have any chance of making anet somehow change. The best one can hope for is maybe they listen to reasonable suggestions and consider them.


We are helpless to affect changes in anet. All one can do is decide whether to continue playing the game or not.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> if living story wasn't successful they wouldn't be doing it, simple as that. expansions on the other hand probably weren't sucessful enough to justify working on another one for now, or they would be doing it.


You can't call it a success,because its the only thing they release.People don't have other choice but to play what arena net gives them.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > if living story wasn't successful they wouldn't be doing it, simple as that. expansions on the other hand probably weren't sucessful enough to justify working on another one for now, or they would be doing it.


> You can't call it a success,because its the only thing they release.People don't have other choice but to play what arena net gives them.


They did talk a bit about how they make almost no money off of boxes and expansions though and that's why the gemstore has been treated the way it has for the last few years, I don't remember where this was though (Dev chat? Some Reddit thread?).


Expansions aren't to turn a profit, they're to attract people back to games short-term for cash shops. That's why in games like GW2 you always see items like "Path of Fire Preparation Pack" and "Path of Fire Deluxe/Ultimate" being sold. You attract both new players to the game and old players back to the game and then they all get hyped and buy things for a while and leave again and the cycle repeats.


Its a model that other games popularised long before GW2 even existed.


The game I played for seven years prior to GW2, the lead developer would always say "this is a product and you're just a customer" to us, whenever we would complain on the forums about it feeling personal to us. And that's, just how alot of higher-ups think about it.


I feel kind of sorry for the old ArenaNet, this being their life's work.

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