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Yet another "help me choose main" discussion


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Yeah, as in title, I need some advise, I've made a post like this before, asking what class is most diverse, and ended up playing guardian up to lvl 80 and unlocking full fb and dh, but after that time I realised it's not what i wanted, most of the time i feel forced to run zeal + radiance retribution + elite of chose, becouse it's so much better then anything else, tried also condi variant, but still forced into sothing, so i'm asking what else could you recommend?


Few things I want in my class:

* playstyle diversity (not being forced to run certain traits, weapons, utilities; being able to change alot)

* versatility (being able to prep for anything, I hate feeling that I'm unable do somthing with my char (i doesn't have to be raid viable, i want to have fun, but I want to feel ok doing it)

* preferably slow big hits (skills like gravedigger, worldly impact, that you feel when you hit)

* some in-combat mobility (i don't like to sit in place, some dashes, leaps, shadowsteps wouldn't hurt)

* quite easy time in solo open world and dungeons

* I don't care to much about endgame viability, i have friends to play with, and can play not meta builds, just not trash builds

* I like visual impressive skills (not necessarily magic, but that you notice)


Thanks for any suggestions

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> @"Jab.7309" said:

> Yeah, as in title, I need some advise, I've made a post like this before, asking what class is most diverse, and ended up playing guardian up to lvl 80 and unlocking full fb and dh, but after that time I realised it's not what i wanted, most of the time i feel forced to run zeal + radiance retribution + elite of chose, becouse it's so much better then anything else, tried also condi variant, but still forced into sothing, so i'm asking what else could you recommend?


> Few things I want in my class:

> * playstyle diversity (not being forced to run certain traits, weapons, utilities; being able to change alot)

> * versatility (being able to prep for anything, I hate feeling that I'm unable do somthing with my char (i doesn't have to be raid viable, i want to have fun, but I want to feel ok doing it)

> * preferably slow big hits (skills like gravedigger, worldly impact, that you feel when you hit)

> * some in-combat mobility (i don't like to sit in place, some dashes, leaps, shadowsteps wouldn't hurt)

> * quite easy time in solo open world and dungeons

> * I don't care to much about endgame viability, i have friends to play with, and can play not meta builds, just not trash builds

> * I like visual impressive skills (not necessarily magic, but that you notice)


> Thanks for any suggestions


You just described the Engineer specialized as Scrapper.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:


> You just described the Engineer specialized as Scrapper.


Well, i love idea of scrapper and i love the hammer and wells, but i don't like rest of the engi too much, core is very clunky, holo while looking great is just quite boring for me, and i realy hate kits, they are very important for any engi build, but I just don't enjoy playing with any of them

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You play this game at least for a year, you seem to know at least some of the classes (but I'd gamble you know all of them) and yet you're still making thread after thread with a request for people to find a class that "does everything". Just play what you enjoy or -even better- play multiple classes depending on what you want to do at any given moment. Even moreso when you say it doesn't need to be meta: literally play anything you want in any way you enjoy.



>I've mained mesmer since 2012


Actually you play this game way longer than a year, stop pretending people can magically find a brand new class for you. Seriously, not sure what you're expecting to get from these threads.

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Since we have the option with the build- and equipment-templates, we can easily swap two totally different playstyles. I am currently playing with a setup of two totally different builds. My main build is a sustain power-house Scrapper that can tank and survive in almost all situations in PvE. High uptimes of stability, quickness, might, stunbreakers, CC, active defenses and recovery. The 2nd build is a standard Hybrid Holosmith which I use for bossfights or encounters where sustain is not required at all. I switch them frequently due to my needs. Problem with this strategy: Depending on your preferences, you need two gear-sets. You can obviously run even more builds, depending on your open slots.


Note: My builds are not meta. The Holosmith is so utterly fragile, that I mostly just activate AED right before overheating.


But you have already excluded Engineer, so how about Ranger?


For DPS you can pick the Soulbeast - Power Greatsword and switch to Soulbeast - Boon Berserker when you are in need of better survivability. If you use the Marauder's option, you can almost use the same gear. For better DPS, strength Runes. Power Greatsword can make use of a Longbow, which gives you a better ranged option. This would be a variant of combining two meta-builds with almost identical gear. Both use the Soulbeast and offer options to increase survivability. The only downside: visuals.



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> @"Jab.7309" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> >

> > You just described the Engineer specialized as Scrapper.


> Well, i love idea of scrapper and i love the hammer and wells, but i don't like rest of the engi too much, core is very clunky, holo while looking great is just quite boring for me, and i realy hate kits, they are very important for any engi build, but I just don't enjoy playing with any of them


in other words, you don't really like the following;


> @"Jab.7309" said:

> * playstyle diversity (not being forced to run certain traits, weapons, utilities; being able to change alot)

> * versatility (being able to prep for anything, I hate feeling that I'm unable do somthing with my char (i doesn't have to be raid viable, i want to have fun, but I want to feel ok doing it)

> * preferably slow big hits (skills like gravedigger, worldly impact, that you feel when you hit)

> * some in-combat mobility (i don't like to sit in place, some dashes, leaps, shadowsteps wouldn't hurt)

> * quite easy time in solo open world and dungeons

> * I don't care to much about endgame viability, i have friends to play with, and can play not meta builds, just not trash builds

> * I like visual impressive skills (not necessarily magic, but that you notice)


Your list is a lie then.


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Guardian is a very flexible class that's viable in multiple roles, and meets most of your requirements. I've been a Necro guy for a long time -- played a Warlock in WOW -- and love the Reaper, which you mention favorably, but I have to say that lately I've picked my Guardian more often than my Necro.


I don't run the hammer, but I think that could provide your BANG factor. (First throw the ring that can't be passed, then slam them with the hammer. Haven't done it in a long time, but it is amusing.

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> @"Druitt.7629" said:

> Guardian is a very flexible class that's viable in multiple roles, and meets most of your requirements. I've been a Necro guy for a long time -- played a Warlock in WOW -- and love the Reaper, which you mention favorably, but I have to say that lately I've picked my Guardian more often than my Necro.


> I don't run the hammer, but I think that could provide your BANG factor. (First throw the ring that can't be passed, then slam them with the hammer. Haven't done it in a long time, but it is amusing.


He's been there, done that.


> @"Jab.7309" said:

> ...ended up playing guardian up to lvl 80 and unlocking full fb and dh, but after that time I realised it's not what i wanted...



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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> He's been there, done that.


> > @"Jab.7309" said:

> > ...ended up playing guardian up to lvl 80 and unlocking full fb and dh, but after that time I realised it's not what i wanted...


Sort of. I tried Guardian years ago and found it to be boring. It was the second-to-last profession in my rankings. More experience, new try, different playstyle, and now it's my favorite profession. On top of that, Guardian has probably the most viable different styles/builds of about any profession. Several suggested professions don't have that kind of choice.

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> @"Druitt.7629" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > He's been there, done that.

> >

> > > @"Jab.7309" said:

> > > ...ended up playing guardian up to lvl 80 and unlocking full fb and dh, but after that time I realised it's not what i wanted...


> Sort of. I tried Guardian years ago and found it to be boring. It was the second-to-last profession in my rankings. More experience, new try, different playstyle, and now it's my favorite profession. On top of that, Guardian has probably the most viable different styles/builds of about any profession. Several suggested professions don't have that kind of choice.


I don't disagree with you. I love my Guardian, but the OP seems to not know what he really want. If he doesn't like Scrapper and Guardian, he can always go for Revenant. From his description, he can practically do all those with any profession to be honest.

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> @"Jab.7309" said:

> most of the time i feel forced to run zeal + radiance retribution + elite of chose


I have no idea what you are trying to do or how you are trying to do it to feel "forced" into zeal out of everything.....


Myself I haven't touched that traitline in YEARS now.

(if memory serves currently am running honor-radiance-firebrand, can't check atm, note to bear in mind because I can already see that argument coming - I'm using firebrand because I very much enjoy the concept behind it, and the rest is built around that - used to have virtues-radiance-fb, but decided to drop virtues for more sustain some time ago)

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