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You can't nerf Scourge without buffing Core Necro and Reaper.


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This. period.


If it isn't obvious to a dev as to why, then all hope is lost.


Personally Scourge just has an unintended functionally to stack the damage from each Sand Shade, which it isn't supposed to do apparently, just fix that and see.


I don't think Scourge needs an outright nerf, it definitely needs to be tuned down and separate the trait options between offense and defense (can't be both), but more importantly Core Necro and Reaper need to be buffed and be on par with the current meta.


People screaming Scourge/Spellbreaker are broken. Honestly they are on par with things that have been broken for a long time but anet does nothing about, i.e Daredevils with constant dodging and condi DD which is absurd and untouched. Ventari tablet Revs in Spvp, etc.


I would rather see undertuned specs, specifically core specs be buffed significantly, i.e. core eles, core engis, core thieves, core necros..



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I'm still in favour of the now meme worthy idea of removing Reaper's ability to be a condi spec and buffing its power capability (and buffing core necro's power traits too) whilst toning down Scourge, including the bug fixes, but adding more support (like adding a non stacking party buff that grants +5% damage/condi dmg when you grant allies barrier). Then you'll have 2 clearly defined Elite specs instead of having 1 over-tuned spec that can do everything and 1 spec that is overshadowed in all respects.

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> @Wintermute.5408 said:

> I'm pretty sure they can. Just you wait.


Summon Shade cast time increased to 1.5s

Shade skills now have 0.5 cast time

Fixed issue with Shade skills stacking

Skills that trigger on entering shroud now only trigger on summoning sand shade

Reduced cooldown of Staff 3 by 0.5s

Increased axe damage by 2.5%

Barrier has shown to be too strong in group content now only applies barrier to the caster and has ICD of 30s.





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> @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > @Exqq.7451 said:

> > > @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > > I'm pretty sure they can. Just you wait.

> >


> > Skills that trigger on entering shroud now only trigger on summoning sand shade

> >

> >

> >


> To be honest, that would be a buff compared to how it's now.


On its own yes, very much so. But with the attached (and obviously a joke) 1.5s cast time on shades, it wouldn't be.

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Core necro Definatly needs some love for sure


I havnt seen this stacking bug people are talking about. All my tests on a golem and in raids have my damage from shroud only hitting once per attack even with 3 shades on a target in the begining of a fight. It might be a even bug only when there are more than 1 scourge or intermittent.



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> @Lexan.5930 said:

> Core necro Definatly needs some love for sure


> I havnt seen this stacking bug people are talking about. All my tests on a golem and in raids have my damage from shroud only hitting once per attack even with 3 shades on a target in the begining of a fight. It might be a even bug only when there are more than 1 scourge or intermittent.




All the damage is calculate as one bubble, similar to how channeled skills are.

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The core Death Shroud should be looked at in order to really distinguish Reaper vs core Necromancer. Reaper should be oriented towards pure damage, and nothing else, while Necromancer should be oriented towards something more unique, either heavy condition damage (if you want to be boring), or damage support (similarly to Guild Wars 1 curse Necromancer), or life steal, or anything else because Death Shroud lacks focus and is just a weaker form of Reaper's Shroud at the moment, and finally Scourge should be an hybrid with both support capabilities through barrier and cleansing while also having the possibility to do strong condition damage while having strong area denial, but not as insane as it is right now, and not being good at everything at the same time.


Is it going to happen, unlikely, the core Necromancer needed to be looked at before HoT, it didn't really happen, or the balance always was very shy, then after the release of HoT Reaper totally eclipsed core Necromancer (honestly since two years I probably met three core Necromancer in sPvP, and they either didn't owned the expansion or were masochists), even though Reaper had, and still has, its own issues such as not being what it was meant to be, meaning a pure damage specialization, as condition damage Reapers always have been stronger. And today with Scourge the balance team has even more work on their hands, so the chance of having a rebalance on both Reaper and core Necromancer becomes even less likely, besides Anet rarely balanced its nerfs by buffing/revamping something that had little to no use before.

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> @Exqq.7451 said:

> > @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > I'm pretty sure they can. Just you wait.


> Summon Shade cast time increased to 1.5s

> Shade skills now have 0.5 cast time

> Fixed issue with Shade skills stacking

> Skills that trigger on entering shroud now only trigger on summoning sand shade

> Reduced cooldown of Staff 3 by 0.5s

> Increased axe damage by 2.5%

> Barrier has shown to be too strong in group content now only applies barrier to the caster and has ICD of 30s.


> :astonished:




You could have said those were the leaked patch notes for necromancers and I would have believed it.

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> @vicious.5683 said:

> > @Exqq.7451 said:

> > > @Wintermute.5408 said:

> > > I'm pretty sure they can. Just you wait.

> >

> > Summon Shade cast time increased to 1.5s

> > Shade skills now have 0.5 cast time

> > Fixed issue with Shade skills stacking

> > Skills that trigger on entering shroud now only trigger on summoning sand shade

> > Reduced cooldown of Staff 3 by 0.5s

> > Increased axe damage by 2.5%

> > Barrier has shown to be too strong in group content now only applies barrier to the caster and has ICD of 30s.

> >

> > :astonished:

> >

> >


> You could have said those were the leaked patch notes for necromancers and I would have believed it.


Well, boy do I have something for you on patch day!

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Just fix shade stacking and add tiny cast times to F2 and F5 so you can actually pressure them by stunlocking.

Or don't, let Necros have a bit of fun in the sun, god forbid.


To fix Reaper for Power, change Decimate Defenses from +2% prec to +1% prec +1% fero. Change Unholy Fervor from +10% axe damage to +10% damage.

To fix Reaper for Hybrid, change GS AA-3 to place a 180-radius Chill field for 2 seconds. (I honestly like the chillwhirl interaction and it should stay an option)


Don't neuter Deathly Chill, please. It's fun.

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> @Sarrs.4831 said:

> Just fix shade stacking and add tiny cast times to F2 and F5 so you can actually pressure them by stunlocking.

> Or don't, let Necros have a bit of fun in the sun, god forbid.


> To fix Reaper for Power, change Decimate Defenses from +2% prec to +1% prec +1% fero. Change Unholy Fervor from +10% axe damage to +10% damage.

> To fix Reaper for Hybrid, change GS AA-3 to place a 180-radius Chill field for 2 seconds. (I honestly like the chillwhirl interaction and it should stay an option)


> Don't neuter Deathly Chill, please. It's fun.


Your idea for _decimate defense_ is really great! I like it!

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I like Necro actually so don't care much about reaper and scourge, I would like it if Anet would give some more support power to Necro, something like the Engineer Turret trait when the turrets you put out give buffs to everyone around them, I would like if Necro pets could give buffs like that as well!

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> @reiko.6081 said:

> Core necro doesn't sell expansions.. And now that a big chunk of Necro mains got PoF to taste that briefly moment of being a decent DPS class they can throw necro out of the play field again


That is a problem if you ask me, tricking people to get the expansion by pumping up their class then after enough people have bought it they nerf down their class, surely they worked on class ballance for a long time they didn't made PoF in a week so Anet should really rethink their tactics and not use dirty trick like this, there is no excuse to do this since they had plenty of time to ballance it out and test it! Big expansions with new elite professions don't come out every month, they did this on purpose and that is really bad!

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