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Guild Missions : More Please!


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It would be nice if there were "new" guild missions, ie. new content. Failing that it would be nice if some of the existing content could become designated as guild missions on a rotating basis. (Some of the dungeons, fractals, strike missions, activities, festival options, and maybe some other stuff could be eligible as missions and offer guild commendations each week.)

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > Please remember when we are talking about former replies that was pre-team re-arrangements, we need to stop assuming old limitations are current ones.

> Indeed. Nowadays, they are likely to have even _more_ limitations, not less, though.




You may be right, but until confirmed, aim for the pie in the sky. To pull someone else's adage, it's called 'Guild' Wars yes? So what's up with advancing stuff for a guild?

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