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Report: Stuck in Queue

Gaile Gray.6029

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Okay it was fixed earlier today. I played 2 matches with my friend and now I cannot queue again. What gives ANET? I'm trying to have fun with my friend and grind out my boxes before the end of the season. Is this a joke or something? I'm seriously reconsidering why I picked up playing again.

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> @"joeyhighbody.6017" said:

> Okay it was fixed earlier today. I played 2 matches with my friend and now I cannot queue again. What gives ANET? I'm trying to have fun with my friend and grind out my boxes before the end of the season. Is this a joke or something? I'm seriously reconsidering why I picked up playing again.


After a few minutes it began working again.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Please use this thread to let the devs know if you are stuck in a PvP queue. The team will be reviewing this thread as often as possible and taking steps to get you back into the fray!


I cant que and i really want to so i can get something for my armor and is the last day i can play and is really annoying

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I had a similar issue again. My match started and I DC'd. I Restarted GW but could not rejoin my team. I was stuck in the PVP Lobby. I clicked the PVP tab and it stated "Match In Progress" I switched characters but had same problem. I then switched to WVW and then was placed back into match. Crazy Right! But too late. We were way behind and lost. I tried to join a new match but couldn't because of dishonor. My dishonor timeouts are increasing when I'm not purposely leaving the match.

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5hrs and counting. Got an invite buy a friend a division lower and we were able to queue... so I did. Got -20 for the loss, yay, and it was for absolutely nothing. It didn't fix it. I still can't queue, and cannot attempt to regain my place.


I have other friends who can still queue, but partying with them stops us both from queuing. So far it only worked partying with 1 particular person. Your bugs make no sense.

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Recently queued like 5-10 minutes ago and been stuck in the loading screen after the selection of Beta Djinn's Dominion in right of my face. Tried logging out, switching characters, and everything else - nothing works.


Communicated it with the map and received 2 whispers that it has been happening them just the same time it did to me. Pl0x halp. I luv PvP.

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> @"Phobetor.8016" said:

> Recently queued like 5-10 minutes ago and been stuck in the loading screen after the selection of Beta Djinn's Dominion in right of my face. Tried logging out, switching characters, and everything else - nothing works.


> Communicated it with the map and received 2 whispers that it has been happening them just the same time it did to me. Pl0x halp. I luv PvP.


I was able to queue about 1-2 hours after the post above....unfortunately, just got stuck in the same problem once again.

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