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Thank you and peaceful end of the year


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Hi everyone, hi ArenaNet team,

I wanted to take the release of the first dyable backpack skin which is also a cape! as an opportunity to say: Thank you! to the ArenaNet designers and team for these items and for the game you are creating.


I do not post often and if I do it is mostly because I feel something is moving in the wrong direction but I feel with the cape skin you went into the exact direction you outlined when GuildWars 2 started: Provide an enjoyable game that finances itself through cosmetic items.


I enjoyed the last addition to the saga which in my mind was nicely done and athmospherically packed, I even created a new set for my character to keep her warm (including the cape). For me what you have provided over the last weeks makes GuildWars 2 the best MMO out there where I can enjoy a game without pressure to always grind away to have the next best item, the next highest level.


Especially the decision to not put new content into an expansion but to spread it out over the course of a "saga" not nailing yourself down with a new map every time you release content but to enable the game to grow organically over time, adding different things in different episodes is one of the best decisions I have ever heard.


Please keep GuildWars 2 alive for many more years to come, be save, be happy and enjoy the holiday time.





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