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Nerf the Aetherblade Path?


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I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.

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Well, it's just like most things in this game, and I've said this a few times before: once you understand everything there is to know about the mechanics of an encounter, you'll be wondering how you ever struggled with it. It's just something that's compounded with the more people involved.


For what it's worth, besides the oozes part and the electric room, everything else could be soloed. I'd say the difficulty is fine for me. But for you, what specific areas are giving you difficulty that you feel needs nerfs?

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Its a matter of how you do it. It requires people cooperating together to get though the ooze fire path. I found it super easy by using 2 rev players using bubble centaur tome skill on top and following the ooze while the other 3 range snipe the elemental wurms. That is the only real challenge of it. The rest is stack spots to pull foes from out of; line of sight pull spots. If people's dps isn't good you will struggle on the first boss in the courtyard, and not knowing to dodge after the cinematic kills people. Lastly you have to have a hologram die on the boss if stacks get up to high.


Often times, regular players with open world builds cannot handle the intensity of that path. It was made to be a hefty challenge. Not knowing how to do it, and if there isn't dps/boons/heals, that path isn't for the faint at heart. I loved the effort that was put into that dungeon path. Enjoy what it is and was because they said it was a massive endeavor to make. They are not able to make those types of instances thereafter. Find someone who can guide you through or watch a video on it.

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> @"Bron.9647" said:

> I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.


Just curious, why did you come to the forum asking for a nerf instead of asking for help?

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Noone ever seemed to want to do it when I asked and the one time I was actually able to find a group to do it with, we died very quick, horrible, painful deaths. Maybe I just don't know how to do it, but if noone ever wants to do that path, how am I supposed to learn it? Besides, if noone ever does that path, what's the point in having it?

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> I've never seen anyone even trying to do that path.

> I doubt the path would magically see more players, even if they wasted resources on a half-hearted attempt to nerf it and fixing bugs that will be created..

> That aside, dungeons are not on Arenanet's radar in any way or shape.


The problem isn't on Anet, It's actually on player's attitude.


When they released boneskinner and make it like trash boss, everyone complained about that he's too easy. After put some mechanics to that trash boss, we started to complain again that he's too hard.


What will you think about if you are the game designer ?


Back to aetherblade, most pug get rekt by the ooze puzzle, not the difficulty of mobs or boss. It's hilarious that a group that defeat dhuum can't handle 2 oozes. Aether is easy once you figure out which skills you have can be used to deal with puzzle area. The rest area just like same to other dungeon or fractal.. kill on sight.


I'd rather anet make more content like aether because it's actually encourage us to take suitable skills for different situations. Not just press 1111 and watch you deal BIG duck damage.

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> @"Bron.9647" said:

> I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.


Very few people pug it specifically because it's mechanic heavy and there is generally a few explanation to do for the ooze room. However a lot of group still run it. It's also the only dungeon that awards you a unique skin at the end of it for completing it.

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The one thing that probably needs to be changed is the ooze room. It relies on gimmick mechanics that simply do not work all that well in this game (like keeping aggro), so it can be quite painful for average pugs. The rest was quite difficult in pre-HoT era, but with full ascended and a proper healer (as well as one-two decent sources of damage, like power dragonhunter or staff dd) it is sometimes hard to see now where that difficulty went.


It still won't be changed, though, because Anet tries to pretend dungeons do not exist.

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You guys have given me some things to think about. Maybe I was a little too quick to judge it, simply because I couldn't pug it or find anyone to pug it with me. I'll have to try asking around to see if I can find anyone that knows how to do it, so I can give it another shot (with a more coordinated approach).

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> @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> When they released boneskinner and make it like trash boss, everyone complained about that he's too easy. After put some mechanics to that trash boss, we started to complain again that he's too hard.


> What will you think about if you are the game designer ?


Well they didn't "put some mechanics", they were already developed but not working due to bugs. Since the game was marketed, promoted and sold as a game about player skill that you'd need to improve to overcome fights and mechanics, as a designer you keep the harder version with more mechanics. Then you take a close look at completion rates, if they stay at very low rates then it means the intended player can't rise up to the challenge so a nerf is needed, if the completion rates stay at the level you intended them to be (not all content is for all players) then you keep it as it is.


The reason they tweaked the fight so quickly is because it was bugged.


As for Aetherblade, I used to run it a lot with my guild, not really worth it nowadays. It sure has its tough fights. Now the main issue with it is impatience, which is a main issue with everything remotely challenging in this game. Players, trained by the open world, do not want to think while playing. Since they added a fixation mechanic/icon to the Underground boss, to make it easier to see who the boss is following, maybe they could add a fixation mechanic to the oozes too (if they haven't already) That would go a long way in making the ooze part faster, just like it made Underground faster/easier

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > When they released boneskinner and make it like trash boss, everyone complained about that he's too easy. After put some mechanics to that trash boss, we started to complain again that he's too hard.

> >

> > What will you think about if you are the game designer ?


> Well they didn't "put some mechanics", they were already developed but not working due to bugs. Since the game was marketed, promoted and sold as a game about player skill that you'd need to improve to overcome fights and mechanics, as a designer you keep the harder version with more mechanics. Then you take a close look at completion rates, if they stay at very low rates then it means the intended player can't rise up to the challenge so a nerf is needed, if the completion rates stay at the level you intended them to be (not all content is for all players) then you keep it as it is.


> The reason they tweaked the fight so quickly is because it was bugged.


> As for Aetherblade, I used to run it a lot with my guild, not really worth it nowadays. It sure has its tough fights. Now the main issue with it is impatience, which is a main issue with everything remotely challenging in this game. Players, trained by the open world, do not want to think while playing. Since they added a fixation mechanic/icon to the Underground boss, to make it easier to see who the boss is following, maybe they could add a fixation mechanic to the oozes too (if they haven't already) That would go a long way in making the ooze part faster, just like it made Underground faster/easier

They have added that mechanic - oozes aggro on people that have the pheromone buff (it was like that from the very beginning, by the way). It's not their fixation that is a problem, but the aggro on _other_ mobs.


Same problem can happen with the holograms, by the way, as they also use only normal aggro rules. The most extreme case can happen in the lightning floor room, where the mob you need to direct across the room can sometimes decide to aggro on the person on the first platform, even if said person is not using any skills and not attacking at all.


Generally, the whole dungeon was build on the assumption that aggro is easy to manage, in a game where that simply was not true. The fights are now not as hard only because most of the mechanics can be brute-forced through.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Rodrick.1942" said:

> > > When they released boneskinner and make it like trash boss, everyone complained about that he's too easy. After put some mechanics to that trash boss, we started to complain again that he's too hard.

> > >

> > > What will you think about if you are the game designer ?

> >

> > Well they didn't "put some mechanics", they were already developed but not working due to bugs. Since the game was marketed, promoted and sold as a game about player skill that you'd need to improve to overcome fights and mechanics, as a designer you keep the harder version with more mechanics. Then you take a close look at completion rates, if they stay at very low rates then it means the intended player can't rise up to the challenge so a nerf is needed, if the completion rates stay at the level you intended them to be (not all content is for all players) then you keep it as it is.

> >

> > The reason they tweaked the fight so quickly is because it was bugged.

> >

> > As for Aetherblade, I used to run it a lot with my guild, not really worth it nowadays. It sure has its tough fights. Now the main issue with it is impatience, which is a main issue with everything remotely challenging in this game. Players, trained by the open world, do not want to think while playing. Since they added a fixation mechanic/icon to the Underground boss, to make it easier to see who the boss is following, maybe they could add a fixation mechanic to the oozes too (if they haven't already) That would go a long way in making the ooze part faster, just like it made Underground faster/easier

> They have added that mechanic - oozes aggro on people that have the pheromone buff (it was like that from the very beginning, by the way). It's not their fixation that is a problem, but the aggro on _other_ mobs.


> Same problem can happen with the holograms, by the way, as they also use only normal aggro rules. The most extreme case can happen in the lightning floor room, where the mob you need to direct across the room can sometimes decide to aggro on the person on the first platform, even if said person is not using any skills and not attacking at all.


> Generally, the whole dungeon was build on the asumption that aggro is easy to manage, in a game where that assumption was not right. The fights are now not as hard only because most of the mechanics can be simply brute-forced through.



I haven't run Aetherpath in a million years and it shows

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> They have added that mechanic - oozes aggro on people that have the pheromone buff (it was like that from the very beginning, by the way). It's not their fixation that is a problem, but the aggro on _other_ mobs.


Maybe it helps some people here. If you enter the room, split up your group, kill the ooze and then the elementals. That way the oozes wont follow someone random and they will we full hp when they respawn. Since you have killed the elementals they wont be a problem for the majority of this part. Next, you let one person take both oozes. About halfway through one of the paths the elementals start respawning. Your group can kill them quickly enough and basically every class has some sort of projectile destruction/reflect to not make single elementals a problem. Easiest if you have a Renegade that can take a tablet for that part.


> Same problem can happen with the holograms, by the way, as they also use only normal aggro rules. The most extreme case can happen in the lightning floor room, where the mob you need to direct across the room can sometimes decide to aggro on the person on the first platform, even if said person is not using any skills and not attacking at all.


Yeah, this part is so much BS. You have to hit the think to aggro it but most classes dont have a weapon with enough range. And even if you do you have to take off your armor because that damn thing dies when you look at it.



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Ooze puzzles:

1. find out which skills/utils you can use to reflect or block projectiles, if you are 3 or more ppl just spam that, you don't need to use brain at all really we got elite specs, spam spam and you can ignore elementals.

2. either split into 2 groups or have 1 person agro oozes and the rest do the elems. (

) - if you agro both oozes solo just follow this route. Yes potato quality.

3. idk profit


Amazing great design puzzles with holo:

1. invuln yourself so you can afk walk onto platforms without being bothered by mechanics

2. have the person on doors use 1500 range or 1200 range with explosion like ele's fireball to agro the holo. U can precast attack before the holo spawns and hit it just as it appears, it won't agro anyone and go straight to the guy at doors. If not, you can have person on the platform where holo spawns stealth himself, then it's free. One could say "but how do i stealth!? I'm not thief!", luckily it's almost 2020 and every class can be immortal thief, mesmer and cc bot at once so it shouldn't be a problem!

3. ez win no?


Good luck man!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's not hard, but gimmicky shit. It was also the last try of anet to make a new dungeon path (and removed one). It just shows how shitty broken their communication was. People don't want gimmicky shit. It just doesn't work. They want to mow through hordes of enemies with moderate skill but not strange and annoying mechanics and hopping around. After that they ceased dungeons completely and though: no one doin' it mimmimi. Gosh... I cannot find any other words.

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Its hard enough to find people for any dungeons, let alone a specific path, let alone a much harder path everyone needs to be at least somewhat familiar with. I’ve been stuck for a long time needing just one more achievement for the whole section, it’s for killing clockwork something.. horror? I’ve heard it appears at the end after you open chests. So you need a full party, everyone to stick around after the end, find and open hidden chests, and kill a boss! That’s ridiculous

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Et voilà! Again I see the inescapable reason for Arenanet to develop a single player game next and shifting away from group content. Sadly, a lot of players in this game are not able to form proper groups, organize in guilds or communities and get skritt done. It's no wonder how things have escalated.


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> @"Bron.9647" said:

> I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.


Yeah, let’s make this community even dumber.

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> @"FOX.3582" said:

> > @"Bron.9647" said:

> > I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.


> Yeah, let’s make this community even dumber.


Maybe if the game worked properly, that path is full of gimmicky mobs, As Astralporing pointed out. The Aggro managment in this game is garbage, making that the required mechanic is laughable.


I wouldnt mind if they removed or lessened the mechanics, as the fights can just be brute forced through these days BUT its never gonna happen, dungeons are dead.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"FOX.3582" said:

> > > @"Bron.9647" said:

> > > I've noticed noone seems to ever want to do the Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor, myself included, because it's just insanely difficult. I feel sorry for anyone who wants to get Dungeon Master title, because good luck finding anyone to do it with you, and if you do manage to get a team together, it's likely noone will actually know how to do it and that you will all die excessively. If it were to be nerfed a bit, I think people would actually do it.

> >

> > Yeah, let’s make this community even dumber.


> Maybe if the game worked properly, that path is full of gimmicky mobs, As Astralporing pointed out. The Aggro managment in this game is garbage, making that the required mechanic is laughable.


> I wouldnt mind if they removed or lessened the mechanics, as the fights can just be brute forced through these days BUT its never gonna happen, dungeons are dead.


I still run them daily.

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