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[MEMES] Late night Ranked

Master Ketsu.4569

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> Were you around during season 1? People were exploiting this, HARD, with 4-5 man teams where half the team was playing on smurfs with tanked MMR. To fix this, Anet made it so only the rating of the highest rated member matters. There's no way they reverted what they fixed.


I started playing after Season 2, and I can't say I looked into it much then because I was gold, only playing between long breaks, and Duoing myself.


All I know is that it definitely happens now, or at the very least last Season after I stopped playing. You get into a game with familiar faces from the leaderboard only to see at the end they're queued with someone you've never seen or heard of before who isn't even ranked on the leaderboards. You also get smacked with a measly +7~(more or less, gain) or even worse -20+ loss penalty which, is only tied to the ratings of other people in your game. That is the single factor that determines rating gain/loss.


Hopefully i'm not putting myself on some watch list for saying this, considering anything left unfixed must be a _feature_ but the only two bug fixes i've ever seen related to DuoQ were when they removed the exploit that allowed one of them to DC and the other to get no penalty for it, and removing DuoQ itself the first time.

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