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Thief Elite idea - Executioner


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I’m not even sure if there will be any more elite specs but I had this idea so I’ll share.


Choosing the Executioner tratline gives thieves access to main-hand axe. Steal turns into Execute which changes based on your main-hand weapon. Execute uses all available initiative doing more damage for each initiative spent and additional damage if your target is below the threshold. Execute cannot crit.



1. Decapitate (Axe) - Leap then shadowstep then rest of the way to deliver a powerful attack that leaves your target vulnerable

2. Feint (Sword) - Evade backwards gaining swiftness and vigor then shadowstep to your target delivering a dazing attack

3. Deathly Shadows (Dagger) - Shadowstep several times delivering poisonous attacks that blind and confuse your target

4. Firing Squad (Pistol) - Shoot five ricocheting shots at your target (shots ricochet twice), secondary targets are burned then you gain stealth

5. Bombard (Shortbow) - Gain stability and fire multiple exploding shots at your target’s location. The final shot immobilizes your target



1. Auto attack - Basic three swing chain with the third attack guaranteeing a crit

2. Guillotine - A powerful strike that ignores some percent of armor

3. Gut (no offhand) - Leap and strike your foe

-Dark Edge (Axe/Dagger) - Shadowstep forward damaging all foes you pass though

-Draw - (Axe/Pistol) - Hamstring your foe and fire an explosive shot knocking them back



Heal: Mark of Malice - You are healed and granted regeneration when the marked dies

Utility 1: Mark of Retribution - A portion of the damage done by the target is reflected

Utility 2: Mark of Outrage - You gain fury when target attacks you

Utility 3: Mark of Sorrow - When your target dies it’s nearby allies are weakened and slowed

Utility 4: Mark of Confrontation - If target is more than 900 units away from you it gets tormented

Elite: Mark of Inevitability - You take and do more damage from and to the target but are healed by attacks from other nearby foes



I have a hard time with these because of everything that has to be considered. However, I would like traits that make marks benefit allies, some that create a condition spec though axe crits, and some way to generate might.

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