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Outfits vs armor skins, clipping, and cross-type transmutation


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Outfits are much faster and simpler to create than armor skins. They don't have any clipping restriction, and this allows for crazy designs that wouldn't be possible with armor skins. It is for a similar reason that we can't use a medium armor skin if our character is using light armor: the peices weren't made to match one another, and there would be tons of clipping.


While being able to do that would sort-of break class personnality, this has already been done with outfits that allow a mesmer to have a full plate armor. Overall, I think allowing it would do more good than harm. But the question of clipping remains.


There are armor skins that, when used, also cover up another equipment peice to avoid clipping:

* The Whisper's Secret Cowl is a headgear skin that hides whatever shoulder skin you're using to make room for the large cloth.

* The Flame Legion Vestments is a chest skin that hides any leggings skin to display a large robe.

* The Flame Legion Coat is also a chest skin, that hides your equipped shoulder skin to allow a crazy chest design.


This technology could be used to let us mix armor types and use outfits as separate armor skins _(which would have a side effect of allowing us to dye different parts of an outfit separately when used this way)_. This would go as folow:

* Having any sort of chest skin that extends below the belt (like a trenchcoat) would hide the leggings skin **if it is from a different armor type**, which would be replaced by the leggings skin from the same armor set as the chest skin. _Using a Rawhide Vest skin and an Apprentice Pants skin would replace the Apprentice Pants with Rawhide Leggings._

* Applying an outfit's skin to an armor peice would hide all the armor peices needed to make it work. _Using the Monk's Outfit skin on our chest armor would also cover our leggings with those of the Monk's Outfit. The Monk's Outfit's gloves, boots, shoulders, and headgear would all be usable as regular armor skins._

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