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Which class do you identify with?

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Here's a fun one.

Taking into consideration your phisical form, level of fitness, and personality wise.

Which class do you think you are more suited to in real life?

I don't mean your ingame favourite, but the one that has more to do with you.

For instance.

Are you passive, agressive?


This poll is not to be taken seriously.

It's just a bit of fun.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> Hmm, I'm probably that odd mix of physical and magic user. Though disabled, I ride horses a lot so I am pretty fit. I couldn't see me handling a greatsword, but a staff - axe/torch mirage with lots off magical dodges would suit me well.


Pretty cool.

I see mesmers, and see horses.

Since GW1 always had that idea of them .

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > Hmm, I'm probably that odd mix of physical and magic user. Though disabled, I ride horses a lot so I am pretty fit. I couldn't see me handling a greatsword, but a staff - axe/torch mirage with lots off magical dodges would suit me well.


> Pretty cool.

> I see mesmers, and see horses.

> Since GW1 always had that idea of them .


If they ever put a horse mount or skin in the game, I'd be all over it. Even if it was the slowest mount available. Said as 3 Arabians go charging past me as I take a sit down break. lol

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I suppose I should put mine too.

I choose ranger, because of their general feel to keep calm and keep to the background.

Sort of like camouflaged.


Just like them too, I love pets and nature.

Since I'm not extraordinarily strong but not weak neither, a medium class suits me well.

I'm not much of an engineer and somersaults aren't my forte, but I am extremely fast, either running as well as with my arms and hands.


I like to backup people and help if I see them in a tough situation.

So yeah. Ranger fits me like a glove.

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In terms of physical ability...a little over a decade ago I could easily have been a thief. Several years of gymnastics tends to hone one into an athletic Chihuahua-on-caffeine bounce machine - or it did when I was a little girl. Nowadays, I most identify with the class "couch potato." (Well...maybe a couch French fry instead of a whole potato. I'm scrawny.)


Personality-wise? A mix of guardian (I am *intensely* protective of my friends and family and strongly justice-minded), thief (I tend to keep to myself unless there's a fight...and regularly scare the daylights out of people who think I'm on the other side of the house but I've actually moved noiselessly to be standing right behind them), and mesmer (in keeping with the themes of masks and illusions, I rarely show people who I really am, preferring to keep up a cheerful, polite facade).


But for the sake of this poll? Probably guardian overall. :)

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I was an engineering major in highschool. It was a mistake, mostly because they didn't teach me much and everything I learned was obsolete in 5 years. It was all about building miniatures, and thanks to my tremors it proved to be a painful and frustrating endeavor. In college I was first a chemistry major, wherein I spent most of my time burning myself with acid, but I was good enough to land a side-gig from the professor's recommendations. Eventually I got bored of chemistry and switched to mathematics, but then my health went from failing to _failed,_ so now my profession is the mass aggregation of pity.


Even in my state, people still come to me with their mechanical problems. I guess I have a mind for it. The reason why I liked math is because there's a mechanical sense to it. So, out of all the professions, the one I relate to the most is clear:


Frustrating NPC escort.

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I like to tinker and design make-shift-crafts to solve problems in the short term, until the professionals arrive and do it correctly. Sadly this can take between an hour and several months. So aside of being cheap and quick, my solutions have to sustain for some time. I love working with chemicals (job), using natural laws to my advantage. I often get asked by my colleagues when things are broken or not working as they should. As long as the problem has a mechanical or programming issue, I can mostly solve it on my own. I permanently carry around a 25kg neodym magnet, which serves as a 3rd arm/hand for me and a twisted piece of metal, which serves as a key, pry and screwdriver. Protection gear is used as a shield and not kept white shining to impress the ladies. I often draw the dangers towards me to protect my colleagues, so I am often tasked with the stuff no one wants/dares to do. Not as efficient, fast or powerful as the others, what makes me feel a little useless sometimes. But while I do the ugly stuff, others can go beyond their limits. I contribute my part.

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If the warrior is a viable class in any game, I'll take.

In other cases, I'll take it and make do.

I've played games where the warrior class was at the bottom of the pecking order, in which case i tried to make do, or had a different class for online content.


Some games only have variations, like the berserker, or knight, but i always think

_magic is fancy and all, but it don't beat a slab of steel embedded in one's skull_

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