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[NA][Ehmry Bay] Small casual guild looking for core members - 30+ year-old players preferred


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Hey there forum people, our guild is brand new and we have just started out by recently capturing a guild hall. We are a small group of 5 people who enjoy playing through the game together and doing activities whenever we get the chance. We are mostly older players (35+) with day jobs so we play casually. I`m probably the most active one in the guild and am online fairly often, coordinating team-play and the like. We do story quests, random events, world bosses and the occasional WvW match (just for fun). Always willing to help others with whatever they need doing (Achievements and the like).


Currently I`m looking for a few more people to help the guild grow and to just play together really, older players preferred (Age, not game experience-wise). No representation required, you only need to donate items to the guild if you deem necessary. I have no intention of the guild ever going over 20 players (I feel that`s the ideal number of active or semi-active players), so as long as you join in for some team-play every now and then this would be a nice secondary guild.


We are english-speakers and have our own Discord (We are usually on).


If this is what you`re looking for just let me know, I can be found in-game as Ahksar.8159 or you can drop me a message here in the forums (I`ll check it once a day for one week after this post). Cheers!

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Bumping the post. We are still looking for more players that fit the description. Currently most players are on Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5), but 2 of us are on

Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8). You can always schedule to speak to me via Discord to know more or via chat in-game. Happy holidays!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have you got room for a conservative, absent-minded, fumbly-fingered old fart? (age 61) ;-P

I got into gaming late in life when I stumbled upon a free pass code for a beta weekend event for Guild Wars back in January of 2005 and fell in love with it. The henchman system and individually instanced maps were ideal for a (mostly) solitary player like me. I put over 8,000 hours into that game with probably 95% of that being solo PVE. I had discovered the joy of farming and chasing achievements. I got GWAMM.

I was in a small guild for a bit, and it was fun, but it fell apart after a couple months.

I've been on-again, off-again for a few years with GW2 and thinking some company might be nice now and then. Currently on Henge of Denravi, but I've been thinking about moving to a lower population world.

I'm also PST zone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there Taris, I`ve been away for a week or so and only saw your message now. We are taking in anyone interested and we have a pretty fun core group. The guild is pretty quiet since most people are off doing their own thing or have jobs / families, but there are 5-6 of us that constantly play together. Feel free to join us, just toss me an ingame mails and I`ll send you an invite if you`re still interested. Cheers!

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