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anet need to choice were to go (strike mission and raid)

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so basically we got strike to make pp happy whit raid-like content, but the "raid elitist" strikes again let me explain, this week there is the boneskinner is op as hell, more like a raid than a strike pugs go there and wiped, and that is very punitive... what they will learn ? to die?, i know u want pp enjoy the contents, but if those have a high pick on difficulty, most of the pve open party pp that don't do raid will get wiped easily, also u want this pp join in raid i suppose... i like hard contents like cm's and i do raid, but i tink more pp wil do and will enjoiy raiding if you simply split into not timed and timed raids , becouse i tink this is the main thing to make pp easy learn mechs, also most raids fails for the time pressure and not for the mechs, and whit that u also will avoid dps check toxicity by some kind of players. in fractal u have 4 different level maked for pp to learn and improve, raid don't have that also strike don't have (but they are supposed to be the easy raid like content) but if u push whit elitist and hard content pp will leave.

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I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this. The other 3 strikes are so easy and doable with random builds and squad composition, only boneskinner actually requires some good support and dps, instead of saying its too hard try to improve around it. No one is asking LI or KP for boneskinner strike, as long as you have a proper build know your role and get along with mechanics you will be fine. But if you want to kill it with a random build and ignoring mechanics while spamming 1, you will fail. There is already a lot of open world bosses that are braindead afk events, let the boneskinner be hard so that people who want to kill can learn new mechanics, roles and improve their skills.

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this.


:+1: Those baseless complaints are like saying, "Learning to play properly in a team equals 'elitism'! Only pressing 1, doing as I please, and preferably not moving at all is fair." :s

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What are you on about? Even training groups rarely struggle with enrage timer in raids, the issue is mechanics 99% of the time. Or they attempt to mimic tactics which are the norm in most groups that have some form of KP prerequisite to joining and fail for any number of reasons. Raids are easy enough as they are. If people make no attempt to learn more optimal builds their class, or a rotation, or get decent gear, why should their interests even be considered?

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Sooo... you don't want to have any -even slightly- punishing mechanics in strike missions? So you basically want anyone to be able to go with any builds or team composition, keep pressing 1, dodge nothing and still easly succeed? What exactly would be the point of a content like that? Current SM are easy even when "going in blind", which is literally what I did for each of them (and pretty sure a lot of other players did the same). I didn't see any elitism there either, not sure what you're talking about.

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> Casual player here. Did boneskinner strike for first time this week. Was it hard? Sure. Was it fun? Yes! Been doing strikes and enjoying them on my healbrand, actually considering getting into some raids, despite my arthritis. Used to raid a lot in LOTRO and I do miss it.


Most raids needs less fast reactions and movement than boneskinner. Give them a try :)

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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > Casual player here. Did boneskinner strike for first time this week. Was it hard? Sure. Was it fun? Yes! Been doing strikes and enjoying them on my healbrand, actually considering getting into some raids, despite my arthritis. Used to raid a lot in LOTRO and I do miss it.


It's good to hear that bro, welcome to join us :+1:

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I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is piss easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....


No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.

Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> the bone skinner is an excellent strike mission.. and I honestly think Anet is succeeding in their increase difficulty of strikes goal, to get people more comfortable with raids..and importantly..able to play their class better.


I'm unsure if the latter is true. Most people who struggle with boneskinner just quit the squad and go back to their throw feces at the keyboard like a monkey style gameplay. Anecdotally I've never met anyone in squad that went "wow that was fun, I want to try other hard content in the game" though I'm sure a tiny tiny portion of you probably exist. The sad truth is if the encounter cant be solved by pressing 1, its "too hard, too gimmicky, too tedious" and the casual population disengages.

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> @"Alyster.9470" said:

> I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this. The other 3 strikes are so easy and doable with random builds and squad composition, only boneskinner actually requires some good support and dps, instead of saying its too hard try to improve around it. No one is asking LI or KP for boneskinner strike, as long as you have a proper build know your role and get along with mechanics you will be fine. But if you want to kill it with a random build and ignoring mechanics while spamming 1, you will fail. There is already a lot of open world bosses that are braindead afk events, let the boneskinner be hard so that people who want to kill can learn new mechanics, roles and improve their skills.


I've seen it in every strike i've ever joined. If Anet just deleted their accounts on the spot on their first offense, Gw2 would be a much better place.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Alyster.9470" said:

> > I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this. The other 3 strikes are so easy and doable with random builds and squad composition, only boneskinner actually requires some good support and dps, instead of saying its too hard try to improve around it. No one is asking LI or KP for boneskinner strike, as long as you have a proper build know your role and get along with mechanics you will be fine. But if you want to kill it with a random build and ignoring mechanics while spamming 1, you will fail. There is already a lot of open world bosses that are braindead afk events, let the boneskinner be hard so that people who want to kill can learn new mechanics, roles and improve their skills.


> I've seen it in every strike i've ever joined. If Anet just deleted their accounts on the spot on their first offense, Gw2 would be a much better place.


And what do you consider to be elitist behavior? Please tell us what kind of bad apples you've met in strikes

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is kitten easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....


> No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.

> Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING


The issue i see, is thats not what happens. ive done a decent number of raids, and i dont even do the boneskinner SM. most of the casual population -stops- if they cant win a fight by just pressing 1, and if ANET wants players to make the bridge from SM's to raids i see it failing before to long, none of my friends who play who do raids do SMS either so im left to PUG, and thats just...no.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is kitten easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....

> >

> > No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.

> > Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING


> The issue i see, is thats not what happens. ive done a decent number of raids, and i dont even do the boneskinner SM. most of the casual population -stops- if they cant win a fight by just pressing 1, and if ANET wants players to make the bridge from SM's to raids i see it failing before to long, none of my friends who play who do raids do SMS either so im left to PUG, and thats just...no.


Yes yes it's very similar to what I was explaining

Most of the casuals auto attack to win and quit if they cant win that way


But people need to realise how are they going to get to raid standard performance if they dont practice in advance.. I think the bone skinner was a really good intro to raids as it has multiple mechanics where it can wipe out the group just like raids.. it shows that you need to DODGE mechanics and actually use skills instead of just face tanking all mechanics and just 111111


Way I see it Anet has done a good job with strikes and as it progresses and becomes more difficult people who are interested can keep getting better at mechanics and hopefully it will spark a interest to raiding.


Ps, I've been doing skinner on pug daily this whole week and have always atleast landed a silver reward.. I think it's just the time of the day and maybe joining a exp group if you are gonna pug skinner

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Alyster.9470" said:

> > I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this. The other 3 strikes are so easy and doable with random builds and squad composition, only boneskinner actually requires some good support and dps, instead of saying its too hard try to improve around it. No one is asking LI or KP for boneskinner strike, as long as you have a proper build know your role and get along with mechanics you will be fine. But if you want to kill it with a random build and ignoring mechanics while spamming 1, you will fail. There is already a lot of open world bosses that are braindead afk events, let the boneskinner be hard so that people who want to kill can learn new mechanics, roles and improve their skills.


> I've seen it in every strike i've ever joined. If Anet just deleted their accounts on the spot on their first offense, Gw2 would be a much better place.


Requesting a class is elitism? So for ex. If I want winter tires for my car in winter but not summer tires, am I a toxic elitist and need get my drivers license cancelled?!

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Alyster.9470" said:

> > I dont see any elitism in strikes, asking for a specific role or class is not elitism, people need to understand this. The other 3 strikes are so easy and doable with random builds and squad composition, only boneskinner actually requires some good support and dps, instead of saying its too hard try to improve around it. No one is asking LI or KP for boneskinner strike, as long as you have a proper build know your role and get along with mechanics you will be fine. But if you want to kill it with a random build and ignoring mechanics while spamming 1, you will fail. There is already a lot of open world bosses that are braindead afk events, let the boneskinner be hard so that people who want to kill can learn new mechanics, roles and improve their skills.


> I've seen it in every strike i've ever joined. If Anet just deleted their accounts on the spot on their first offense, Gw2 would be a much better place.


Afraid to say, but sometimes a minion mancer just doesn't cut it when there are damage or CC requirements... :P

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is kitten easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....

> >

> > No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.

> > Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING


> The issue i see, is thats not what happens. ive done a decent number of raids, and i dont even do the boneskinner SM. most of the casual population -stops- if they cant win a fight by just pressing 1, and if ANET wants players to make the bridge from SM's to raids i see it failing before to long, none of my friends who play who do raids do SMS either so im left to PUG, and thats just...no.


Well, I don't just 11111 anything, but still consider myself pretty casual. Lucky if I can play 3 days a week, rheumatoid arthritis developing in both hands, lupus. I can dodge though, some days better than others. Maybe because I have raided in other games in the past I am enjoying the challenge and hopeful that I can raid again. Used to raid quite a bit in LOTRO (minstrel -

healer and lore master - cc) before those became pure DPS fests. Probably showing my age there...

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> @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > > I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is kitten easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....

> > >

> > > No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.

> > > Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING

> >

> > The issue i see, is thats not what happens. ive done a decent number of raids, and i dont even do the boneskinner SM. most of the casual population -stops- if they cant win a fight by just pressing 1, and if ANET wants players to make the bridge from SM's to raids i see it failing before to long, none of my friends who play who do raids do SMS either so im left to PUG, and thats just...no.


> Yes yes it's very similar to what I was explaining

> Most of the casuals auto attack to win and quit if they cant win that way


> But people need to realise how are they going to get to raid standard performance if they dont practice in advance.. I think the bone skinner was a really good intro to raids as it has multiple mechanics where it can wipe out the group just like raids.. it shows that you need to DODGE mechanics and actually use skills instead of just face tanking all mechanics and just 111111


> Way I see it Anet has done a good job with strikes and as it progresses and becomes more difficult people who are interested can keep getting better at mechanics and hopefully it will spark a interest to raiding.


> Ps, I've been doing skinner on pug daily this whole week and have always atleast landed a silver reward.. I think it's just the time of the day and maybe joining a exp group if you are gonna pug skinner


People arent going to keep playing, thats my point. When the strike missions get to hard to complete with more than a bronze reward players will stop(seriously get rid of the timer, its the opposite of fun if you are doing a training run and it takes longer but you still finish it to get none of the rewards, i unno who thought that would be a good idea, but i dont think it is.)


The vast majority of players -dont care to learn the mechanics, they want to play an easy game- And if anet wants to keep going down the strike mission path they need to keep that in mind, i cant see Sms being popular for long if they keep them on the same level as the Boneskinner one.


If you thought threads complaining about story missions where hard, id standby for the SMs complaints and then nerfs because the majority of the community isnt able to complete them.


For the most part, players who do raids and the vast majority who just do PVE are on entirely different levels and play styles, and that always needs to be remembered by the devs. They know the shockingly large DPS variations between player skill levels, and its only gotten larger as the game has gotten older.


PS, I dont do SMs anymore. I did them once got the achievements and stopped, they just arent fun. Grothmar is really easy, two of the three Bjora marches are annoying AF not even hard, just annoying(Boneskinner and the Twins), and the third one was just to easy, add to that, again the lack of rewards. SMS give -nothing-, especially if you dont get higher than bronze. Why would i waste my time? They dont have unique armor(bought all the grothmaw ones from the TP cause the drop rate is trash in this game) or weapons tied to them that can only be gotten from the end chests, so ill go do something else.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

> > > > I'm so glad the boneskinner is the way it is. Every other strike is kitten easy brain dead content with no punishing mechanics u can face roll all the apes and auto strike to win .....

> > > >

> > > > No. Alot of players are too used to playing content they are guaranteed to win.

> > > > Strikes was designed at the intention of making a bridge for players to get into raiding and the skinner would be the closest boss to raids out of the lot. Anet definitely should keep this up with the difficulty so players get a good understanding of what raids can be like and the importance of BUILDS, MECHANICS AND RES'ING

> > >

> > > The issue i see, is thats not what happens. ive done a decent number of raids, and i dont even do the boneskinner SM. most of the casual population -stops- if they cant win a fight by just pressing 1, and if ANET wants players to make the bridge from SM's to raids i see it failing before to long, none of my friends who play who do raids do SMS either so im left to PUG, and thats just...no.

> >

> > Yes yes it's very similar to what I was explaining

> > Most of the casuals auto attack to win and quit if they cant win that way

> >

> > But people need to realise how are they going to get to raid standard performance if they dont practice in advance.. I think the bone skinner was a really good intro to raids as it has multiple mechanics where it can wipe out the group just like raids.. it shows that you need to DODGE mechanics and actually use skills instead of just face tanking all mechanics and just 111111

> >

> > Way I see it Anet has done a good job with strikes and as it progresses and becomes more difficult people who are interested can keep getting better at mechanics and hopefully it will spark a interest to raiding.

> >

> > Ps, I've been doing skinner on pug daily this whole week and have always atleast landed a silver reward.. I think it's just the time of the day and maybe joining a exp group if you are gonna pug skinner


> People arent going to keep playing, thats my point. When the strike missions get to hard to complete with more than a bronze reward players will stop(seriously get rid of the timer, its the opposite of fun if you are doing a training run and it takes longer but you still finish it to get none of the rewards, i unno who thought that would be a good idea, but i dont think it is.)


> The vast majority of players -dont care to learn the mechanics, they want to play an easy game- And if anet wants to keep going down the strike mission path they need to keep that in mind, i cant see Sms being popular for long if they keep them on the same level as the Boneskinner one.


> If you thought threads complaining about story missions where hard, id standby for the SMs complaints and then nerfs because the majority of the community isnt able to complete them.


> For the most part, players who do raids and the vast majority who just do PVE are on entirely different levels and play styles, and that always needs to be remembered by the devs. They know the shockingly large DPS variations between player skill levels, and its only gotten larger as the game has gotten older.


> PS, I dont do SMs anymore. I did them once got the achievements and stopped, they just arent fun. Grothmar is really easy, two of the three Bjora marches are annoying AF not even hard, just annoying(Boneskinner and the Twins), and the third one was just to easy, add to that, again the lack of rewards. SMS give -nothing-, especially if you dont get higher than bronze. Why would i waste my time? They dont have unique armor(bought all the grothmaw ones from the TP cause the drop rate is trash in this game) or weapons tied to them that can only be gotten from the end chests, so ill go do something else.




They're not fun because the rewards aren't worth the effort.


Removing the timer won't change that.


Strikes beed their own currency where you can buy stat selectable exotic armor. Helpful, without taking from raids.

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> @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

> also most raids fails for the time pressure and not for the mechs


This is so wrong. Raids fail almost exclusively because of mechanics. Why do people wipe at VG? Because of the explosion from not doing greens while failing overheal. Why do people fail Qadim? Because they don't cc or let 12 ads get to Qadim and then die. Why do people wipe Dhuum? Because a reaper dies or the bomb kills too many people. Largos? People don't dodge. Sabetha? People don't do canons, don't kick heavy bombs, die to flamewall. KC? Letting projections merge.


There is no fight in this game that when mechanically excecuted perfectly fails to the timer because even then you can continue, as shown in a 10 heal tempest vg kill.


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> If you thought threads complaining about story missions where hard, id standby for the SMs complaints and then nerfs because the majority of the community isnt able to complete them.


That's true only if they want the majority of the community to complete all Strike Missions. Every content type has a variety of difficulty settings, there are easy dungeons, fractals, raids and meta events and there are hard ones. Outside the Boneskinner Strike Missions have been on the easier side, with the exception of Icebrood Construct which is solo difficulty. There is no reason to nerf a specific Strike Mission, the entire reason for the existence of Strike Missions is to teach players mechanics and bridge the gap with harder content, this cannot be accomplished if all Strike Missions are an easy mode, rather a progressive difficulty curve is required so their intended purpose can be fulfilled.


If someone finds Boneskinner too hard, they can go to the other Strike Missions and get better at playing the game. That's how all instanced content worked so far and Strike Missions cannot be an exception.

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> @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

> so basically we got strike to make pp happy whit raid-like content, but the "raid elitist" strikes again let me explain, this week there is the boneskinner is op as hell, more like a raid than a strike pugs go there and wiped, and that is very punitive... what they will learn ? to die?, i know u want pp enjoy the contents, but if those have a high pick on difficulty, most of the pve open party pp that don't do raid will get wiped easily, also u want this pp join in raid i suppose... i like hard contents like cm's and i do raid, but i tink more pp wil do and will enjoiy raiding if you simply split into not timed and timed raids , becouse i tink this is the main thing to make pp easy learn mechs, also most raids fails for the time pressure and not for the mechs, and whit that u also will avoid dps check toxicity by some kind of players. in fractal u have 4 different level maked for pp to learn and improve, raid don't have that also strike don't have (but they are supposed to be the easy raid like content) but if u push whit elitist and hard content pp will leave.


Hmm fail to time preasure and not to mechanics.. explain why some1 then can solo a raid boss

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