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anet need to choice were to go (strike mission and raid)

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> @"xDudisx.5914" said:

> > @"DirtyDan.4759" said:

> > > @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

> > > also most raids fails for the time pressure and not for the mechs

> >

> > This is so wrong. Raids fail almost exclusively because of mechanics. Why do people wipe at VG? Because of the explosion from not doing greens while failing overheal.

> >

> > There is no fight in this game that when mechanically excecuted perfectly fails to the timer because even then you can continue, as shown in a 10 heal tempest vg kill.


> If there were no timer we would see people running entire groups of bunker builds to slowly kill all bosses that have no one shot mechanic. The timer is part of the reason people wipe again and again. If you remove timer there would be people running full minstrel gear, ignoring all mechanics and killing VG face tanking.


Back in the days when my raid group and I were training VG, we wiped the first weeks/months always before the enrage timer because of mechanics. And after we could execute the mechanics better, we wiped because we ran into the enrage timer and our first kill was only a few seconds into the enrage timer. After that, when we wiped again in the following VG fights, it was mostly because of the enrage timer. And when we killed VG successfully it was almost always before the enrage-timer hit us.


So, people wipe at VG because of the mechanics AND (later) because of the enrage timer.


Now, VG is an easy walk in the park for our raid group and we even did it some times low-manned and probably we could (if we want to) outheal the enrage-damage and also the explosions.


So, please take in mind in your discussion, that for example VG is now totally easy for you (and me). But for beginners it still is not. And outhealing the enrage-damage is surely nothing, a beginner/training group could do. And the longer a fight takes, the longer the time that players could fail because of mechanics.


And "people running full minstrel gear, ignoring all mechanics and killing VG face tanking" still have to be experienced players. This will not be possible (even without the enrage-timer) for beginners.


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