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What is the most visually obnoxious mount that we should have the option to hide from our view?


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On a related note I find the skyscale flapping animation while hovering pretty annoying.


Hoping Anet could make some kind of asura dynamics/tech flight suit/vehicle model to replace skyscale. Something similar to golem glider but more streamlined like the dynamics exosuit glider design.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> The skyscale is the only mount I think is obnoxious and it has nothing to do with skins. It's the giant wings flapping across my screen which I find irritating. Though I do have to say things have gotten dramatically better by now. When the skyscale first came out there were numbers of them hovering over any large gathering, sometimes so many that it was hard to find a spot where they didn't flutter across my screen. These days I rarely see one hovering and it usually is only one, making it easy to change my point of view so the flapping wings aren't visible to me.


I member :P


I took these shortly after the Shimmering skin came out.


![](https://imgur.com/tkBvlSv.jpg "")

![](https://imgur.com/O2TK1uk.jpg "")



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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Guys, a none option doesnt make any sense when the question is asking which is the most *insert anything* . There's always one.


> Ofcourse, the poll is fairly predictable. Most mounts are on the ground and smaller.


Actually a none option does make sense as my personal opinion is no Mount is obnoxious at all. Neither mount or skins. So to me none of those options fits. And I’m sure I’m not the only one

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