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Some reworks I would like to see


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Edit: Tabs are now open by default, they can be closed for convenience. Please quote individual sections if you would like to refer to something. Death Magic Touch-Up

This touch up will be focused on further refining the groundwork of the previous balance patch, with a focus on scalability and improving clarity.

Mechanical Changes

Minions Flesh of the Master's health bonus is being made baseline to improve viability in competitive formats.Health: +50% Death Carapace Take reduced damage per stack. Damage Reduction: 1%Maximum Stacks: 30 Death's Carapace: Explained The current base armuor value of a level 80 necromancer's is 1920 (full exotic armour with no additional toughness), the 600 toughness increase currently provided is effectively a 30% damage reduction at this level (1920 + 600) / 1920 = 1.3125, therefore a damage reduction will improve scalability of defenses while also allowing the specialization to be taken into raids without causing aggro issues.

Trait Changes

Adept Traits

Armoured Shroud Gain passive carapace in shroud. Death Carapace: 10 Flesh of the Master Gain passive carapace stacks for each minion you control. Death Carapace: 5 Putrid Defense Poison damage is increased. Inflicting a condition grants carapace. Poison Damage Increase: 15%Death Carapace: 1 Reactive Carapace Gain carapace when struck. Death Carapace: 2(PvE Death Carapace: 4)

Master Traits

Soul Comprehension Your passive life force generation from nearby deaths is increased, a portion of life force is gained while in shroud. Effectiveness Increase: 20%Life Force Percentage: 50% Shrouded Removal Lose conditions while above the carapace threshold. Interval: 3 secondsDeath Carapace Threshold: 10 Dark Defiance If you are disabled break stuns and gain retaliation.Retaliation (5 sec) Deadly Strength Unchanged

Grandmaster Traits

Beyond the Veil Carapace reduces incoming condition damage. Condition Damage Reduction per Stack: 0.75% Death Nova Unchanged Layered Carapace Gain increased maximum stacks of Death Carapace.Maximum Death Carapace: 45 Unholy Sanctuary Regenerate health over time, heal faster while in shroud. Healing per Interval: 0.5%Healing per Interval in Shroud: 1.5% Reaper Update

The primary goal of this update is to improve overall group effectiveness of Reaper, improve the grandmaster trait balance, as well as some skill touch ups.



A few changes will be made to improve usability and interaction using the greatsword set.[1] Dusk Strike → Fading Twilight → Chilling Scythe The auto attack chain is being given a slight attack speed increase to improve overall usability.Dusk Strike Activation: ½ sec (was ¾ sec) Fading Twilight Activation: ½ sec (was ¾ sec) Total animation time: 1.97 sec (was 2.37 sec) [2] GravediggerGravedigger will no longer be "spam-able" on targets below 50% health, its damage against targets below 50% health will be increased in compensation.Recharge Reduced: 50% (was 100%) Damage Increase: 20% [5] Grasping DarknessThe range increase to Grasping Darkness has made the claws slightly slow and will have a slight timing touch up.Activation Time: 1 sec (was ¾ sec) Claw speed increase: 25%

Reaper Shroud

[1] Life Reap The the cooldown reduction from the Reaper's Onslaught trait has been made baseline to Life Reap."Hitting with Life Reap reduces the cooldown of Shroud skills by a second."Recharge Time Reduced: 1 sec


There is a noticeable skew of strength distribution in the grandmaster traits that needs to be rectified. In addition some changes will be made to improve Condition Reaper.Soul Eater Soul Eater is regaining the ability to heal in shroud, however the healing will be split between PvE and Competitive formats to account for the difference in damage output.Healing: PvE: 2% PvP/WvW: 10%Cold Shoulder Cold shoulder's now additionally increases condition damage against your foe. Condition Damage Increase: 10% Blighters BoonBlighters Boon is being replaced with Shrouded Heart, a counterpart to the Elementalist "Stone Heart" trait. The baseline availability matches the existing trait's 25% availability.Shrouded HeartYou cannot be critically hit above the life force threshold.Life Force Threshold: 75% Deathly Chill Deathly chill's bleed has been replaced with poison to open up more build options for condition Reaper, while providing a minor damage increase. The poison also provides a strong advantage in sustain against opponents who do not cleanse before healing.Deathly ChillChill does damage over time Poison (8s)Reaper's Onslaught Reapers Onslaught is having it's focus shifted from Shroud to Quickness. These changes should improve group play potential while also decreasing the strength of solo reapers.Reaper's OnslaughtGain quickness when entering Reaper's Shroud. Quickness now grants additional attributes. Quickness (5s): Skills and actions are fasterFerocity: +250Power: +250Utility update

This update seeks to resolve some missing skill categories, make some minor efficacy improvements, as well as an overall improvement to Signets.

Missing skills

Spectral Rejuvenation: Spectral - Healing Become temporarily enshrouded, healing and gaining life force over time. Life Force per Pulse: 2.5%Health per Pulse: 1107 (1.0)Evade per pulse: ½ sec Pulse: ½ secDuration: 3 secondsCooldown: 25 secCasting interrupts the channel. Shroud Signet: Signet - Elite Signet Passive: Generates life force over time Signet Active: Reduce the cooldown of shroud Life Force per 1 Second: 1%Cooldown Reduction: 10 secCooldown: 90 secondsWell of Parasitism: Well - Elite Siphon health and steal boons from foes, gaining vitality each time you hit an enemy. Life Siphon Damage: 508 (0.1)Life Siphon Healing: 508 (0.1)Attributes per Stack (20s): 30 Vitality, 30 ToughnessBoons Stolen per Pulse: 1Number of Targets: 5Duration: 5 secondsRadius: 480 Cooldown: 75 seconds


Some active effects have been shifted to improve the strategic trade-off. Signet of Undeath has been made into the new elite signet, and has been replaced with Signet of Curses.Plague SignetCooldown: 25s (was 30s)Signet of Spite Active: Steal health from nearby foes. Signet of the Locust Signet Passive: Improves healing power. Signet Active: Sacrifice health to revive one downed ally in a target area. Signet of Undeath Replaced with Signet of CursesSignet of CursesSignet Passive: Improves condition damage. Signet Active: Inflict bleeding, blindness, crippled, poison, vulnerability, and weakness on your foe. Signets of Suffering - Trait Signets currently on cooldown will no longer be active during shroud.

Miscellaneous Skill Updates

Spectral Grasp Cooldown: 30s (was 35s)Well of Darkness Additionally applies Crippled (1s)Spectral Walk Swiftness duration reduced to 20sMaster of Corruption Conditions inflicted upon yourself are additionally applied to your target.Recharge Reduction: 20% (was 33%)Thank you for reading!
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