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Mac Client Crashing After Lunar Year Update

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After the Lunar update, I was doing events in Mount Maelstrom, (staff daredevil, if it matters), and I noticed that my game started hard crashing whenever my game experienced FPS lag, whether it be from dismounting, or going into combat and having a dps higher than 1k. I experienced 6 crashes in 10 minutes, which seemed to mainly appear when I gained a large amount of particles at one time (such as damage shown, legendary footprints, attack visual effects, etc). I am not sure what the exact cause is for this crash, though it is making the game unplayable.

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I'm having the same problem as well. My client was crashing extensively like this when the wintersday patch happened, but turning my settings to the lowest setting allowed the game to still be playable. With the lunar new year patch, my settings are all as low as possible and i can barely go more that 30 seconds before the client crashes. It's unplayable and very frustrating.

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Agreed. Crashing in Divinity's was understandable due to high player traffic, but crashing repeatedly in Brisban Wildlands and the Grove was wild. In the Grove, I was simply jumping down from one level to another or trying to preview the black lion chest and my game crashed repeatedly. About 5-6 times in 10 minutes. Afterwards, in Brisban, it crashed with almost any Holosmith weapon skill (especially HoloForge) and the same thing with Scrapper skill 2. Led to some giggles between my friend and I but the game was unplayable. Probably crashed a total of 12 times within 20 minutes. Battle was impossible and even running up a rock is impossible. Please fix this!!

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