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Minions go away upon levelling


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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> Minions also go away by changing mounts to fast. Dismounting and Mounting to fast... CC.... Anytime you zone into a new territory, story, instance.


> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Transforms as well, like various tonics or forced transforms. Only necro shroud is an exception.


I know about the transforms and the mount dismount and the other stuff, my main is a necro..this is a new toon. I am talking about as soon as your character levels now, even in the middle of a fight, the minions go away. Roll a new necro and you will see what m talking about.


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The reason why probably has to do with the Flesh of the Master trait. Note that if I'm correct, the trait being equipped or not is irrelevant, it was a change made because of the trait and I think backend coding is causing this phenomenon.


When the Specialization update hit, Flesh of the Master was working in such a way that you could slot it, summon the minions with the extra health, then swap out the trait to something else. ANet made a change to it a couple patches later that made it so equipping or unequipping the trait would kill all minions so that they didn't have the incorrect health. Since minions scale with your level, when you level up, it sees that they have the wrong amount of health for your level and kills them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leveling with a minion necro used to be fun. When I'm bored and don't want to go off with another of my characters, I delete a throw-away character and begin leveling. Now it's a pain in the ass.


It would make sense if the minions were leveled at the same time; it's not the same minion from level to level and needs to be refreshed.

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