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[Suggestion] Skyscale fishing challenge

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With a Skyscale fishing challenge we could sit on the shore with a basket, goggles and a fish targeting device (think laser pointer with cats). The goggles allow us to see the fish, we target them and our skyscale (with correct skin, unlike the skyscale chair *hint*) flies over the water diving down to try to catch the fish and put it in the basket. The challenges could be added to Lion's Arch, Amnoon, Southsun Cove at the relaxation beach and Sandswept Isles.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Still don't get the "fishing nao plox" threads...maybe the next one will change my mind ;)


> Until then I'd rather have them spend the resources on something else.


Why spend resources on beetle racing? Why spend resources on griffon races? Why spend resources on anything? If players are posting threads on fishing then maybe that means there is a demand for that in the game. What I offered suggestion of is a mount specific challenge that also happens to add a fishing aspect. Not everything has to have conflict or be about combat. Non-combat activities add flavor to the game just like crafting, racing or gliding around gathering insects to feed Itzel.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Still don't get the "fishing nao plox" threads...maybe the next one will change my mind ;)

> >

> > Until then I'd rather have them spend the resources on something else.


> Why spend resources on beetle racing? Why spend resources on griffon races? Why spend resources on anything? If players are posting threads on fishing then maybe that means there is a demand for that in the game. What I offered suggestion of is a mount specific challenge that also happens to add a fishing aspect. Not everything has to have conflict or be about combat. Non-combat activities add flavor to the game just like crafting, racing or gliding around gathering insects to feed Itzel.


At least your suggestion is embedded with some of the games systems (mounts) and doesn't boil down to afk'ing. I'll give you that. I'm just not into fishin in games I guess. I know there can be fun non-combat content in this game, but at the moment, i.e. at this time of the games developement, I'd rather have them focus, refine and rework existing systems wth the resources they have than adding new stuff all the time and never looking back. I'd rather have them fix some bugs and improve on existing content than adding new content with new bugs that never get looked into.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Wouldn't 'fishing with Skyscale' be reworking/improving existing content? I mean it's like combining the Shooting Gallery from Grothmar with collecting floating Volatile Magic...somewhat.


Reusing and reworking old content into something new is a staple of the game industry.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:


> At least your suggestion is embedded with some of the games systems (mounts) and doesn't boil down to afk'ing. I'll give you that. I'm just not into fishin in games I guess. I know there can be fun non-combat content in this game, but at the moment, i.e. at this time of the games developement, I'd rather have them focus, refine and rework existing systems wth the resources they have than adding new stuff all the time and never looking back. I'd rather have them fix some bugs and improve on existing content than adding new content with new bugs that never get looked into.


The thing about fishing besides being a semi-passive content is that it can be implemented in many different ways. One old platform game I have fond feelings for is Lost Dutchman Mine. They implemented fishing with a a simple sideways view drop line to snag fish. In GW2 I can see it either with a player target stunning fish with the skyscale diving to get them like a hunting dog gets ducks or the skyscale could be moving around an area and the player could a fish when the skyscale is close, driving the fish to jump out of the water and the skyscale snagging it in the air. The later seems more plausible given the current game mechanics plus it would allow the devs to put more complexity into it.



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