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Guild Decoration requests

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Admitting I have no idea how easy or difficult it is to add items to Guild Hall Decorations, If possible could you add...


1) The Trees (either individually or in clusters) in Grothmar to the Vendor(s) and let us pay with Hatched Chilly Peppers? (I have over a thousand and enough cannons, tanks etc lol)

2) Cherry Blossom Trees to whatever vendor you think appropriate, and use a map currency to allow us to buy them?

3) Rock formations from Grothmar (same currency as trees above)

4) Rock formations with snow accents? This would be amazing for those wanting to add a Norn section to their guild hall.


Example of how I use the decorations we have now, to create a Norn area, snow, waterfalls etc..



I'm sure others have ideas, please feel free to add your ideas here. :)

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I don't think adding decos is that hard, it's more they need devs / some devs during their "free" times to develop them. But considering the ton of decos we got recently trough the festivals and last episodes, I have faith and hopes. Many will arrive soon with episode 2.

Well yup, definitely trees: Pine tree / Snowy Pine tree / Swamp tree (weeping willow) / Acacia / Big Jungle trees of Maguuma


There was thread and threads and threads along the years asking for guild decos and features...

But here we go, here is what I want Anet, clearly:


1-Dungeon decos. That's it.

Give me all the asuran stuffs of CoE; give me Jormag totems and kodans sanctuaries and assets from HoW; the statues, hedges, furniture of the Caudecus manor; exotic plants and aetherblade stuffs in Twilight Arbor, Orrian decos: dead ursins and corals etc from Arah....

(It is what is said above, racial architecture)


2-LS maps decos. Like they did in Jahai, Grothmar and Bjora.

Add 2-3 decos to LS map vendors who doesn't sell any. (Hello istan, sandswept, kourna, bitterfrost, lake doric...) If you can of course.

Vines and flowers.... Lava holes.... Awakened trebuchet.... Corrupted ice formations...


3-Environments and houses decos

Release rocks, cliffs, grass path, big ground tiles, waterfall... Asura/Sylvari/Charr/norn/Human House decos. Just an empty big one in which we can add others decos like chairs, tables, bed etc.... Even WvW keeps! Can allow us to have outposts in the guild hall. Airship... Submarine... Boats...



Asuran stone gate, asura gate (working like the djinn teleporter), sylvari light posts, races start/finish line + checkpoint: same for jumping puzzle, weather modifier, human door, charr door, force field, labyrinthine cliffs platforms+nets and crystals, NPCS!!!


NPCS!! Please even of it's just basic ones! Let us add Npcs from all races and from all origins! Say they are golems copying their appearances or even watchwork in disguise! The crafts could be the following: -Cogs + - Quartz Crystal + -Charged Core + -Furnishing kit.

It could also be animals! Sand sharks... Cow.... Drakes.. whatever. Currently only SAB clouds are the only "npcs".


EDIT: Having the concert stage of grothmar would be more than awesome, in the guild we currently have a little platform made of "Rec Room Floor Tile", having a real stage would be definitely better!

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There are lumber cores that have very little use.

I think only three can be made into trees. Others can be made into something like one piece of furniture.

Such a waste.

More decorations would be good. But it seems new of guild hall stuff if a after thought now.

I would very much like to build the flaming metal dragon they have in Grothmar.

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> Maybe fun for some people who like to decorate their guildhalls to connect with eachother to share their guildhall decoration idea's and maybe give some tours. I'd be very open to look into idea's other people have when combining decorations and make use of their halls!


Another idea could be a seperate thread offering scribe services, they supply the mats, we supply the max scribe ability. I'd be happy to help other guilds spruce up their gh, for free or tips. (If any are interested pm me, instead of replying here so we do not derail the original intent of this thread).


That aside, back to your idea. I'd be happy to act as a landing spot, and help organize this. I even have a guild name that lends itself to the idea. Tyrian Mystical "TOURS". :)

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Race track:

> * Banked Curve Left, Banked Curve Right

> * Barrier Wall (!)

> * Check Points (we know they're already in the game but inaccessible)

> * Roller Beetle Vigor Boosters

> * Tube!

> * Bridge



And roller beetle rental for guildies who don’t have PoF.

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> @"Vash.2386" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > Race track:

> > * Banked Curve Left, Banked Curve Right

> > * Barrier Wall (!)

> > * Check Points (we know they're already in the game but inaccessible)

> > * Roller Beetle Vigor Boosters

> > * Tube!

> > * Bridge

> >


> And roller beetle rental for guildies who don’t have PoF.


Rentals of all mounts could encourage players to want them, and take steps in game to get them. Motivate them etc. :)

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I would love to have the ability to run time trials in the guild hall. To make this happen we would need:


1. Starting Gate

2. End Gate

3. Intermediate Gates along the course

4. Leader board, just like is currently used in open world. Should just show all results (no filters needed).

5. Ability to reset the leader board. Use when the course is changed since the old results would be meaningless.

6. Bond of Vigor Booster/Power-up orbs.


Why? It's impossible to get all the guildees together at once. This would provide a way for everyone to play on their own schedule. Also, for personal achievement, some discrete measurement of success and improvement is needed. The Daily and Lifetime values provide that.

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> @"kitepwr.5604" said:

> I would love to have the ability to run time trials in the guild hall. To make this happen we would need:


> 1. Starting Gate

> 2. End Gate

> 3. Intermediate Gates along the course

> 4. Leader board, just like is currently used in open world. Should just show all results (no filters needed).

> 5. Ability to reset the leader board. Use when the course is changed since the old results would be meaningless.

> 6. Bond of Vigor Booster/Power-up orbs.


> Why? It's impossible to get all the guildees together at once. This would provide a way for everyone to play on their own schedule. Also, for personal achievement, some discrete measurement of success and improvement is needed. The Daily and Lifetime values provide that.


With all the room in Guilded Hollow these would be awesome additions!

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> @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

> Another idea could be a seperate thread offering scribe services, they supply the mats, we supply the max scribe ability. I'd be happy to help other guilds spruce up their gh, for free or tips. (If any are interested pm me, instead of replying here so we do not derail the original intent of this thread).


> That aside, back to your idea. I'd be happy to act as a landing spot, and help organize this. I even have a guild name that lends itself to the idea. Tyrian Mystical "TOURS". :)


Scribe mats should have a place in the guild bank when needed for building guild items. Add to that the CHORE of running to the TP every 2 minutes to grab something. A helper could feed the guild stash with needed supplies while I tend to the scribing, scribe mat vendor and the INFERNAL build queue.


I don't mind helping with scribing and donating. But, when I have to research the cost and solicit donations and gold for expensive items, it becomes awkward. Plus they have to trust me not to abscond.


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