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Extend functions applied conditionally against disabled foes to structures as well, yes or no?

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...since structures are technically passive pinatas anyway :P


A few examples of the functions mentioned in the title:

* [unsuspecting Foe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unsuspecting_Foe) (Warrior) - Increased critical-hit chance against disabled foes.

* [Merciless Hammer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Hammer) (Warrior) - Hammer skills gain reduced recharge and deal increased damage when striking a disabled foe.

* [stormsoul](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stormsoul) (Elementalist) - Deal increased damage to disabled foes.

* [Predator's Onslaught](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Predator%27s_Onslaught) (Ranger) - You and your pet deal increased damage to disabled or movement-impaired foes.


The change may lead to:

* PvE: Players become even better against massive world bosses, such as Tequatl, Claw of Jormag and the Shatterer, whose hitboxes are technically structures.

* WvW: Rangers and Elementalists become even better at tearing down defensive siege weapons on the wall. Warriors become more efficient at raiding against siege weapons in the field.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> They arent disabled, so why should the trait trigger. Its a building. you cant disable that.


Given how structures can bleed to death or get confused I don't think the "it's a building" argument holds very well. Since Arenanet made structures vulnerable to conditions, so condition builds aren't punished when fighting against structures, changing the traits that work on disabled foes would "fix" that imbalance too


Edit: do note that Predator's Onslaught works on structures because they can be immobilized and chilled. Now why would anyone immobilize a static structure, or why it works is anyone's guess.

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> @"Funky.4861" said:

> In wvw, this would make siege largely redundant and in pve they would need to increase the toughness/armour/hp of the bosses to compensate. The whole point of 'structures' is that they take longer to kill and present a barrier to progression/loot.


Actualy, the whole point of "structure enemies" in pve was that they originally had no other option of coding bigger/multihitbox bosses. It was never about "being a barrier to progression/loot". It was about simply being able to make them. All the other differences were only a sideeffect of structures not being originally designed for that - which is something they actively tried to fix over the years, eventually allowing conditions etc to work on them.

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