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Duo Fractals&Dungeons Class/Builds


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Propably double Guardian would be the Best for duo. Double condi Firebrand. But hopefully this abomination Will get nerfed soon.

Thing about guardians is, they have good Access to all boons, specially to quickness which greatly improve ur dps. 1 fb needs only around 20% bd for perma 5 Man quickness, so other class can play something diffrent. Mby dragonhunter (oh wait its also Guardian), as it has good sustain, sustained dps and burst. Power Reaper would be good as well,for the same reasons( good Access to boons, good dps and sustain)


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it's hard to just duo your heart away especially in fractals and dungeons since they're 5 man contents. i used to 3 man a few fractals but then it's like it takes a lot more time whereas you could do it with 5 people, you know? plus, a lot more stress too especially in higher tier contents.

for builds, you can check out snowcrows, or metabattle for references.


- 2 quickness firebrands are good, like the other suggested. but to me, harder to gear out because you run condition damage and viper set is costly to obtain. you have boons, heals for yourself as well as utilities to counter specific mechanics. all rounded class.

- 2 power chrono/2 tempest. much harder to run because they're both squishy classes and rely heavily on their damage output to melt things before it melts you. chrono has more utilities than tempest.

- i personally think this duo warrior/tempest would suit you guys more. both have the skills that could mitigate fatal damage and save you. plus more utilities that compliment each other well. these 2 in the video don't deal a lot of damage. though it's consistent and a good example:




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