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Expansion level content?

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Wooden Potatoes kinda summed up my thoughts in one of his recent videos. If you go back to Grothmar (or the first half of Bjora Marches), you'll see nothing has changed, so it's likely these maps aren't as volatile as some players might have hoped. Which is mildly disapointing, because that would just make this living world season 5 when it was hyped up to be anything but.

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No, because no elite specs, no new "mount-esque" features, maps are on par with living world, story is extremely short, reward structures are bad, etc.


On reward structures: The boreal weapons are fine. There's a nice progression involving new map currency and crafting resources. The final skins look alright. Good stuff. But the new armor? Are you kidding? Why abandon the systems you developed for elegy and mist armors? They weren't perfect, but your solution is to go all the way back to pure RNG? Really? And what if you don't like the boreal weapons? There's really nothing else to go for. I hope you enjoy emotes.


The only redeeming quality is that the story is decent. Short, but interesting. I feel like I'm watching a mini-series. I'm ready for the full show. Come on.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> And yet, Bjora Marches (East) _has_ changed. There's new content and new areas there.


What new content? Press F to destroy a totem? Press F to solve another light puzzle? Seriously maybe I'm missing the new content in east-side. Where is it?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'll judge after the Season/Saga is over.


Keep in mind that the developers said that we are -already- getting expansion level content, saying that cooking at 500 and build templates are expansion level features. Even though the cooking update came before the Saga started.


Answering the question regarding expansion-tier features:

> If you look at the history of what we’ve been doing, cooking 500 was another one of these things. Obviously, built-in gear templates are one of those things that we would want to consider in there.


The real question on the topic: "What is expansion level content?" and would most likely have many many different answers depending on the player asked.

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Although it took them 2 living world episodes, bjora feels like a fairly well done map now, with plenty to do. and grothmar is always fun due to its great events.

But the fact that it takes 2 episode to do this, and that the story is so tied to the map events rather than having their own experiences, for me feels like a really lackluster expansion experience.

And yeah the vote, we want E specs :(

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For now the so called Saga is no different from the previous LW seasons. Every episode is just:

-Add one map with a tiny portion of story;

-Add a new currency and some weak skins;

-Add some filler mastery;


The biggest thing about HoT and PoF were the elite specs and meaningful masteries (glider and mounts). Those masteries and the elite specs changed the gameplay of all game modes in all maps. The elite specs create new and fun ways to play your class. The elite specs change the meta of wvw, spvp, fractals, pve raids, etc. They brought some fresh air to all game modes.


The upcoming big class balance will probably be more meaningful to the game than the "Saga".


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Wasn't there just a thread on this earlier today/yesterday?


> I'll judge after the Season/Saga is over.


This one? [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96612/what-is-expansion-level](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/96612/what-is-expansion-level#latest)


But, yeah, we need to wait for the season to end to determine whether or not it equals "expansion-like" content because that is precisely what was advertised.

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We got a new way to play PvE with the Strikes. This happened with both xpacs (raids in HoT and bounties in PoF), too.

We got anew kind of Mastery Points.

We got a new design of the launcher.


This all equals to expansion level, even if other expansion level stuff (like especs and new stat combinations) is absent.

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My vote = not at the moment (my personal feeling) but...


This whole Saga =/= Expansion talk that a lot of players are talking about cannot be valid until after the Saga has ended. Sure at the moment it does not seem like we are receiving expansion worthy content but who knows what will come in future episodes? That_Shaman data-mined the fact that the Scroll book has 8 slots so potentially we're looking at 6 more full maps bringing at least 6 more episodes (maybe more if they're split) so who knows what they can add to the game in the next 6x2 months!

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I think both the story and the maps can potentially be on the level of the expansions. I can even see the story becoming better than HoT and PoF story.


However, what I really see as a difference between expacs and LW is the introduction of completely new systems in expacs, while LW then builds on those systems. With HoT we got among others: the mastery system, gliding, the raids system, guild halls, elite specs.

For PoF most notably the mounts.


The LW seasons added smaller, more gimmicky masteries on top of that and introduced new mounts. But no fundamental changes, just building on the foundation laid out by the expacs.

In that light the Icebrood Saga so far is clearly a LW season and not an expac. The masteries are gimmicky and barely useful on the maps they are introduced on, completely useless everywhere else. No major systematic changes to the gameplay in sight. (Cooking 500 is also just building on existing features and the build "templates" are a joke.)

Of course I'll wait and see, Anet is quite good at surprising us from time to time. However, I am expecting this to continue to be only a LW season.

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> @"xDudisx.5914" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Unfortunately, just because one does not appreciate certain content, that does not mean it's not new.


> Who said it is not new content? OP asked if it is "expac-lvl content" not if it is new or not. Straw man fallacy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man) ....


The post above the one you quoted. Thread best if read in order.

@Xenon.4537 said:

_What new content? Press F to destroy a totem? Press F to solve another light puzzle? Seriously maybe I'm missing the new content in east-side. Where is it?_



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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Wooden Potatoes kinda summed up my thoughts in one of his recent videos. If you go back to Grothmar (or the first half of Bjora Marches), you'll see nothing has changed, so it's likely these maps aren't as volatile as some players might have hoped. Which is mildly disapointing, because that would just make this living world season 5 when it was hyped up to be anything but.


This would only be logical, ever since in season 1 people only complained about missing out, and ArenaNet has been pretty adamant since then about not changing previous content too much.


It is a catch 22 , either the maps and events evolve at the cost of losing content, or we keep everything without losing those and it will be less sensational.

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Your pole options are bad. But that's not exactly unusual.


But it's important to consider that we are only 3 out of 9 episodes (based on the portal tome) into the season, so we won't have all that "expansion level stuff" yet.


Judge when we get to episode 5, at the earliest.


I have a theory/hope we'll be getting one thing of big expansion-level quality with Episode 3, and such is why they've not mentioned it yet despite its release supposedly to be mid-March (still Q1 yet they covered their Q1 stuff in that blog post).

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