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any way to help without making people mad?


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> Actually addressing the OP now. Here are a few things I do to keep my team from tilting and try to encourage good play.


> * Address the team as "we", don't single people out. Example: "We need to make sure we're caping points and not chasing too far"

> * If you goof, take responsibility for it real quick. Just drop a "Sorry, that was my bad". THis takes the steam out of people throwing blame. This also works in team fights, even if it wasn't your fault.

> * Ask, don't tell. Example: " Hey, so-and-so, do you think you could manage to take far?"

> * Listen to your team mates as well. They may actually be better than you and have better suggestions. You're not always the most right.

> * Lastly, even if you lose, tell everyone they did a great job and wish them luck their next game. If you get them on your team again they will remember you as a positive person.


good advice thank you

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