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Balance Patch Preview - Global

Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

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I believe that preventing Soulbeast to swap pets during combat is one of the worst things that can happen to Ranger, since it takes out versatility, one of the main things that makes it fun. Even if it was perfectly balanced, why would players want to play it if its not fun?

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> @"Bealis.6023" said:

> Hello,

> I believe that preventing Soulbeast to swap pets during combat is one of the worst things that can happen to Ranger, since it takes out versatility, one of the main things that makes it fun. Even if it was perfectly balanced, why would players want to play it if its not fun?


How is it going to be less fun?

You were just merging with your pet, now you have to choose more carefully before going into combat.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> # General:

> * Auras: Aura effects have been updated to be larger and more noticeable. The previous aura effects are now used for auras on allies and for all characters viewed by PvP spectators when the "Effect LoD" option is checked in the graphics settings. Buff icons used for auras have been updated for consistency.


I think many people would be glad to see this implemented, though if I may, I'd like to request to replace the 'egg shape' with a perfect circle instead for better aesthetics.


> # Elementalist

> * Stone Resonance: This skill now grants stability on initial use for 5 seconds in PvE and 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> * Lava Skin: This skill now grants stability on initial use for 5 seconds in PvE and 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> * Lahar: This skill now grants stability for 5 seconds in PvE and 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> * Grinding Stones: This skill now grants stability for 5 seconds in PvE and 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> * Glacial Drift: This skill now grants stability for 5 seconds in PvE and 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> * Molten Burst: This skill now grants stability for 5 seconds in PvE and 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.


> * Bolstered Elements: This trait now grants barrier instead of stability when using a stance skill.

It is nice that every possible weapon combination is granted access to Stability. Though I'd like advise to take into account that Elementalist is already a very survivable class in the right hand and balance accordingly by tweaking the number of stacks, which is not listed here and thus of concern. A split between PvE and competitve game modes would also be nice, say 3 stacks of Stability in PvE and 1 in PvP/WvW.


> * Elemental Contingency: This trait has been retired and replaced with Elemental Lockdown.

> * Elemental Lockdown (NEW): Disabling a foe grants you a boon based upon your attunement.

> + Fire - 5 stacks of might for 5 seconds.

> + Air - 5 seconds of fury.

> + Earth - 4 seconds of protection.

> + Water - 10 seconds of regeneration.

Personally, I really like this change. It used to baffle me for players to be rewarded for being hit. Now the new design rewards players for succeeding in aggression, which makes much better sense for me. Although, I'd like to mention that there is hardly any weapon skill of Fire Attunement that provides a hard control. The slot skills of this class also provide less hard control. While the Weaver class might not suffer from this for its access to dual attunement, Core and Tempest would be entirely another case. I suppose this might be worth taken into consideration.


> # Engineer:

> **Explosives**: _This traitline has been reworked, the new traits are as follows_

> * Master

> + Aim Assisted Rocket (REWORK): Rockets are now only fired on critical hits. Rocket recharge reduced from 10 seconds to 3 seconds. Rockets now require the engineer to be at least 450 distance from the target to fire. Every 5th rocket instead calls an orbital strike.

I'm not sure if orbital strike would be anyway practical with the 2 s delay in the competitive scene. It'd probably work only in a group combat where everything is messy. Also, might as well include this as a balance factor: make the engineer lose the stacks when out of combat, so they can't just plus-one and launch orbital strike at their opponent, which seems a bit too much to me.


> # Mesmer:

> * Elusive Mind: This trait no longer stunbreaks or inflicts exhaustion. Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 1 to 3 in PvE, and to 2 in PvP and WvW.

~~Again, not so sure about this in the competitive scene. The class has inheritly abundance of means to break out of stun, and I don't think it would be of much significance for the class to lose stunbreak here. On the other hand, increase in cleansing makes the class even better at managing condition pressure. This could potentially make the class _even more elusive (for lack of exhaustion), even more resilient against conditio while still pretty capable of managing incoming control._I'd recommend to keep exhausion while reduce its duration instead. For example:~~


~~* The trait is no longer a stunbreak.~~

~~* The trait offers increased condition cleansing.~~

~~* The trait still causes exhaustion, at a reduced rate (say, 1 s in PvE and 2 s pin PvP/WvW), and is triggered when a _damaging_ condition is cleansed via dodging. (Or, alternatively, say, 1 s in PvE, and 1 s pin PvP/WvW _per damaging condition removed_.~~


~~I understand the developers try not to make this a double-edged sword for the players, though I do consider my proposal reasonbly balanced. It makes the mirage better at handling condition damage, at the cost of its capability of keeping up offensive pressure on their opponents with a defensive maneuver. For the opponents of the Mirage, this means that condition pressure, while now causing less harm to the Mirage, provides a mean to give themselves a break and thus sustain better. At least such push and pull would be the dynamic I'd like to see in combat.~~

~~I think this also fit the theme well. The class is mean to be elusive, so movement impairing conditions can be removed without further punishsment. On the other hand, damaing conditions will cost something to be dealt with.~~



As @"Heika.5403" have [pointed out below](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1149709/#Comment_1149709) I totally missed the part the Endurance will be capped a 50 for Mirage in PvP/WvW in the future. Thank you for correcting me here. I'll update further if I have come up with something else on this one.


> # Revenant:

> * Phase Traversal: This skill no longer increases damage for your next few attacks. Damage increased in PvE only by 100%. Cost raised from 30 to 35 in WvW to match PvP version.

Might a bit overkill to further increase the cost in the competitive scene while the increase in damage is already removed.


> * Empty Vessel: This trait has been retired and been replaced by Contained Temper.

> * Contained Temper (NEW): Gain fury when you disable a foe.

This is _way too weak_ for Minor Grandmaster in my opinion. Not to mention the class has already reasonable to plenty of access to Fury. Just the Minor Adept of the same specialization provides 50% Fury uptime. Please do consider something else on this one.


> _Changes to the Devastation line are aimed at two major areas. The first is that several traits are highly niche such as Malicious Reprisal and Jade Echo. These traits are being removed and replaced with new traits that have more broad uses. The second issue is the opposite, some traits are too similar to each other such as Ferocious Strikes and Vicious Lacerations that they don't offer any meaningful choices. The siphoning traits are a part of this change and we are unifying the siphoning effect into a single buff for the combat log and making it a bigger part of the overall line. The new siphon effect named after Shiro's classic skill "Battle Scars" is a stacking buff that is expended when attacking and is more restricted in its applications but stronger than previous siphoning traits._

I can't expresss enough how much I love every single point here. Greater universality in terms of application. Meaningful decision making on trait selection. (I even started a [thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/81796/balance-vicious-lacerations-v-ferocious-strikes) about this a while ago! So glad this is being addressed!). Further thematically development that establishes the identity and distinguishes itself from other classes or even specialization. Much love.


> _Similar to the Devastation rework we are also re-centering the Corruption line around a new mechanic. Invoke Torment occurs when switching legends and causes nearby foes to be inflicted with torment. This ability can be upgraded with the grandmasters based on your preferred playstyle. The boon removal traits have also been removed as we felt that they had trigger conditions that offered little gameplay. In exchange we've added a few new powerful traits with drawbacks as we feel this is in line with the spirit of the Mallyx line and skills like Pain Absorption._

Torment themed! Awesome!


> **Corruption:**_The Corruption line has been reworked, the new traits are as follows._

> * Minor

> + Seething Malice (NEW): Gain +120 condition damage.

> + Yearning Empowerment (REWORK): Increase duration of all damaging conditions by 10%.

Though I do find these a bit bland. If the resource allows, I'd really recommend to make something functionally distinctive and interesting here instead of just plain attribute buffs.


> * Master

> + Abyssal Chill : This trait has moved to a new location in the same tier.

> + Pact of Pain (NEW): Conditions you apply to foes last 15% longer. Conditions applied to you last 10% longer.

Instead of duration, I'd recommend to replace with a flat damage bonus instead, so that it may have equal application across game modes, since increase in duration generally not favored in the competitive scene due to cleansing. Also, in PvE, these two traits just would not have any meaningful distinction. They both offers increase in damage, and the decision making will eventually comes down to optimization. It would be exactly the same as the case of [Vicious Lacerations versus Ferocious Strikes](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/81796/balance-vicious-lacerations-v-ferocious-strikes) in Devastation, _which you just proposed a complete rework on_.

Thus, I'd suggest that Abyssal Chill could use a complete rework as well.


> * Grandmaster

> + Diabolic Inferno (REWORK): Invoke Torment inflicts burning and poison

> + Fiendish Tenacity (NEW): Invoke Torment grants resistance. Resistance heals you every second it is active.

> + Permeating Pestilence (RENAME): Invoke Torment transfers conditions to struck foes.

Really love this one! The same trigger yet completely different purpose for different scenario. That's what makes decisions meaningful.


> # Thief:

> * Deadly Aim (NEW): This trait causes your pistol and harpoon gun abilities to pierce, affecting up to five enemies, but reducing damage inflicted by those skills by 5%.

I would speak against the damage reduction, really. It pains me just to think about switching traits in PvE between the scenarios where there is only on or multiple enemies. Plus, it'd be never taken in a boss fight, which really makes a trait supposed to be enhancing the capability of a particular weapon pointless.


> * Choking Gas: This ability now dazes foes on its initial impact rather than when they are above a poison stack threshold. The daze duration has been increased from 0.5s to 1s. Increased initiative cost from 4 to 6 in PvP and WvW.

I am ambivalence on this one. On one hand, if the change is implemented, fast camp clearing will no longer be a thing for condition based thief build. (Choking gas spam alone kills guards efficiently when the latter is clustered.) On the other, I see the point of the change in sPvP scene to prevent perhaps too strong down state suppression. Maybe there is another approach this could be addressed...?


> **Thief Bundles:** _We did a pass on all thief bundles and found several that were using some pretty old numbers. We've done a tuning pass on these to make sure that they feel impactful enough in PvE for both power and condition spec builds._

Glad to see old features being reviewed as always!


> # Warrior:

> _Warrior's rifle has been somewhat lackluster in its gameplay feel, so we're updating it to create some rotations by giving its 2-4 skills ammunition, shorter cooldowns between uses and slightly longer cooldowns to recover shots, plus successfully using Rifle Butt will allow the rapid recovery of the ammunition for those skills. Warrior hammer has a pretty good gameplay cadence, so we're pushing a bit further on what it does well - hurting crowd controlled enemies. Its iconic second skill, Fierce Blow, now does significantly greater damage to disabled foes, and Backbreaker will automatically recharge fierce blow for immediate use when you successfully knockdown an enemy._

Just love this and every single point below that is relevant to these two weapons.

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Fell My Wrath - need nerf. dh-requires reducing damage, too

And since firebrands are dominant in pve, we need buffs for heal-tempest / chrono / scrapper-heal - since they are no longer playable in high-level content due to the lack of such buffs as firebrands. Let auras hang more buffs to create at least some competition



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> > # Mesmer:

> > * Elusive Mind: This trait no longer stunbreaks or inflicts exhaustion. Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 1 to 3 in PvE, and to 2 in PvP and WvW.

> Again, not so sure about this in the competitive scene. The class has inheritly abundance of means to break out of stun, and I don't think it would be of much significance for the class to lose stunbreak here. On the other hand, increase in cleansing makes the class even better at managing condition pressure. This could potentially make the class _even more elusive (for lack of exhaustion), even more resilient against conditio while still pretty capable of managing incoming control._

> I'd recommend to keep exhausion while reduce its duration instead. For example:


> * The trait is no longer a stunbreak.

> * The trait offers increased condition cleansing.

> * The trait still causes exhaustion, at a reduced rate (say, 1 s in PvE and 2 s pin PvP/WvW), and is triggered when a _damaging_ condition is cleansed via dodging. (Or, alternatively, say, 1 s in PvE, and 1 s pin PvP/WvW _per damaging condition removed_.


> I understand the developers try not to make this a double-edged sword for the players, though I do consider my proposal reasonbly balanced. It makes the mirage better at handling condition damage, at the cost of its capability of keeping up offensive pressure on their opponents with a defensive maneuver. For the opponents of the Mirage, this means that condition pressure, while now causing less harm to the Mirage, provides a mean to give themselves a break and thus sustain better. At least such push and pull would be the dynamic I'd like to see in combat.

> I think this also fit the theme well. The class is mean to be elusive, so movement impairing conditions can be removed without further punishsment. On the other hand, damaing conditions will cost something to be dealt with.


I think you have forgotten something very important... In competitive modes PvP/WvW Mirage will only have a single dodge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Mirage Cloak: This trait now reduces the mirage's endurance by 50 in competitive modes"


Maintain exhaustion will be an overkill. In fact, i doubt that that trait now can be even called a grandmaster for PvP/WvW. With a single dodge that grandmaster is a bad joke, 2 conditions removed every 10s at the cost of wasting your single dodge. And irrelevant in PVE. The use of mirrors is not viable to compensate as you almost never reach them in the right moment and also distract you of what you should be focused in the fight/combat. In fact, Mirage will be dead in competitive mode like the Chronomancer already is. Nobody is going to play a Mirage in PvP/WvW with a single dodge. That is a super nerf in defense and also in damage due to lose the oportunity of use one ambush/dodge to burst and still have other to defense if you must avoid damage. Mirage Cloak should have being balanced in another way like change the ambushes or change IH. Well, few more weeks and find a mesmer in competitive modes will be a mission impossible. Although sure some will celebrate it... about all those that will dominate the roamer and decap roles. Congrats.



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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > > please remove the ability of the druid to give 10man- 25might.

> > > It already has insane heal, a pet, tons of utility, the op spirits etc.... even some 10-man aoe heals. There is really no need at all to let it give so much might.

> >

> > If you nerf Druid's might generation, you leave it as a subpar choice in every aspect of the game.

> >

> > I'd personally love to see them rework spirits, buff druid's personal dps, and give them more pet synergy with CA. Once Druid is playable outside of Raids, we can look at their might gen if it's out of line, but I don't see a problem with a support being able to generate 25 might, especially since it has to use CA and devote time away from dealing dps in order to generate said might.


> due to the 25might for 10people its the best choice for a healer with amazing support. Its so good that no other healer-role could compete.




Amazing support? The only thing "amazing" about druid is that it is a healer with access to core ranger spirits. Spirits are what keep druid relevant, other classes got might and healing.

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I feel this "balancing" has No logic whatsoever, it's changing Base mechanics of the game by removing ALL Stability from necromancer traits so the grandmaster is now 100% worthless, there is NOTHING about the replacement that has any redeeming qualities. Necromancers generate life force with weapon skills, so put life force generation onto their Grandmaster so... what? Now when we get permastunned with 0 stability and a 25s stunbreak we get life force to become even MORE of a punching bag?

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> A minor trait, Stone Flesh gives an Elementalist additional toughness while attuned to earth and can cut off both going into Earth attunement and selecting the Earth traitline. So we're changing that trait to grant 7% damage reduction instead of 150 Toughness, allowing it to play well with that type of content and expand some build options.


What about Firebrand's **Imbued Haste** Minor Trait, which gives a whole 250 unavoidable Toughness?


Similarly, **Epilogue: Unbroken Lines in** Tome of Courage can never be used when not in the tank sub-group (which is generally the case for hFB, QB etc.), as it gives another 300 Toughness on top of Imbued Haste, certainly stealing aggro, depriving FB's of using it for Protection uptime and Aegis, especially now that Aegis was taken away from all the other skills in the tome over all the nerfs of the last few patches, that's kind of a shame.


What about things like the recently reworked entire **Death Magic** line, which is basically doomed to be forever unused in group PvE unless doing extremely niche Necro tanking, like maybe on SH as Epi Tank, as it provides a fluctuating amount of Toughness of up to 600? Which even if Necro Toughness tank were ever a thing, you couldn't rely on due to it's fluctuations in maintaining carapace.


> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Necromancer has always been designed to be a resilient profession that was light on Stability.


Which was a fatal design flaw for the profession since launch, proven to not work over and over, with Necro due to it's lack of active defenses and stability either being a complete pushover easy focus target, or it putting out so much AoE pressure to compensate for it's design flaws that it's overbearing, depending on the nerf - buff cycle.

This is not something to further dig into, but rather something to finally move away from after 7 long years of failing to properly make it work.

On top of that, in PvP formats the stun break CD's are actually increased massively to nearly a minute on all of them.


If anything, by the design statement of being the unstoppable but slow moving Juggernaut, Necro should be **the** (at least self buffing) stability profession, not the one most lacking it, combined with no plentiful boon support, blocks, evades, easy access/weapon skill teleports or leaps, resustain, invulns, stealth, distractions like clones etc., it just doesn't work.

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> @"Heika.5403" said:

> > > # Mesmer:

> > > * Elusive Mind: This trait no longer stunbreaks or inflicts exhaustion. Increased the number of conditions cleansed from 1 to 3 in PvE, and to 2 in PvP and WvW.

> > Again, not so sure about this in the competitive scene. The class has inheritly abundance of means to break out of stun, and I don't think it would be of much significance for the class to lose stunbreak here. On the other hand, increase in cleansing makes the class even better at managing condition pressure. This could potentially make the class _even more elusive (for lack of exhaustion), even more resilient against conditio while still pretty capable of managing incoming control._

> > I'd recommend to keep exhausion while reduce its duration instead. For example:

> >

> > * The trait is no longer a stunbreak.

> > * The trait offers increased condition cleansing.

> > * The trait still causes exhaustion, at a reduced rate (say, 1 s in PvE and 2 s pin PvP/WvW), and is triggered when a _damaging_ condition is cleansed via dodging. (Or, alternatively, say, 1 s in PvE, and 1 s pin PvP/WvW _per damaging condition removed_.

> >

> > I understand the developers try not to make this a double-edged sword for the players, though I do consider my proposal reasonbly balanced. It makes the mirage better at handling condition damage, at the cost of its capability of keeping up offensive pressure on their opponents with a defensive maneuver. For the opponents of the Mirage, this means that condition pressure, while now causing less harm to the Mirage, provides a mean to give themselves a break and thus sustain better. At least such push and pull would be the dynamic I'd like to see in combat.

> > I think this also fit the theme well. The class is mean to be elusive, so movement impairing conditions can be removed without further punishsment. On the other hand, damaing conditions will cost something to be dealt with.


> I think you have forgotten something very important... In competitive modes PvP/WvW Mirage will only have a single dodge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> "Mirage Cloak: This trait now reduces the mirage's endurance by 50 in competitive modes"


> Maintain exhaustion will be an overkill. In fact, i doubt that that trait now can be even called a grandmaster for PvP/WvW. With a single dodge that grandmaster is a bad joke, 2 conditions removed every 10s at the cost of wasting your single dodge. And irrelevant in PVE. The use of mirrors is not viable to compensate as you almost never reach them in the right moment and also distract you of what you should be focused in the fight/combat. In fact, Mirage will be dead in competitive mode like the Chronomancer already is. Nobody is going to play a Mirage in PvP/WvW with a single dodge. That is a super nerf in defense and also in damage due to lose the oportunity of use one ambush/dodge to burst and still have other to defense if you must avoid damage. Mirage Cloak should have being balanced in another way like change the ambushes or change IH. Well, few more weeks and find a mesmer in competitive modes will be a mission impossible. Although sure some will celebrate it... about all those that will dominate the roamer and decap roles. Congrats.




Damn it you are right! I totally missed that part in the WvW version of preview patch note. Thanks for pointing that out I'll edit my comment accordingly.

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Seems okay so far. :)


Just one question: When you basically deleted Scourge from sPvP with the shade mechanics change, you said this was to make room for later changes to the spec. So... when will that happen?

I was expecting these changes in this next big balance patch, but apparently it's more focused on core and Reaper minions. Is it even still on the table? Was it ever? Or does it work as intended right now?

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> @"Ansau.7326" said:

> I don't know how I can be wrong when you basically agree with me, that the current implementation of Soulbeat doesn't have any trade off and that is indeed unhealthy for the game. Anet will address it by adding a trade off in a similar way that has worked other elites and that is, in fact, in line with the theme of the soulbeast: Having a stronger bond with their pet.

> That your opinion about the chanegs is more positive or negative, or it suits more or less your preferences, doesn't change the fact that the future soulbeast will be more balanced, fair and healthy for the game that the current one.

It already had a tradeoff: when you merge with your pet, your pet is no longer fighting enemies on its own and drawing fire away from you. That's a huge drawback.


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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Ansau.7326" said:

> > I don't know how I can be wrong when you basically agree with me, that the current implementation of Soulbeat doesn't have any trade off and that is indeed unhealthy for the game. Anet will address it by adding a trade off in a similar way that has worked other elites and that is, in fact, in line with the theme of the soulbeast: Having a stronger bond with their pet.

> > That your opinion about the chanegs is more positive or negative, or it suits more or less your preferences, doesn't change the fact that the future soulbeast will be more balanced, fair and healthy for the game that the current one.

> It already had a tradeoff: when you merge with your pet, your pet is no longer fighting enemies on its own and drawing fire away from you. That's a huge drawback.



Not really no. i dunno about you but having the additional stats more than makes up for not having a pet that gets killed in one or two hits, so to do the additional skills that can be used.


Keep in mind, every elite spec is going to eventually lose something. Mirage is loosing 50% of its endurance and theyve given a couple other elite specs a trade off already.


SB is going to be alot more balanced in combat now, cant swap, merge, use skills, un merge, swap, gain a full HP pet again, merge, use skills and repeat anymore. thats not a bad a thing for -anyone else but soulbeasts-


I imagine mirages feel the same way now that they can only dodge -once-

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> @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

> > Deflecting Shot: This skill now knocks back and its animation has been slowed down so the arrow is fired at 740ms (up from 280 ms).


> Honestly I think most of the DH changes are good given the context of changes to other specs. I'm very wary of the animation slowdown though. From a competitive perspective, D Shot is already manually aimed and is a fairly slow projectile that is easy to outstrafe past a certain range. Currently it requires a decent amount of movement prediction to be used well. With a 3/4th second cast time it will most definitely feel very clunky and miss a lot more often simply due to the longer cast time paired with slow projectile speed even if the user perfectly aimed it. Granted, this looks to be as a tradeoff for knockback being baseline, but nothing kills a weapon spec faster than making it feel clunky. If a tradeoff is desired, as a longtime DH player I would strongly prefer something like increased cooldown. 12 or 15s up from the current 10, or even a range reduction.


> Another thing to consider - DH competitive gameplay is focused on combos off of CCs. With a .75s cast time a lot of these combos are effectively eliminated.


> Please reconsider this change. DH LB is already fairly niche. It sees some use because it's actually quite a smooth and fun weapon set to use. Even something like a .5s, up from .25 but down from the suggested .75 would be fine, but .75 is just too slow for the skill type.


i dont get to know why they hate DH so much.

They shoud BUFF the Longbow not nerf it!

LB1 should have twice the speed

LB2 should have more damage on PvP and not lock you on the ground

LB4 should have gotten everything from the trait with no nerfs whatsoever

LB5 should deal way way more damage.


Ppl forget that Longbow is supposed to be our Damage weapon...


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> @"Zalani.9827" said:

> I feel that forcing the Soulbeast to only have 1 pet in combat is unhealthy for the profession. It is going to lead to a constant perma merge playstyle where having that “drawback” won’t even matter since the player has no iniative to unmerge anyways.


> Not to mention that one of the more drawing features of playing a ranger is being able to plan your two pets and be versatile. I love when I get the reason to unmerge and quickly swap pet to counter an issue or adapt to a situation, being versatile is part of the spec and profession as a whole. Taking that away from Soulbeast is a shame.



Soulbeast is all about merging with the pet, i dont see any issue here.

Want to have to pets that assist you? Play druid

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> # Warrior:


> * Brutal Shot: This skill now has 2 ammunition, a 8 second recharge between uses and recovers ammunition every 20 seconds.


Please can we make this skill dodge first then shoot, its currently way too clunky to use effectivly.



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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > @"Bealis.6023" said:

> > Hello,

> > I believe that preventing Soulbeast to swap pets during combat is one of the worst things that can happen to Ranger, since it takes out versatility, one of the main things that makes it fun. Even if it was perfectly balanced, why would players want to play it if its not fun?


> How is it going to be less fun?

> You were just merging with your pet, now you have to choose more carefully before going into combat.



Thats not the issue, I understand that they want to make Ranger proffesion in general more accessible to less experienced players, but 3 toggles with Soulbeast is the allure to play it. They could work it into pvp and WvW modes no problem there, but ask any player who plays Soulbeast in pve, it takes out the variability as long as swaping is in the core mechanic.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Many bosses and creatures in instanced content focus attacks on the player with the highest toughness.


> We're planning many changes of this nature, as well as re-works and more.


I hope this means in the future Necromancer's Carapace may not count toward aggro calculation in PvE. The profession is not capable of a PvE tank role and will lose FitG.

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> @"Xervite.5493" said:

> Obsidian flesh change is absolutely justified, why should ele be the only class able to do stuff while being invulnerable? Engi and guard have iframe skill too which prevents them from doing anything. This is a good change so stop complaining.


There are many classes with skills that let them attack and be invulnerable Guardian focus 5(technicall block but no utility slot use so no dps loss) ranger stone signet warrior heal while getting hurt necro second health bar mesmer distort i'm sure there are more


So totally UNJUSTIFIED, Thank you!

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> @"Saniyah.1984" said:

> > @"Xervite.5493" said:

> > Obsidian flesh change is absolutely justified, why should ele be the only class able to do stuff while being invulnerable? Engi and guard have iframe skill too which prevents them from doing anything. This is a good change so stop complaining.


> There are many classes with skills that let them attack and be invulnerable Guardian focus 5(technicall block but no utility slot use so no dps loss) ranger stone signet warrior heal while getting hurt necro second health bar mesmer distort i'm sure there are more


> So totally UNJUSTIFIED, Thank you!


Endure pain is not 100% immunity kthxbai, unless you meant Defiant Stance, in which case stop being a noob at attacking while Defiant Stance is up. You are right about distortion though. Nerf that too Anet!

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