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I have a few general gameplay questions.

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Hey, to start off, I want to say that I've been playing this game on and off for several years now. I'm not a total noob to this game, but as you'll see, I'm not really even a casual player either. I know the general basics of the game, and understand how the combat mechanics work Ect.. I've decided to take another break from WoW and come back to this game. I've actually been thinking about it for a while now, and with WoW's newest blunder of content, I've decided that this was a good time to make my move.


I have both expansions, 3 L80's. (two I leveled, one I boosted.) and all the mounts excluding the Warclaw and the AFK helicopter.


That all being said, I've only ever done solo content. I leveled and played the story strictly through solo play, or very small groups as needed.


So here are my questions. As a non-noob, but still kind of a noob.


1- Fractals.. What are they and how do I do them? lol. I've never once done a dungeon in this game. I've never had to, and I was never properly introduced to them through either the game play or guildies/other players. Is there a looking for group system in the game, or is it a stand in a city and shout until you can find a group kind of situation?


2- Can I do fractals from all different level ranges like questing in the zones, or will I be relegated to only ones from my current characters level range?


3- What kind of experience am I expected to have when I do find a group for one? Should I be looking up guides on reddit/Youtube? Or can I just wing it until I figure it out? (I come from WoW, and for the most part, you can wing the dungeons. They're not that hard. Don't stand in the bad stuff, and swing your sword and you should be fine.)


4- Will I be expected to follow a classes meta build, and that build only, or can I be competitive with my own personal play style? (An example will be my L48 Elementalist that I'm planning on playing again.. Say the meta is a staff air build, but I want to play a fire/earth dagger/dagger build with condi gear for the burn/bleed damage; will that work? Or will I be expected to play a staff air build in order to be taken for the dungeon?)


5- Elite builds. Do they make the class better, or simply different? I currently use the Reaper, Firebrand, and Chronomancer builds on their respective characters. I happen to enjoy them, and I feel they bring a lot to the table. However; if I chose not to use one of the elite builds, will I be over all less effective, or can I still make just as good use of the standard builds as I could if I were to use an elite build? (Again, thinking about my Elementalist. Not sure how I personally feel about the elite builds yet. I might have to just play around with them some more in the pvp training area and get a feel for them.)


6- If I choose to use an elite build is it recommended that I always use the weapon that unlocks with it, or can I get away with using the default weapons? Ie. Could I use the Weaver spec and still use my dagger/dagger, or staff and still be competitive? Or is it generally always recommended to use the sword?


7- At what level would you personally recommend NOT re-rolling? My Elementalist is a Human, but they're relatively boring. I love the Norn race, and most of my characters; save for a few; are Norn. Do you feel that L48 is too high to just ditch and start over? How long would it take me to get that back up? (Again, I have mounts, so getting to locations wouldn't be too difficult) or should I just cut my losses and play a Human?


Well, that's all. Kind of a noob just trying to get back into the game. I've never put a long stretch into the game that was longer than a few months. I've never done group content because I was never introduced to it, and don't actually know how to. I never looked into it, but this time I want to experience it. And I want to be able to play my own way instead of following a cookie cutter build that everyone is expected to play. Wondering how viable that is.


Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this wall of text, and feels generous enough to help me out.

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You are asking too much from the forum.

You are asking someone to research a novel,

edit it.

and report back to you with a freebee answer.


Do you think that is fair?


Maybe you could do a bit more research on your own, and then,

ask very short and distinct questions about specific particulars.


Or, maybe you could book one of the GW2 online gurus who will

hold your hand for $100/hour, and walk you all the way up to Skyscale

for only a half-day of what you make for a living?





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Here you go: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists


You can play what you want. Use whatever build you want. You can create your own LFG https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Looking_For_Group

Deleting characters is often more about how long since they were created (due to Birthday Gifts) than how high their level is. It's easy to level with all the scrolls, etc. we have.


Welcome return and good luck.

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Hi there, I have a little bit of time so I will try and answer as many as i can, it is quite a detailed answer you are asking for so I will try and answer to the best of my knowledge


> 1- Fractals.. What are they and how do I do them? lol. I've never once done a dungeon in this game. I've never had to, and I was never properly introduced to them through either the game play or guildies/other players. Is there a looking for group system in the game, or is it a stand in a city and shout until you can find a group kind of situation?



Fractals are pretty much the 'dungeon' content of this game , although there are dungeons in the game , fractals have been designed to be the 'end game' dungeons

There are 4 difficulty Tiers to fractals T1 being the easiest and T4 being the hardest with challenge motes to make it more spicy

T1 is fractal level 1-25

T2 25-50

T3 50-75

T4 75-100


From late T1 levels, you will require to have agony resistance which is a automatic debuff inside fractals where if you do not have enough AR on your character you will die, no way around it. Agony infusions are awarded after completing fractals, usually multiple +1 agony resistance infusions. You will need to stack em up and exchange a whole lot of +1's into a +9 later on via the vendor inside fractals.


You can find groups looking for people in the LFG window [Y] and look under fractals of the mists tab you will find groups looking for people in each tier division.



> 2- Can I do fractals from all different level ranges like questing in the zones, or will I be relegated to only ones from my current characters level range?



Fractals is Lvl 80 content


> 3- What kind of experience am I expected to have when I do find a group for one? Should I be looking up guides on reddit/Youtube? Or can I just wing it until I figure it out? (I come from WoW, and for the most part, you can wing the dungeons. They're not that hard. Don't stand in the bad stuff, and swing your sword and you should be fine.)



If and when you start on Tier 1, the difficulty is usually very low and definitely doable by players who have never done them before. Maybe even mention that you are a new player to the fractals before starting and im sure the group will happily explain or play with you as you go.

Each map has unique mechanics of bosses and environmental? mechanics

But pretty much avoid AOE, Do damage, and don't die and res if any one is down.

As you play along the Tier 1's and do some dailies on a regular basis you will crack down all the mechanics in time , most are pretty straight forward once you know what to do


> 4- Will I be expected to follow a classes meta build, and that build only, or can I be competitive with my own personal play style? (An example will be my L48 Elementalist that I'm planning on playing again.. Say the meta is a staff air build, but I want to play a fire/earth dagger/dagger build with condi gear for the burn/bleed damage; will that work? Or will I be expected to play a staff air build in order to be taken for the dungeon?)



Meta builds are only really considered a must from T4 or T4 Challenge mode, I used my own build up to Tier 3 and followed a meta build from T4 but even in Tier 4 if you play well and do decent damage no one will bat an eye.

You will get to know instabilities as you progress fractals. Instabilities are pretty much obstacles/debuffs for your self and sometimes buff the enemies.

These instabilities appear from Tier 2 on . T2 will have 1 , T3 has 2 and T4 will have 3

sometimes it will require you to adjust you build to suit the instabilities such as - 'no pain no gain' which causes enemies to gain boons when they are struck so usually players will take boon strip to counter it.


> 5- Elite builds. Do they make the class better, or simply different? I currently use the Reaper, Firebrand, and Chronomancer builds on their respective characters. I happen to enjoy them, and I feel they bring a lot to the table. However; if I chose not to use one of the elite builds, will I be over all less effective, or can I still make just as good use of the standard builds as I could if I were to use an elite build? (Again, thinking about my Elementalist. Not sure how I personally feel about the elite builds yet. I might have to just play around with them some more in the pvp training area and get a feel for them.)



Really depends on what elite spec but yes usually the elite specs are preferred/used over the core classes as they have access to better suited skills or better dps skills than the core skills. But again Core classes are still plenty used and viable, and as long as you again play well (mechanics, not downing) and do decent damage no one will really mind


> 6- If I choose to use an elite build is it recommended that I always use the weapon that unlocks with it, or can I get away with using the default weapons? Ie. Could I use the Weaver spec and still use my dagger/dagger, or staff and still be competitive? Or is it generally always recommended to use the sword?



Depends, some builds are catered to use the elite spec unlocked weapon but alot of the time it is not. Really depends on your build you use.

Recommend having a look at metabattle.com to see what builds are used and how they are effective in situations


> 7- At what level would you personally recommend NOT re-rolling? My Elementalist is a Human, but they're relatively boring. I love the Norn race, and most of my characters; save for a few; are Norn. Do you feel that L48 is too high to just ditch and start over? How long would it take me to get that back up? (Again, I have mounts, so getting to locations wouldn't be too difficult) or should I just cut my losses and play a Human?


Definitely a question just for your self to answer. If you do not enjoy the ele in human then re-roll , if you find that the leveling up to 48 was too grindy and dont want to do it again then stay..


> Well, that's all. Kind of a noob just trying to get back into the game. I've never put a long stretch into the game that was longer than a few months. I've never done group content because I was never introduced to it, and don't actually know how to. I never looked into it, but this time I want to experience it. And I want to be able to play my own way instead of following a cookie cutter build that everyone is expected to play. Wondering how viable that is.


> Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this wall of text, and feels generous enough to help me out.


You can definitely start with your own build and change it up a bit to suit as you play along and feel what is more advantageous to the group.

Good luck and have fun (welcome back !)

If you are having trouble in game or need help dont hesitate to add me in game and I can lead a beginner friendly T1 group as I do from time to time when I have nothing to do :)

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1 They are bite sized dungeons like 1-2/3rds of a dungeon path.

2 They are 80 content, your agony resistance you get inside fractals that you can combine with artificer to then slot into ascended gear determens what level you can do.

3 depends on what the lfg says if its all welcome anyone can just join, if its very specific your expected to know your stuffs.

4 see answer 3, altho you as a elementalist are not supposed to use only air or fire/earth your supposed to dance bettwen all 4 elements depending on whats needed.

5 If you played elites as you say you have then you should be able to answer this one yourself.

6 all depends there is a reason you see alot of deadeyes (rifle elite) with dubble daggers mate.

7 If you dont like it reroll but if you like getting birthday gifts buy a new slot and keep that one as a mule is what I advice. ( with login rewards giving level up tomes and birthdays giving lvl 20,30,40,50,60 scrolls depending on witch year its from shouldent take you long to level up a new character.)

You also get plenty of tomes from spvp and wvw reward tracks. I got around 1k tomes I keep around for emergencys. ( now when I think about it should probabely consume down to 1 stack of 250)



No this is not you doing research, you could have used google to find this information.

As a side note you did get introductions to dungeons in the mail at lvl 30,40,50,60 and 70 when you can start each dungeon but the last as story mode.

Yes there is a lfg press Y second tab LFG and go into the section your intrested in.

No its not automatic as in wow you have to activly search or start your own groups, there is no point in waiting for other to post since noone owns the party so they dont expect you to know anything about said activity.

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> @"t sakacs.7568" said:

> I do not know why some people get upset about people asking questions in a forum that is FOR the game in question. If it were not for people asking questions like this then there would not be many google results in the first place when doing a search.


Wasn't going to say anything but this exactly

No need to scare away a new/returning player wanting to know details about the game that many people don't mind answering..

Then again, there are forum warriors in every forum so don't pay too much mind to it OP

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Thank you to those that took the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it. I know it can be frustrating some times when someone comes in asking all of these questions that should be common knowledge, or should be easy to find an answer to. The thing is though, not everyone knows where to look. If you haven't been playing the game, you might not know of all the resources available as someone who's a veteran of the game.


Again, I really appreciate the posts and the time it took to help me out. I also appreciate those who are here for support against the elitests who feel new comers/returning players shouldn't ask questions.

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I think its fine to ask questions on the forum (that's usually what forums are there for - questions and discussions), but on the other hand it really isn't hard to find answers to most of them with some simple google-searching. Most popular games nowadays have their own wiki, so a google search '[insert game name] wiki' often turns up a database with much of the required knowledge. Or if you enter 'gw2 fractals' one of the first results will probably be the gw2 wiki page explaining the fractals. Just as an example. I kinda get where the first-response-poster is coming from, though I think it can be said in a nicer way. But either way, as long as there are people that are willing to answer and explain any question it's not really a problem.

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Wow some really unhelpful responses in here... Hope I can help OP with some direct answers.


1. Fractals are just dungeons set in a weird pocket dimension. Think of them like looping time bubbles. You can access them through a portal in Lions Arch. Yes, there is an LFG system. Open your friends list (I think it's Y by default?) and look for the LFG tab on the left, then scroll down to the fractals section. You will want to start in tier 1 until you get yourself more agony resistance infusions (from playing fractals). Clarification: the LFG system in gw2 is more like a craigslist ad, not an automated matchmaking system. You can post your ad and wait for people to respond, or you can look at other people's ads and pick one to join.


2. No, fractals are their own thing. They don't have anything to do with low level zones in the open world. You will want to be level 80 to start doing fractals. This is because you will want access to a full set of traits for your build.


3. No one should expect much in tier 1 fractals. Since you are hopefully level 80, you should at least be able to attack enemies and dodge to survive. Read your skill descriptions and learn what they do. Try to have a full set of exotic gear if you can afford it. I recommend berserker's or assassin's stats for power builds. You can try to get vipers for condi, but its much more expensive. The only cheap condi gear is carrion or rabid, which are bad because they sacrifice much needed damage for a minor defense boost. In fractals, you need to learn to dodge and pop defensive skills. Your healer will keep you alive. In tier 1 it doesn't matter as much, which is why you should take the opportunity to learn how to play a glassy build now, rather than later in tier 4.


4. No one cares what build you run until tier 4 when group synergy becomes important. Even then, you can personalize your preferences. I think it's more important to consider general roles than a specific meta build. Your group wants a healer and dps. They will want quickness, might, and alacrity boons to increase dps. Think about that while considering your build. Since you want to play ele, you should focus on pure damage while working in any abilities you personally rely on to survive. Dead players do no dps. In this case you are bringing the damage while the rest of the group covers the boons and healing. If you are thinking of a healer or supportive roll you might want to look at druid, firebrand, or renegade.


5. Unfortunately elite specs are generally power creep. They are just better. That's not to say core builds are bad. If you really git gud, you can run a core build and be perfectly viable. Just not optimal.


6. No, you don't need to use the special unlock weapon. When choosing a weapon you need to consider what purpose to the skills on that weapon serve? For example, if your build is condi dps, pick a weapon that primarily spits out condis. If you are power dps, pick something that has high strike damage. As a (mostly) power spec, Reaper benefits a lot from greatsword, but they can also use dagger and axe for the same reason.


7. Reroll as much as you want. Leveling is extremely easy in this game. And it only gets easier with time. Keep in mind you get birthday presents each year, so maybe don't delete your characters unless you have to.


Some additional advice: check https://metabattle.com/wiki/Fractal for build ideas. No, these builds are not gospel. You don't need to follow them to the letter, but they will give you an idea what direction to go. Remember what I said about dps, heals, and boons. As long as those things are covered by you and your team, nothing else really matters. Also make sure you have enough agony resistance for the fractal level you are doing. It's a steady progression system. Eventually you will need to get ascended gear and lots of infusions, but you can work on it a little bit at a time.

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> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> Hey, to start off, I want to say that I've been playing this game on and off for several years now. I'm not a total noob to this game, but as you'll see, I'm not really even a casual player either. I know the general basics of the game, and understand how the combat mechanics work Ect.. I've decided to take another break from WoW and come back to this game. I've actually been thinking about it for a while now, and with WoW's newest blunder of content, I've decided that this was a good time to make my move.


> I have both expansions, 3 L80's. (two I leveled, one I boosted.) and all the mounts excluding the Warclaw and the AFK helicopter.


> That all being said, I've only ever done solo content. I leveled and played the story strictly through solo play, or very small groups as needed.


> So here are my questions. As a non-noob, but still kind of a noob.


> 1- Fractals.. What are they and how do I do them? lol. I've never once done a dungeon in this game. I've never had to, and I was never properly introduced to them through either the game play or guildies/other players. Is there a looking for group system in the game, or is it a stand in a city and shout until you can find a group kind of situation?



Fractals are Guild Wars 2 version of Mythic+ dungeons. They increase in difficulty, mechanics and health/damage of enemies. They increase in reward with higher tiers. They have dailies associated with them.


> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> 2- Can I do fractals from all different level ranges like questing in the zones, or will I be relegated to only ones from my current characters level range?



Fractals and fractal tiers are primarily broken up via personal fractal level (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists) and agony/agony resistance(https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Agony, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Agony_Resistance, which is required to survive higher level fractals.


> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> 3- What kind of experience am I expected to have when I do find a group for one? Should I be looking up guides on reddit/Youtube? Or can I just wing it until I figure it out? (I come from WoW, and for the most part, you can wing the dungeons. They're not that hard. Don't stand in the bad stuff, and swing your sword and you should be fine.)



Fractals tier 1 (1-25) and tier 2 (26-50) you can easily wing, but do tell you group you are new at them or inexperienced. Most players doing tier 1 fractals are inexperienced.


WoW dungeons are approximately tier 1 level of fractal difficulty. Fractal tier 4 and CMs clock in at around WoW mythic+ dungeon level of 5-8 (on a new release with max mythic+ level of 10-12, not end expansion out geared mythic+ level 20).


> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> 4- Will I be expected to follow a classes meta build, and that build only, or can I be competitive with my own personal play style? (An example will be my L48 Elementalist that I'm planning on playing again.. Say the meta is a staff air build, but I want to play a fire/earth dagger/dagger build with condi gear for the burn/bleed damage; will that work? Or will I be expected to play a staff air build in order to be taken for the dungeon?)



You will be expected to perform the role you are there for. In lower fractals this is less demanding and less structured. In tier4 fractals other players will expect you to perform as to your designated role. If you custom build can perform to acceptable levels, then you can and should run it. Chance are high it will not though if you are new or inexperienced or even just not very knowledgeable about creating builds.


> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> 5- Elite builds. Do they make the class better, or simply different? I currently use the Reaper, Firebrand, and Chronomancer builds on their respective characters. I happen to enjoy them, and I feel they bring a lot to the table. However; if I chose not to use one of the elite builds, will I be over all less effective, or can I still make just as good use of the standard builds as I could if I were to use an elite build? (Again, thinking about my Elementalist. Not sure how I personally feel about the elite builds yet. I might have to just play around with them some more in the pvp training area and get a feel for them.)



Overall elite builds do both: they change how a class sees play and often improve its performance in a specific area. This is no longer universally true, but overall


> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> 6- If I choose to use an elite build is it recommended that I always use the weapon that unlocks with it, or can I get away with using the default weapons? Ie. Could I use the Weaver spec and still use my dagger/dagger, or staff and still be competitive? Or is it generally always recommended to use the sword?



See my comment about what is expected of you in higher fractals. If you have to ask which weapon you are supposed to use, you really should watch/read some guides on your desired class.


> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> 7- At what level would you personally recommend NOT re-rolling? My Elementalist is a Human, but they're relatively boring. I love the Norn race, and most of my characters; save for a few; are Norn. Do you feel that L48 is too high to just ditch and start over? How long would it take me to get that back up? (Again, I have mounts, so getting to locations wouldn't be too difficult) or should I just cut my losses and play a Human?



It takes between less than 1 minute and 36-48 hours to get a character from 1 to 80, depending on how many tomes, scrolls, boosters, crafting, etc you use. Guild Wars 2, unlike WoW, is a lot more account unlock based (up to max level gear being account and not character bound). This comes down to how much are you enjoying the class you are playing currently and how fast do you want to get into level 80 content like fractals or expansion level maps.

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