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The Living Story dialogue audio changes volume or disappears when I move the camera.

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As the title indicates, when I move the camera, the audio dialogue changes dramatically. If I position an NPC directly to my left or right, I can hear the audio as normal but only in the channel that I have them positioned. So, left speaker when they're to my left, right speaker when they're on my right. If I position the NPC dead center, I can't hear the audio at all. If I swing the camera from dead center to the left or right, the audio volume increases by degree, reaching normal volume when I am at 90 degrees. Again, it is only at normal volume in the the speaker that corresponds to the direction I swung the camera.


Additionally, I can't hear my character's dialogue at all, unless I'm next to a wall or some other obstruction. If I am, I can then swing the camera towards the wall or obstruction and often get normal volume. When I am in the open, I can sometimes hear my characters dialogue, but it is very, very faint and saturated with reverb.


This proximity to my character (i.e. camera position) also affects NPCs speaking through the comm link. Mostly, I can't hear the comm link audio at all. But, if I can hear it, it is also very very faint and saturated with reverb. I haven't tried listening to audio coming the comm link next to an obstruction, however. Also, I should note that my skills can be heard and can be heard normally, e.g. "Shake it off!"


I haven't yet had a chance to explore previous missions from earlier Living Story chapters that also involved NPCs speaking outside of cutscenes (e.g. everything subsequent to Path of Fire) but I intend to check that out tomorrow, if I find time. But, I can say that all other audio in the game works fine. Music, sfx, animal sounds, fighting sounds, mount sounds, absolutely everything can be heard at normal volume.


As for in-game solutions that I have tried, I made sure that my audio settings were pointing at my correct audio device and not at my "default device" setting. I also switched between the "default device" setting, my primary audio device, and my two secondary audio devices. Additionally, I doubled checked the language settings, toggling between English and other languages for the text; toggling between English and other settings for the audio; setting the audio to match the text, checking that, confirming that this wasn't a solution, and then switching it back to English. I also tried changing my audio from Highest Quality to Fastest and back again, to no avail.


Outside of the game, I doubled checked my internal digital audio mixer to make sure that all those settings were correct and had not changed. They were and had not. I double checked all of my drivers to make sure they were up-to-date, which they were. I made sure that all my default device settings were correct and pointed to the correct device, which they were. I opened up other games and played them for fifteen minutes to make sure that there were no audio issues with them. I opened up ProTools and fired up a session to make sure that everything was working fine and everything seemed to be hunky-dory.


I'm at my wit's end. This audio issue is definitely intruding on my enjoyment of the game. If you have any possible solutions beyond what I have tried, I would love to hear them. As for my audio interface, I have Focusrite Clarett 4pre USB. My sample rate is 48000, my buffer size is 128, and my clock is internal (locked). These settings match my audio interface. Not certain what else from an audio perspective you might need.



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I have checked and double-checked all my settings both within and without the game and everything seems fine. I also just checked all the Living Story content following Path of Fire and I'm experiencing the same issue. I really don't know exactly what to do from here. Any assistance would be spectacular! Thank you in advance for your time and attention.


I also forgot to mention that I did a full re-install of the game. I did not, however, delete my settings files.

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Yeah, that was it. I had installed the Radeon AMD software for my R9 and R7 video cards and apparently those drivers were conflicting with sound set-up. Uninstalled the software and everything is working hunky-dory. The Radeon AMD software just updated on the 29th, so maybe that was it. But if anyone has this camera volume issue, I highly recommend looking at your drivers. :)

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