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Would it be a good idea a vendor to exchange luck for guild commendations?

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We need a luck sink and i think to be able to exchange exotic luck for a guild commendation would be good as would allow those players with small guilds (like 2-3 people) to be able to buy guild resources from the merchants to advance with the guild hall.


Maybe 5 exotic luck (1000 luck) for one commendation?


What do you think?

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My issue with it would be unlimited guild commendations. If it capped at 5 to 8 a week then Id say yes. The current way to earn them is by actual participation in guild events. Admittedly a lot of that participation is go hunt this one dude or go to this spot and press f if your doing the very very easy ones regardless of tier, but you still have to do something where as with conversion you just have to salvage a blue that you basically got for free. And with even causal playing I can get ALOT of blues.

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If there was a bigger variance in guild missions, if there was some new stuff for guilds, and not just things we've seen for last 5 years, then i'd be against it. As it his however i see no problem whatsoever in introducing alternative ways to obtaining guild commendations. Even if those ways have nothing to do with guild activity - because, let's be honest, all the guild activity that's really still being done in this game are things that do not give commendations anyway.


Although, some weekly limit on commendatons purchase might not be a bad idea. Also, i am not speaking specifically about Luck - perhaps other currency/materials might be better for it.

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