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Poor servers

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ArenaNet used NCSoft servers previously. Again, I'm wondering if it's cheaper to use one's own servers (parent company's) or someone else's (Amazon).

The only reason the Devs gave about changing servers was that the Virginia (Amazon) server was more centrally located to the NA population.

The EU server didn't change geographically (Frankfort to Frankfort).

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The main reason to use a cloud provider like Amazon is you can get scaling for large/popular events. If Anet/NCsoft have to have enough servers around for the busiest time (say peak hours, or during a festival), a lot of the time, they have a bunch of servers sitting around doing nothing, costing money (even if you power them off, you have still invested cost in buying them, datacenter space, etc).

Using a cloud provider, you typically pay for what you use, and you can add more servers as needed. So if suddenly GW2 needs 5 times more servers for some reason, those get spun up on amazon automatically, and when the demand goes away, those servers are spun down (really, rented to someone else). But Anet only pays for services they are using - they let Amazon deal with balancing server demands, etc.

For something with highly varying load, this probably makes a lot of sense. I suspect player count goes up dramatically when a new LS releases, and then goes down as people finish it up. And even during the course of a normal day, there are more players online at different times of day/night.



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