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Minor Silverwaste issues that may be bugs

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There are a couple of issues in the Silverwastes that I think are bugs. There is two rich mithril nodes on the map but when you've mined one then mine the other it just gives the amount of a regular node.


The Itzel Poison Lore Mastery has no effect on the poisonous hazes in the Silverwastes. Since it's produced by the Mordrem vines the mastery should protect the player's character if trained for it.

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For the node issue: there is some info about it in the anomalies section at the bottom of the wiki page for the [silverwastes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Silverwastes)


Concerning the haze: Since the Silverwastes pre-dates the expansion, the map's mechanics were designed with only the core game in mind. The hazes are part of those mechanics, serving as a negative consequence for failing the meta. Unlikely to be changed, and, to be honest, they shouldn't be.

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