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Let's talk quality of life upgrades


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Let’s talk quality of life upgrades.

With the 2nd expansion just about to go live (and many returning and new players joining in), let’s take a look at the state of the game and consider some things which would make the game even more enjoyable:

- **Build Templates**– yeah not going to spend a lot of time on this. I think everyone knows this has to happen sooner than later


- **New player experience** – I’m not a fan of the NPE changes, the main reason being that they offered little in actually improving how players got into the game but locking the personal story behind a level 10 gate. Now I don’t think another revamp is going to solve any of the issues, instead I’d like to see following: a new entry level scenario in addition to the personal story (lore/story wise it could be our main character being initiated into the Pact ranks before joining an order, sort of general recruit style).


Main objective of this scenario would be to familiarize new players with how GW2 works explaining everything from dodging, achievements, group creation and management, personal story markers, events, etc. Basically make it a 15 Minute mini scenario which properly introduces new players to the game.


- **Looking for Group** – this needs a revamp or better yet, a completely new tab at the top. Having the LFG system be this hard to find (and no in game hint that it even exists) does not help new players. Us veterans could also do with some improvements. Keep it simple, keep it clean but make it into a new tab specifically designed for group/squad composition.


- **Achievements**– this needs way better explaining. Achievements have become a primary focus of character/account progression and much of the progress one can make is locked behind achievements with nearly no mention in game. GW2 is very much about setting goals and achievements help do so. This needs to be “in your face not skip able” explained.


- **Dungeons/Fractals** – Dungeons aren’t supported any longer but are the closest players are going to get initial experience wise to other MMOs. Fractals need their very own explanation, especially the agony mechanic and their existence. Many new players are not aware of fractals and/or are to scared to enter them. Even with multiple simplifications to the agony resistance system it still requires outside guides/websites to comprehend and understand. This needs fixing.


- **general lore/guide book** – this ties together some of my earlier points. We need a basic in game guide book. Even better, make it art heavy so it’s nice to look at. You know that 90% of the reason people play GW2 is the cool cover and design art. Put in some basic explanations of how the game is built up, what there is to do, what fractals are, etc.


Those are my primary wishes off the top of my head. How do others feel and what would you wish/think needs adding to make GW2 even better than it is now?


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The qol upgrades I'd most like to see:

* a keyring alongside the wardrobe to take up all those bandit skeleton keys, chack acids, crowbars and whatever that we carry around to open chests and caches on the different maps. I always have those scattered around different characters (well, whoever was on a map that gave out keys really), but never on the character I'm currently playing that stumbles upon a locked chest

* a tonic slot in the wardrobe that takes up all of my (one-use and infinite) transformation tonics

* a lore library, either as a bookshelf in my home instance or as an additional page in the story journal, that takes all those books and notes we find, including those that already have an extra book items to collect them (like the letters from E. in Lake Doric) as well as those that only tick off achievements (Cami's recordings in Ember Bay or Zinn's journals in Draconis Mons), so I can read/listen to the ones I have collected at my leisure

* an overhaul of the crafting interface to allow easier browsing of known recipes. Just having all categories collapsed as default would go a long way to make things less tedious ;)

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My QoL upgrade is:

see really weapons hold in hand in the wardrobe of the hero panel ("H") .. To see how really the weapon is I need to go on the wardrobe of the bank and click on preview. Maybe it's me and I'm missing some button or option, but I tried everything, but still I can only see my stowed weapon permeate my coat.

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> @Priscitia.4235 said:

> I agree with many of the mentioned upgrades here and would like to add my own wish:


> * "Open all" Option for bags, chests and everything thats needs to be opened manually one by one but can be stacked to high amounts. My Mousebutton would be thankfull!


Good point, I did forget that one and especially with unidentified items coming up this might be very useful/required. We'll have to wait and see.


> @Eventine.8024 said:

> My QoL upgrade is:

> see really weapons hold in hand in the wardrobe of the hero panel ("H") .. To see how really the weapon is I need to go on the wardrobe of the bank and click on preview. Maybe it's me and I'm missing some button or option, but I tried everything, but still I can only see my stowed weapon permeate my coat.


That is a downside to the wardrobe system not allowing to wield weapons. It's also not possible to dual wield weapons as far as I recall to see how 2 skins work together. There is some work that could be done here.


> @Rasimir.6239 said:

> The qol upgrades I'd most like to see:

> * a lore library, either as a bookshelf in my home instance or as an additional page in the story journal, that takes all those books and notes we find, including those that already have an extra book items to collect them (like the letters from E. in Lake Doric) as well as those that only tick off achievements (Cami's recordings in Ember Bay or Zinn's journals in Draconis Mons), so I can read/listen to the ones I have collected at my leisure


That would fit perfectly into a lore book as I had described and yes I agree, especially with the newest 5 lore books and all the other lore books from Living World Season 3.


> @Rasimir.6239 said:

> * an overhaul of the crafting interface to allow easier browsing of known recipes. Just having all categories collapsed as default would go a long way to make things less tedious ;)


Crafting in general needs an overhaul design wise. Maybe allow for deactivating some recepies so they don't show up at all until reactivated too.


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