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Need Solo PvE Ranger Help


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Never use Soldiers in open world IMO. You should be running DPS gear. Nature Magic is outstanding for open world and gives you the defense you need.


Dont ever tank for your pet either. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a Rock Gazelle as it covers both tanking and breakbars. The Nature's Vengeance trait allows you to keep protection on it permanently when you want to solo bounties and such. Bonus points for throwing in Rugged Growth from Wilderness Survival.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Darkhydrox.8560 said:

> > OT: I really have to question people who say this game contains the easiest PvE of any MMO they've played because, I play 5 or 6 myself on and off and only half of them are easier than this one.

> Out of curiosity, what would those games be?

I've played most of the top 100 MMORPGs on the mmorpg.com top-list. And as far as I'm concerned, PvE in this one is among the hardest. But that's largely because I have poor reflexes, and this game is heavily focused on dodging.


Probably doesn't help that I prefer to use my own builds. I don't get any sense of accomplishment if I look up the best ones on the net.


Am currently running a condi DD/SB Soulbeast, with focus on traps (and pet iboga). Works quite nicely, I'm low rank in WvW but can beat most players in 1v1. Probably because I'm doing things that they don't expect.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> @Ouija.1684 said:

> I’m just a casual, part-time player who pretty much sticks to solo PvE content. I’ve decided to use my level 80 boost on my ranger. I don’t have access to ascended or crafted gear at the moment. What I really need help with is:


> * Build suggestion with specific trait lines for basic ranger (no hero points yet)

> * Build suggestion with specific trait lines for druid and soulbeast — also, which one is better for solo PvE?

> * Gear & runes

> * Weapons & sigils

> * Best skills for solo PvE survivability


> Thanks in advance for any and all information. It's much appreciated.


My main is a ranger. Assassins head, shoulder, glove. zerker chest, leg, feet scholar runes. Zerker weapons LB/GS, Solider trinkets. I have no issues with survivability. Can solo bounties just fine. Don't run full soldiers you'll get bored fast. You can tank anything but your damage will out put will make you depressed. LB 2 500 max with soliders, LB 2 10k+ with assassins/zerks.

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Since this is in line with the OP's post I wanted to ask if going the route of getting Karma gear is still the best place to start with PoF now out? (Rubicon, correct?)


I'm pretty much in the same boat as the OP with mostly solo PvE play kicking around for funsies. I might eventually find my way into group content but for now I'm having a blast exploring the game.

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> @Jaquelidor.2618 said:

> Since this is in line with the OP's post I wanted to ask if going the route of getting Karma gear is still the best place to start with PoF now out? (Rubicon, correct?)


> I'm pretty much in the same boat as the OP with mostly solo PvE play kicking around for funsies. I might eventually find my way into group content but for now I'm having a blast exploring the game.


If you've got enough karma already, sure, use it on the armor. Karma is not super valuable.


If you don't have enough karma, I wouldn't bother farming it because it will take ages. You can 1) Mix and match various ways of getting the armor, i.e. craft some, buy some off TP, use karma for some, etc. Or 2) Learn a couple dungeon paths and the tokens will give you "free" armor and weapons. Make sure you figure out what stats you want first, as different dungeons offer different stats. The easiest way to berserker armor is to do catherdral of flame once a day or whenever you feel like it, and it's pretty skill-less and VERY quick. And dungeons runs give pretty decent gold and material rewards to boot.

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I've had similar questions and was going to start a thread but did some reading first. Found this thread and it was a great help, so thank you!


I did have a couple more questions though I've been going power so far (LB, GS) and that has been fine. I've been working on gaining HP so have been adventuring in HoT and recently PoF. Also I'm more or less new to the game, I played at launch for a few months, got a couple lvl 80 chars, stopped playing and I've been back around 3 weeks now.


My current playstyle is mostly solo PvE. I like being sufficient enough to try and tackle the tougher mobs by myself. I've also been enjoying the big map/meta events. So it would be nice if I could have abilities to help others/support for those events. (Be that be in one build, or swapping some skills etc.).


So the questions.

1) I want to try a condition build but I'm curious about gear. I'll be going exotic route and know I need condition damage. For condition what are the other dps stat priorities? (I figure I'll also throw some vitality on a few pieces to keep me above 17k health.) I dabbled a bit leveling with condition and found I enjoyed SB/Axe, torch.

2) I'm close to unlocking my first Elite, (though I do have enough to get all but the last elite skill now) . From what I read SB is better for solo/PvE/world events? Would Druid offer me anything solo?

3) Is condition better than power if I don't have access to Viper?

4) I will be running easier Fractals soon, I assume either Power/Condi fine for those but of one Elite is better I'm fine taking a little hit to my dps in open world.

5) Anyone know of a good gearing up at 80 , I'm a bit over whelmed what to work on. I've read of crafting daily locks for mats (I have crafters at 400 now (all crafts from earlier play at launch). Do world events? Living Story? Prioritize finishing HoT or PoF story?

6) Oops forgot this one. I have a decent amount of gold, which Runes should I get. I currently have for Condition (or even Power). I'm currently running ranger and strength/air.


Thanks much for any help /tips you have.


side note. I'm having a blast playing this time around!




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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this post and replies. I am in a very similar situation. I played gw2 5 years ago with a necro rampager gear and got about 80% map completion. I bought the 2 expansions and want to play again. I made a ranger and did the level 80 boost, will probably do an elementalist with the other one.

So now i have the soldiers gear and just unlocked the mount. I am struggling to even remember how the game works as my brain is failing me. I want to just have fun playing the game again. I want to as easily as possible faceroll through pve content and explore the map and do quests and group quests that pop up and whatever.

A lot of you guys are really smart and talented but to me the game is rather overwhelming, difficult, complex and complicated. I know the developers made it so you have to do a lot of complex kiting and avoid and dodging but i want to do as little as possible. i wanna mash buttons, kill stuff and move on the the next quest. just something to pacify me for a while.


so if soldiers is good i can just use a build to play with that, or i have gold and can buy a different set and use a different build.


there were a lot of good responses, some however of course conflict with each other however maybe my parameters of "easy play" may change what build i should use.




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Ranger is a great solo PvE character. However, I don't think it's as brainless as necro. I went with a condi ranger (and then Druid) and it's pretty easy, though condi is of course not as fast at killing normal mobs as power. Axe/torch + shortbow.


If you want a brainless build, necro is of course a top choice. Power revenant is also pretty easy (Shiro + Jalis and sword/sword). Just pop Impossible Odds and spam autoattack. Switch to Jalis and tank like crazy when needed. When you acquire Herald, it becomes a little more complex but you have amazing utility (appreciated when you end up doing group events).


I also think Mesmer is pretty easy. Yes, the class is potentially the most complex in the game, but for solo PvE, you have great survivability due to illusions. A phantasm build is very brainless (just summon 3 phantasms of your choice and they'll do all the killing, especially against champions).

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> @"Shonesto.2510" said:

> Ranger is a great solo PvE character. However, I don't think it's as brainless as necro. I went with a condi ranger (and then Druid) and it's pretty easy, though condi is of course not as fast at killing normal mobs as power. Axe/torch + shortbow.


> If you want a brainless build, necro is of course a top choice. Power revenant is also pretty easy (Shiro + Jalis and sword/sword). Just pop Impossible Odds and spam autoattack. Switch to Jalis and tank like crazy when needed. When you acquire Herald, it becomes a little more complex but you have amazing utility (appreciated when you end up doing group events).


> I also think Mesmer is pretty easy. Yes, the class is potentially the most complex in the game, but for solo PvE, you have great survivability due to illusions. A phantasm build is very brainless (just summon 3 phantasms of your choice and they'll do all the killing, especially against champions).


Ok so my necro has all exhalted rampager gear, but my build is 5 years old, what should i try with it? all the build websites i look at only list stuff for pvp, wvw, raids



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> @"DigitalMan.8592" said:


> Ok so my necro has all exhalted rampager gear, but my build is 5 years old, what should i try with it? all the build websites i look at only list stuff for pvp, wvw, raids


This is a good starting point:


The author favors power builds so if you want to try condi builds (which are arguably stronger in endgame content), you'll have to look elsewhere. If you have rampager gear, power or condi should work OK (but it's not ideal gear). Power reaper or power/condi scourge are all solid choices. The tried-and-true minion master build will work well with whatever setup you have. For more damage but less survivability, ditching the minions for more shouts or condi utility skills (Blood is Power, Epidemic, etc) are very common too.


Power reaper has pretty good damage and is a great tank, but be aware that his healing is lackluster. Mobility is also pretty low. Scourge has more damage and less tankiness (no shroud), but has more support options and breakbar CC skills. Scourge is really excellent for light raids like Palawadan (if you have Living World Season 4) and against large mobs is practically invulnerable due to the Parasitic Contagion trait. No matter which you choose, you can make them tankier by sacrificing DPS and taking along more summons.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ranger is one of my solo PVE alts.

Here's my build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQFATnUqAtCitqAWsActgh8gyL+k4K+QIdf+NAKg1eExB

Full zerker gear. No ascended anything. I don't use either E-specs for it. I don't even swap longbow out on my ranger. Pick brown bear for your second pet in case you need hardy tank. I don't know what solo PVE you guys are playing but ranger with longbow and pet keeps might at 25 stacks and hardly ever gets downed let alone die. In soldier gear it takes eternity to kill large mob spawn area, although I suppose it's a matter of tastes - I prefer clearing speed over durability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say thanks, for the Q&A in this post as it's helped me a lot with my new Ranger.

(Returning off and on casual player for 4 years now, with Necro main and never played Ranger or Warrior)


Having an amazing amount of fun on my Ranger with help from this forum.

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After 4-5 years I came back to GW2 during xmass break, one of my 80 characters (and my favourite one) is Ranger. I' also mainly PvE player and I have to admit, I was lost after returning after such a long break. I still am, but I can recommend condition builds, those are really fun to play.


My starting one was Soulbeast trapper with Short bow and Axe/Torch combo: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAV3fjMqQ7K2tCmrAVLWYEs8kb0962EBqVJNmCwlLAcCqeOF-e

Try to use raptor 1st mastered skill (pull enemies), Entangle, lay the traps and watch them suffer :dizzy:


Now I'm playing with Stances, and I must say it's pretty fun, medium armor is not fit to be in melee range and traps are good when dealing with large groups, not so much when you have to keep your distance. So now I'm trying SB+D/D bleedbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNEQNAV4YnMqA1sgl8CmrAUtgFHBrpBEr6AMBgJXlLv42cjunMlnoC-jBSAABTrEMadCVr+z1K/eZ/BAeAApb+jiLCAA-e

While it's using D/D and that is melee, that weapon set have some evades, so it's more usable for me as medium armor class in melee range. Plus there are sigils and runes that are rather cheap and really good to make this build work (I only have Rampager's exotic gear and no Nightmare runes), simply get condi damage and bleed duration and you are good to go ;)


You can tweak and change anything you want and you can make almost any build viable in open world PvE. Above build for example is far from "meta-perfect", but it's tweaked for my playstyle and it works really nice for me. Next one I will be tring is SB+D/D trapper.


Basically it all comes to one thing, **first comment on this topic**. Don't use 80 boost, learn the class, and you will be able to make any build work and be fun.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Darkhydrox.8560" said:

> OT: I really have to question people who say this game contains the easiest PvE of any MMO they've played because, I play 5 or 6 myself on and off and only half of them are easier than this one.

> @"Zaltys.7649" said:

>I've played most of the top 100 MMORPGs on the mmorpg.com top-list. And as far as I'm concerned, PvE in this one is among the hardest.

Thank you for expressing the counter-opinions.

The comments saying GW2 has the easiest PvE content in all MMOs are inconsistent with everyone saying the OP should not level boost to 80. If GW2's content was so easy, the OP would not need to learn their character from level 1. They could just level boost to level 80 and do fine with the casual content they want to play. Level boosting and not being prepared is a way to get your GW2 character stomped even in casual PvE, I know this myself.


If people want examples of other MMOs with easier casual content, then what about WoW? You can get dropped with a level boosted character in that game and not have the difficulties of a level boosted GW2 character. I am not denigrating WoW, Blizzard just has a different design philosophy of "Easy to learn, Difficult to Master." Even at level cap, the basic mechanics for survival can still be picked up. ArenaNet on the other hand, has always had more complex game mechanics which are best learned by starting from Level 1 as people are recommending. Both are decent ways to make a game, just different.

Another example of an MMO with easier PvE content would be DC Universe Online. And I can't help bring up the old Warhammer Online MMO which managed to have boringly easy yet incredibly tedious content.


Sorry for the sidetrack, OP. I level boosted one of my old characters and you are doing what I should have done, asked for advice. The one thing I can add is make sure to read the wiki on the class really thoroughly even if you already leveled them a bit - you'll want to be familiar with all those new skills and really consider about how they work together. GW2 classes are always have self-syngeries incorporated into their skills and traits which are sometimes not obvious.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @OGDeadHead.8326 said:

> > Yes, PVE in this game is easy, by far the easiest Ive come across in any MMO to date. It's even easier than Guild Wars 1. Anyway, about #1 in my first post, it still applies. If you're fresh to this game, imho, you should learn the basics, and get the feeling for the general flow of encounters. While you can start fresh and boost to 80 right away, I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you've played at least one class from 1 to 80 the classic way. I boosted my thief to 80, and I regret it still. While of course I could go out there just play, I would have been far better off if had played that class from 0, and learnt the strong and the weak sides of the class during the progress. This again matters mostly depending on how much of a quick learner you are - if you snap things up quickly, by all means, boost yourself to max level and be done with it! :)


> Yeah, the PvE in this game is SO poor. Easily the worst PvE experience i have encountered in the dozens of MMOs i have played. The dungeons for example. Cool story in them, poor actual gameplay. The bosses are tedious. The mobs are tedious. Once you have done them. You have very little desire to do them again. Be it for loot or for fun or whatever.


> I would agree if they were a proper new player, this person however doesnt sound like that. Sounds more like that they have played the game before due to the "Casual, part time player" in which case, they should really already know the basics of the game and thats all you need to know. I made my Ranger boosted to level 80 and jumped straight into WvW with a random build i made and having played the game before, especially WvW i know the basics. That is why i focused much on my condi removal. Its needed. I roam. Without it on ANY class i melt lol






My biggest problem as a new player and using the 80 bump was not knowing where anything was.

I didnt know the map at all was my biggest issue.

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