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Holosmith rifle vs sword (pve)


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Thinking in terms of raiding, I predict rifle. Assuming you're not auto attacking with either weapon I don't see S/P bringing more damage than Blunderbuss/Jump Shot in a rotation. That's all Engi weapon is, part of a rotation. We won't be sitting auto attack so the superior sword auto doesn't really factor.


Maybe where cleave or a bit of survival is more important you would bring S/Shield

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Really it depends if Sword auto and/or new utilities are strong enough to escape the kit rotation meta or not. Sword does have a strong setup of being able to leap in with 3 for a quickened auto chain or break out your skills, but currently Sword 2 is very lack-luster unless you have a build that has over 100% Forge charge. Personally I think it should be base 3 blades (for bleeds and projectile hits), keeping the +2 at 50% and +4 at 100%. Considering the shorter bleeds and melee requirement plus weaker base damage and scaling... it still wouldn't be as good as Blunderbuss, but it at least would be competitive.


That said, Sword 2 isn't as strong as other options for an attack rotation that ignores auto-attack. Sword 3 Quickness is nice, but isn't really a DPS move itself. This means that P/P (or Rifle) will remain as the standard weapons for kit rotations.


On builds that forgo kits (or runs just one or two) is where Sword would shine.


Considering that Forge is not quick-swap spam like standard Kits are, it means that you are going to be locked into Forge or your base weapons set for ~5s. Staying in Forge means Physical attacks, or in weapon which means auto-filler... which are lack-luster on everything other than Sword or Hammer. Because of this, and the fact that they have some pretty solid damage on Sword and Forge autos, Holosmith I see as slanting towards Power. However Forge has a great burst of Burn damage with Photon Blitz, Pistol is the only real DPS offhand which is also a burst of burn, Holosmith has traits for applying burns... which is why I go back to Grieving or Viper so you can take advantage of those Burns while laying in your power damage.


There is going to be a lot of DPS tests come PoF. We'll see what they change or not and get a better idea of what works. Luckily open world PvE is easy, so you can run around with whatever you fancy. Sword with the ability to leap in on trash and Quick Cleave them down I see as being extremely effective and have no worries about optimal rotation. Unless they nerf Sword to a wet-noodle, it is going to get used at least there.

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I was thinking about this exact choice as well. I'm leaning towards rifle at the moment, sword skills from the tests felt overall... boring?

I especially agree with sword #2 being very lackluster. It's not just the damage numbers, the skill just feels underwhelming in many ways. I guess they wanted to make it a shotgun blast sort of thing, but it really didn't feel satisfying to hit the projectiles (or the sword swipe for that matter :p). Maybe they can move some damage to the projectiles, and since the projectiles already pierce anyway, make them a fan of laser beams or something for better visual feedback.

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> @Adamantium.3682 said:

> Don't forget the confusion damage buff in pve, and PDV. Not super significant but sword doesn't really have anything... I think pistol wins by default


I think it will depend on how much power damage the sword can put out with added quickness as well. other than that sword can put 3 stacks of bleeding on targets with the 2 skill. But its possible with the added quickness it can increase dps, if your group doesn't already have perma quickness that is.

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