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Is toxicity in Fractals and Raids even worst now ?


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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> Where are all of these entertaining people when I play? Honestly, they sound more like a parody of toxic players than actual players. Never had any pug tell me to go kill myself and I have thousands of LI over multiple accounts and did enough Fractals to finish Fractal God ages ago. Maybe I am just unlucky.


Something tells me most of the stories about toxicity is blown out of proportion to evoke compassion in the reader.

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I wouldn't say its worse, I'd just say it hasn't changed. I think for some, myself included, Strike Missions were seen as the PvE'rs raid instead of an "Elites" raid. Implemented as a stepping stone / training arena for raids, it's aesthetics fit the player wanting to do raids but also avoiding some of it's drawbacks, distraction issues, time commitment, toxicity (hopefully), "normal mode mote" / Dungeon boss level. I had high hopes for Strike Missions, they went in a different direction with it but oh well. It's a bummer they messed up my Story Meta because of strike missions, but it is what it is! So deflated goes my desire for them.


Fractals, I admittedly have done less fractals than dungeons. I think my personal level is 40 or something so not high, still newish and I do not have the maps memorized. I can't say that I have had too much toxicity with fractals. If your good at following along and do a decent amount of dmg Fractal Regulars seem to be on an average decent. For sure you'll still hear the "time is money" and a player or 2 might leave if it's not looking like a "fast" win. But that's in all "end game-ish" content.


Since DPS meters were "allowedish" (could be wrong but I thought I recalled a dev comment on them being okay under certain circumstances somewhere?) I've seen a bit more of the "This group isn't meeting DPS reqs, GL" then player leaves. That's actually the best that could happen in that kind of situation and it's annoying but I usually whisper the player and thank them for not being a XYZ. Because they could have! The last Dragon Bash, while awesome, had quite a few of the DPS metered groups and it sucked continually trying to find a group that wasn't being a XYZ. Over time we did get those achieves done but suffering through the DPS groups just blew!


There's 2 ways players will win in this game.


1 = Skillzez! High DPS, meta Build Template, Geared to the teeth, hit hard hit fast done!


2 = Slow n Steady, I don't care if you, like I was in a raid once, are nicked with a stick as long as you keep trying and stick (no pun ;) ) around to the end.


1 Skill or 2 patients One or the other usually wins out. In my experience anyway.


Good Luck and Enjoy

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