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Is there an early, mid and late game mindset?


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Just wanted to research if there is an unwritten rule of early, mid and late game mindset or strategies.


I did research previously on the win rate for teams reaching 250 first. A team that reaches 250 has a win rate of 88%. I may need to redo this as this rate was back in 2015. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iXf7RxzjOPi3kEnd2_IfCDsUNPh8AlAFgNpgbq4uR0s/edit?usp=sharing


Just curious if there are early, mid and late game mindsets.

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Early game (50 points or earlier) is about forcing as big a loss on the enemy team as possible -- that means denying opponent caps and making your own caps, as well as the deaths of as many enemy opponents as possible. Track them down and murder them. Doing any of these can give you a huge early boost. Zergs are very good at this portion of the game, mobility is so-so.


Mid-game is about maintaining supremacy. This means defending points if you capped them already, or out-rotating the enemy zerg if you lost the points in the early game. Zergs are powerful here, but mobility is important.


End-game (last 100-50 points) is about eking out every last point. If it's a close match (<50 points), that means holding on owned points or contested points even if it means your death. If it's not a close match (>50 points), then holding at least one point. Zergs are weakest here, mobility is the most useful.


In all phases decaps from thieves are useful to your team, problematic if caused by the other team. An excellent thief (or really any very mobile class) can shift the game if the enemy team is unable to compensate for decaps.

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> @itchyeyebrows.1520 said:

> At most times I realize that a match that has round 300 to 400. The losing team can still win by avoiding the main capture and focus on home and far caps. And by avoiding the opposing team and killing them when you're certain of getting the kill.


All of which requires high coordination. Which you are not going to get anywhere close to the amount needed. For the strat to work. It's just Ranked RNG Roulette, where most of the time. Players have they chats closed to any thought of formulating a strategy is out the window.


Other players that severely hungers for the leaderboard. Have figured out how to exploit the RNG MM, to their advantage securing unnature Win/Loss ratios. But in the end this is all ANet's doing. These guys are just using all of the tools, and weapons ANet gives to them. Which is why they continues to do so. More so since ANet is not going to take administrative action against them.

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